Is that too Cruel?

Things at the club are different now that my Mistress holds the title as Most Outstanding Mistress within our BDSM community. I'm thankful and still in awe over my win as the Best Slave. Peter and I thought that only the Mistress would get the royal treatment but to our surprise we get it too. Members that are registered slaves and subs have started coming to us for advice. Lately, we arrive even earlier to the club. Sit in our same booth that now has its personal butler. We still try to arrive at the same time as Josie. That Steven still gets under my skin. It bothers me even more now that he stops by our booth regularly to sit and talk with her. It's enough to see him sitting on the couch at her condo when Peter and I show up for our daily slave duties. I hate him watching us as we perform for our Mistress. He laughs sometimes at the games that she likes to play with us most days. To be truthful, I think she got the game ideas from him. She looks to him at different moments during our humiliating running around on our hands and knees as if to ask him if she is doing it correctly.

He's even taken to sleeping over some nights. When Peter and I try to enter her room at night now, he is in there with her, looking at the door as if he was waiting for us. Mistress lets us come in only to have Peter bend over her knee now and spank him with her hand with his face to Steven's who is watching every smack of her hand, Peter's buttocks rise up and down with each blow, his hardness dripping a little, but before he can reach his peak she stops and lets Steven bound him to a slave post that is now in her room for the rest of the night. I am made to stand with my hands clasped behind my neck at the foot of the bed as she punishes him. When he is strapped to the post, I must suckle him until his passion spills out into my waiting mouth. Steven laughing gaily with enjoyment, Mistress walks over pulling me harshly by my hair and into bed with them. I make love to her while he watches. This is how it is when he drops by, how I despise him all the more.

Everyone likes to see them sitting together. Taking pictures left and right and hanging around the booth asking for advice. It's the same for the guy that won Best Trainer, Jeff Meissner, and for Jessie Polagapolis who won Best Sub. She is one of the people that we have gotten to know since being members, she will stop by our booth every now and then with her Mistress to talk to us too. Jessie has a short bob cut, kind of crimson red hair color, olive tone skin, smooth complexion, short, (definitely shorter than Josie), slim build, and she mentioned that she is Greek-American out of Philadelphia. The move here to Park Hills, IL was a big one for her. Leaving behind her friends and family she didn't have anyone here that she knew and felt lost before a co-worker told her about Club Euphoria. Her Mistress is Isabella Maricott, a very gothic and leather-loving woman. She has natural deep black hair and eyebrows, fair skin; she wears red contacts even though her eyes are a naturally blue color making the red pop more.

Even now, they have stopped by our booth. I like this club much better than a BDSM club I know, because from what I hear subs and slaves are leashed as soon as they enter the club. Whereas at Club Euphoria we are not leashed and basically, we are not in our roles until we enter our private rooms seeing as this is a sex club first it makes sense. I do choose, however, to wear my collar at all times while in the club or at my Mistresses' home. It's a beautiful reminder to me of the one I serve. It's probably why I won the Most Devoted Slave award. *Smiles.

"Now that you won the best slave, Matt, you have to win it each year!" Jessie was saying to me. Sitting next to me in her short dark blue satin tube dress with a black lace short shrug jacket over it, she looks very pretty.

"That might be difficult. I was in a pool with some fierce competition this year. Next year will be the same especially when I took the title from Silvia that won it each year." I reminded her of the person that won this award all seven years that the banquet has been held. And would you believe, she is one of the faithful slaves of Steven Anderson. It's crazy I know, but completely true!

"Yes, that's right Jessie. If I don't win it next year, I don't know what I will do!" Silvia chimed in. She is sitting on the other side of Peter eating from the cheese and crackers plate that the butler just set down for us.

Silvia is cute. She is black, with long light brown hair (currently curled in big spirals like Josie's is), a smooth caramel complexion, with big round eyes. I would say she was a dead ringer for Josie if it were not for her large eyes, lighter skin tone, and a barely-there figure. If I didn't know any better, I would think that Steven was trying to pick women that look like Josie. All of his six slaves are women, all of them black just different tones, with long hair to their waist, and slenderly built, some with the same height as her and figure. The way that he always looks at her, tells me that he isn't too satisfied with them.

At the moment he, Josie, and Isabella are sitting on the other side of the booth talking up a storm. Steven is uncomfortably close to Josie with Isabella on the other side of her. He keeps finding ways to touch her! It makes me sick! This is torture. Watching him put his hands all over her. I bite down on my lower lip hard. I don't like him.


"Come in." Josie invited.

"Miss Thompson, Mr. Hyun, Mr. Yoon, I'm sorry to intrude." Mr. Stiles apologizes as he enters the room with a medium height, thin, frail-looking man following behind him.

"It's alright, we haven't started yet." She reassured him.

"Good, this is Mr. Copper. Mr. Copper this is Miss Josephine Thompson, our Head Mistress here." Mr. Stiles introduced him, "These are Mr. Yoon and Mr. Hyun. Mr. Hyun is our Top Slave and Mr. Yoon is our Most Disciplined."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Peter greeted.

"Hello, nice to meet all of you." Mr. Copper returns the greeting with a husky voice that you wouldn't expect to come from someone as frail as him.

"I was hoping that as our Head Mistress you wouldn't mind breaking Mr. Copper in. He is very interested in becoming part of our little BDSM community that we have developed here. He has an enormous fetish for high heels. Here is his file, if you want to review it. I will send him to Mr. Meissner once he is properly broken in by the three of you." Smiling gaily Mr. Stiles walks out closing the door behind him.

The three of us look at each other than at Mr. Copper. He has a fair complexion bordering the pale side, short chestnut brown hair that's styled as if he just teleported out of the late 50s, and a sharp navy-blue polyester suit. Honestly, he looks like he works at a bank or something, definitely looks like a man with a bizarre heel fetish!

Looking at Mr. Copper, Josie says, "So you have a heel fetish. I see that you also like to be spanked and restrained."

"Yes…well…um…" He stuttered shyly.

"You don't have to be shy. All of us have our quarks and this IS a sex club. Bare ass naked people all around us fucking like there's no tomorrow." Peter told him.

Grinning and chuckling a bit I follow up with, "He's curt, but right. Don't worry, you will start to get used to it."

Still flipping through his file Josie heads to the bathroom with her Louis Vuitton tote bag. I look to Peter without saying a word he approaches Mr. Copper and loosens his tie. Mr. Copper places his hand on his to stop him in his tracks.

"You have to relax Mr. Copper." I communicate to him as I begin to undress.

"I—I can do it myself, thank you." He stuttered taking the tie from Peter's grasp.

"Ok, do it quickly. Once she walks out, we are in our roles." Peter states.

After all of us are completely naked Peter and I go over to the toy table. Peter picks up a gag ball, anal plug, and leather and ankle wrist collars. He heads to the bed area to get out a black latex short turtleneck jacket and the shorts to match. Mistress picks and buys our fun clothes for us and leaves some of them at the club to be washed and then placed back in our room. A major of our outfits are back at her house. Once I finish collecting the toys I want to use from the table I head over to the bed area too to grab the thin cream linen cloth skirt that she brought me as a gift to congratulate me on my win. It's trimmed in gold with my initials embroidered on the front right tip next to the insignia that took us a long time to decide on and the clubs' insignia on the back-left tip. Both symbols are beautifully intricate. The one that we chose is a Japanese lily flower in full-blown wrapped inside of another lily embroidered in gold too. It's the same for the clubs' emblem. It's almost the same as Mr. Stiles' crest; the only difference is that there is a naked woman and man holding the snake between them with a number of men and women wrapped around each other underneath the snake's belly. It reminds me of one of the Ancient Macedonian carvings that I have seen at the Louvre in Paris.

Josie comes out of the bathroom wearing one of her favorite neck corsets that's crystal blue and ribbed with black lacing, made of PVC, a full corset of the same material and color, and a black PVC mini-skirt, no underwear, with ankle-length black leather boots, and black fishnet stockings. She left her hair hanging down in those big spiral curls flowing to her waist.

"Silent One, restrain him with the leather straps, full-body, hands in front." Mistress commands him taking the long singular cow whip and our leashes from the table.

"Do I get a name Mistress?" Mr. Copper asks her before Peter places the gag into his mouth.

"Of course not, only the man or woman that becomes your owner will name you." She tells him as Peter finishes tying him up.

Peter stands up walking over to the Mistress so that she can clasp the leash onto his collar. Handing her the anal plug he gets into position next to Mr. Copper on the floor so that she may put it in.

"Prince, will you do the honors?" Mistress demands coyly with her hand out ready for me to take it from her.

Doing as I am told I take it and insert it easily into Peter. Both of us oiled ourselves as soon as we stripped as we usually do so it slid in nice and easy because Peter makes sure to lube his tight little whole each time we grease up. It still amazes me that no matter how much I penetrate him his hole still tightens back up. I pull his shorts back over his ass and tap it a little before he stands back up.

"Good boys," Mistress says to me preparing to clasp my leash on my collar.

"Thank you, Mistress," I respond as she smooth's my hair that I tied in a white ribbon.

"Silent One, doggy pose, Prince standing beauty pose." Mistress instructions us.

Once we have taken our positions, she pushes Mr. Copper with her heeled foot face forward onto the floor. She raises the whip above her head and lets it come cracking down hard and fast over his back, the tight leather bounding him not bunging at all. Another crack of the whip hits him violently making a sound as it touches his flesh. I hear a terrible cooing sound coming from him. Peter smiles and laughs quietly hearing the sound too. Mistress lifts up the whip again then suddenly looking at Peter she stops midway.

"Is something funny? Quiet!" She shouts at Peter with a hard tone in her voice.

He lowers his eyes and stops laughing immediately. With the whip still in her hands and her left heel on his back, she moves her it slowly to the crack between his paste white cheeks, and without warning, she shoves the edge of her heel into him brutally. His chortled screams pushing their way out of the ball gag. I tremble from the arousal that is rising up inside of me as a light slow stream of blood pours from his tight ass hole. Mistress with great speed and attention starts to move her heel in and out of him viciously grinning evilly as he continues to scream. The joy she is getting from this cruel sodomy and the pleasure that I am feeling from it is making the atmosphere in here extremely heated. The look in Peter's eyes is one of horror that is progressively turning into a look of excitement. Licking my lips, I watch as the blood lightens, even more, coming to a complete stop as the heel gets deeper inside of him pushing in and out. The gushing sound that it is making is increasing and to my surprise, he is getting an erection. The head of his dick slowly peeking out from between his thighs, his hands flat in front of him tied together linked to his waist with his chin planted to the floor. He opens his eyes and looks at Peter who is posed directly in front of him only ten feet from him.

Placing her hands on her hips Mistress continues the cruel punishing of his no longer virgin ass with a satisfied look on her face as the creamy whiteness spurts from his hard tip. Removing the heel just as face as it was inserted, she pushes him very harshly with it making him fall over onto his right side. Rolling the whip up she walks over to the table to place it back down and picks up the flogger. Our leashes are extended, so we don't move from our places. Tapping her hand with it she turns around and yanks on Peter's leash.

"Silent One, collect him and tie him down to the table."

Doing as he is told, Peter goes over to him, lifts him up by his bound wrists, and drags him to the sex table.

"Prince," She calls to me pulling on the leash a bit, "strap his ankles to the table legs."

"Yes, Mistress."

Moving steadily, I tie down his ankles while Peter wraps two excess leather straps from the toy table around Mr. Copper's wrist snug and secure. After double-checking to make sure that they are indeed secured to the table we move away and back into our poses.

"Both of you, sit on your knees, palms up, facing forward at the side of the table to my right." She orders us, changing our poses to sitting on our knees with our legs slightly open. Mistress pulls on Peter's leash bringing him next to me as we face the side of the table.

Mistress glides the flogger along the side of the table as she walks around it until she is directly behind Mr. Copper. Brushing it gently on the side of his right butt cheek she taps him teasingly with it. Then in one swift movement, it is over her head and smacking his ass savagely. Again, and again the flogger comes down on him growing more brutal and inhuman with each blow. The chortled screams turning into silent moans and groans as his erection lifts up again. After, what I count to be the fifth blow, semen leaks from him yet again!

I hear Peter struggle to keep his quiet giggle down. This guy is a little fast on the trigger.

Mistress smiles and giggles trying her best not to and placing her right forearm holding the flogger up to her mouth but failing miserably to hold it back. I just look at the cum on the floor and then at him feeling bad and wanting to shake my head. He lies his head flat down on the right side with his face toward the wall. Even though he has already cum she goes back to paddling him with it mercilessly.

She stops after maybe twenty or so hits and places it on the table. Leaving him tied down, she tugs our leashes and drags us to the bed area. Nowadays Peter and I take turns in the sub cage and turns to have sex with the Mistress. She gets creative each time the three of us have sex at her house and here. Peter doesn't complain about my having sex with her as much as he did at the beginning. Many of the positions that we use are kama sutra, tantric. We have taken to using massage balls, metal, and rubber. They are quite enjoyable. It's my turn tonight, and she picks up the metal sliver balls and caresses them enchantingly over my chest and arms while she sits on top of my painfully hard dick. How badly I want to put it inside of her, but she continues to tease me by grabbing one of the black aromatherapy candles by the bedside and pours the hot wax down the middle of my chest all the way to the belly button. How sensual it feels. I never cease to enjoy the harsh teasing.

After a couple of weeks of torture and humiliation, it was time for Mr. Copper to find a Master or Mistress or Dom or Domme. He came out of our room very satisfied each time. Josie took to walking on his back and chest with the pointiest heels that she could find to suspending him in the ropes with a heel anchored beneath him to further sodomize his sore ass hole. Poor bastard, I would say if he didn't begin to enjoy the cruel treatment…Mr. Stiles sat with us afterward and said that he liked the work that we did with him and that because of our rise in status and titles within our small BDSM community more new members like him that are on the kink side will be sent to us first to be soothed in properly. I don't know if you could call what we did soothe, but he is definitely broken in! My Mistress does exceptional work as said in Mr. Stiles' words and I couldn't agree more.

Our next victim to be brought into us is a woman named Stacey. She is a petite little thing with dirty blond straight hair that extends past her shoulders, which she wears in a ponytail. She reminds me of a librarian. So thin and mousy looking, even her wardrobe could use a lot of improvement. Mr. Stiles brings her in on Saturday night, July 20th and she is wearing a short-sleeved cream buttoned-up blouse with a butterfly brooch on the collar that is buttoned all the way up to her neck, a short dark brown pin skirt with brown wedged sandals. Her hands are clasped together in front of her with her fingers fumbling nervously and her head down.

"I don't usually do females…" Mistress says looking her over, she lifts her chin with the handle of her signature leather paddle forcing her to meet her eyes, "…but since Steven is away on a business trip this weekend, I am forced to deal with you."

"Thank—you—f—o—r taking me, Miss Thompson." She stutters uncontrollably.

We haven't actually started our roles just yet, and Josie hasn't even gone to change. Yet, she has already started torturing the poor girl.

"I didn't say that you could speak, and you should only call me 'Mistress'. Do you understand? A simple nod is enough." Josie says starkly. As Stacey nods her head Josie picks her bag back up and walks into the bathroom.

Peter and I had already started undressing as she was talking to Stacey. Now halfway done, Stacey looks at us and slowly begins to undress herself, shaky fingers reaching for the buttons of her blouse. It looks as if she might cry.

Peter walks to the table, as he passes her, she jumps slightly. He doesn't seem to notice as he picks up one of the thick red leather posture collars, a blindfold, and rope cuffs. I walk over to the table after having retrieved my silk skirt cloth from the bed area and placing it on. I pick up the rope leashes and jute rope bundle.

Walking out of the bathroom Mistress approaches Peter looking at the posture collar. She gives him a look of approval. He walks over to the, now fully unclothed, Stacey who is vehemently trying to cover herself with her hands. Peter removes her hands forcefully and places the collar around her neck. She whimpers a little bit, her lips visibly trembling as she tries desperately to cover herself again.

Mistress snaps her fingers and taking the hint I immediately walk over and remove her hands again. Taking the rope cuffs in my hands I quickly cuff them to her wrists and ankles, permanently locking her hands behind her back with her elbows high above her head and her hands pointed downward, I link them to her ankles making sure that her legs are spread far apart. Her body is now bent backward. Peter pulls her to the floor forcing her body to form a U shape.

Taking the leashes from me, Mistress locks them onto all three of our collars. Still with Stacey's file in her hands she looks at her disdainfully. She really doesn't like other women too much, as least not sexually. She told us this a while back.

"You should get used to being naked Miss Stacey." She says peering at her evilly as she looks up from the file. Stacey moans quietly, not lifting her eyes from the floor. "We shouldn't have to bind you in this way each time. Nod if you understand."

Not meeting her eyes, Stacey nods tightly closing her lips together.

"It will displease me very much." Mistress continues, "That collar suits you. It will be yours during your stay with us." Taking her seat at the throne, she closes the file and hands it to Peter so that he can place it on the coffee table.

He gets back into his position. We have been trained by our Mistress to always stand in the beauty pose without being told too nowadays. When she snaps her fingers, we change our positions to that of kneeling on our knees with our palms facing upwards. It doesn't take much now to know exactly what she wants us to do. We are synced.

"Prince, Silent One, suspend her to the ropes."

Doing as we are commanded, I pick her up from the front, Peter from the back and we proceed to carry her over to the rope suspensions. Once we have securely hooked her to the ropes Mistress gets up walk over to the table and picks up a strap on, a dildo, and the pink rubber anal beads. Peter and I look at each other as we stand on either side of Stacey in our poses, then back at the Mistress who is walking over to us now.

Taking the strap on she turns it outward with the penis part of it in front of Stacey's face, then suddenly she forces it into her mouth clasping the back of it close around her head. I hear Stacey groan some. The strap on, mind you, is crisscrossed leather strapped and fits as if to someone's buttocks, so it looks like a leather strapped mask over her head and face with the penis acting as a gag of sorts. Taking the dildo Mistress hands it to Peter. Taking it from her he walks around to the back of Stacey and proceeds to place it in her vagina.

"No, the other hole." Mistress stops him.

Doing as he is ordered he slowly pushes it inside of her. Her body jerks up, and then she starts to whimper and groan violently. It's obvious that she WAS a virgin in that area as little trickles of blood seep out.

"You must relax." I whisper to her.

Mistress hands me the ball chain, I go around as Peter walks back to the side and slowly but surely start to drive them inside of her organ. She is dripping from both holes, as the blood in her anus stops little white drops began to flow replacing the blood. A long stream of white wetness drips from her pink organ. As I come from behind her Mistress reaches under her and pinches her nipples with much force, driving Stacey into a sequence of paroxysm. Pulling back, the Mistress laughs viciously. Then leaving her there she tugs on our leashes. Peter straps me into the sex chair which has a phallus permanently attached to the seat. As he finishes securing the locks, Mistress walking closer places her left red strapped heel on my exposed left thigh, close to my throbbing organ, she pushes down forcing me deeper onto the phallus. I breathe slowly as I sink down further onto the unpleasantly large phallus impaling myself. Clenching my teeth, I tilt my head backward and close my eyes, I feel her hands stroking my beating penis and scrotum gently. I thrust my hips forward lifting my head forward. I open my eyes to look at her. Smiling warmly, she stops and stands back up, looking to Peter she gestures for him to take her place.

Without resistance he does so and as he strokes me. I tilt my head back again leaving my eyes open. I feel his lips caress me and then his tongue begins to lap up and down my shaft generously.

"Aammhmmh…" I moan, realizing that I'm a little loud I clench my teeth again.

"Don't, I want to hear you." Mistress says to me softly. I didn't notice that she had come onto my strapped down arm her face uncommonly close to mine, her hand caressing my neck, feeling my Adam's apple with her fingernails. She starts to kiss my face feverishly, biting my ear. I'm still moaning and grunting as I observe her then I draw my attention to Peter who is taking great care and suckling my penis, his hands still stroking my scrotum madly. I feel the Mistress's right hand over my chest pinching and squeezing my hard nipples making them even more sensitive and sending me into tantalizing spasms. I thrust my hips forward and then up and down working the phallus beneath. I am being tormented from all sides. Before I know what is happening, I reach my peak! Peter takes all of me into his mouth before removing his mouth and licking his lips. My eyes are glossed over, and I am too beside myself to move. I feel the Mistress pull away from me. Opening my eyes halfway I see her, and Peter walk over to the sex table. I see, she intends to leave me here to suffer some more, I think to myself as my organ slowly stands up again. I try but fail to lift myself up from the phallus only to sink down again, sending waves of tremors through my body I become violently erect again.

I watch as Peter is strapped to the table face up getting his erect penis and nipples slapped with her hand and then with the paddle teasing him seductively. Taking the blindfold that he had picked up, she places it around his head then continues to spank him a few more times before mounting him with her back to his face. As she rides him she paddles his thighs until they are red. Unconsciously, I thrust my hips working the phallus more, watching them, feeling the warmth trickle down, I lick my lips and watch them again, loving the way that she hops up and down with her feet planted on the table.


Admittedly, I get great enjoyment out of tormenting little Stacey. I was so upset when Mr. Stiles first brought her to me. But now after the first week, I have come to enjoy her endless whimpering and moaning. If I had not read her file, I would feel bad for her, but I don't. She thrives off humiliation, even though it's not really my thing. However, the more that I do it with her, the more that I enjoy it, tonight I have decided to play a little game with her. I think that it will be very fun. I have already done this a few times at home with Peter and he has gotten quite good at it. It's not just enough to have her running around naked anymore so I think that I will add a little jewelry to make her pop!

"Silent One, the nipple clamps, the gold ones." I instruct him. It doesn't take much for them to know what I want them to do these days. With just one look from me he goes to place the chain linked clamps on her. She grunts silently has they are latched on and tug down on her nipples just a bit thanks to the heavy flower charm that hangs in the middle of the chain link.

"Prince, the golden metal posture collar." Matthew collects the collar in both hands and places it around her neck locking it in the back and handing me the key that was inside of it.

After I had come out of the bathroom earlier, I made Peter place gold metal cuffs around her wrists and ankles along with a golden belly chain that I requested from Mr. Stiles.

"Now Prince link all of the cuffs together and make sure that the nipple clamps are linked to the belly chain and that that is linked to the wrists." Following instructions, he links everything. In this way she is unable to rise to her feet. I have come to like the anal beads in her vagina, so I have Peter place them inside of her as always.

"Silent One, should we see how many metal balls she can get in the bucket." I say to him. He smiles softly walking over to the sex table to gather up the balls and metal bucket that I also requested from Mr. Stiles some time ago for Peter specifically.

Peter hands a few of them to Matthew and they both start to scatter them throughout the floor of the room. Peter moves the coffee table under the sex table as he continues to scatter the remaining balls in his hands. Once Peter has successfully laid them about the floor, he places the handle of the bucket around her neck. I hand him the electrified slave paddle from the table whose handle is shaped like a phallus with tiny bumps all around it. It has a button to allow the user to switch the intensity of the electricity sent to the end of the whip.

"Stacey, you must find all of the balls and picking each one up with your mouth and place them into the bucket around your neck."

After having explained it to her I sit down in the Master's chair and watch as I snap my fingers for Peter to begin whipping her around the room. With hast, she picks up every ball that she can find and place them diligently into the bucket. After fetching just three balls I notice her start to slow her pace. I snap my fingers for Peter to increase the intensity of the whip, and doing as I command, he whips even more furiously with the intensity level now on high. She squeals running around the room picking up any ball that she sees and dropping them into the bucket. So, thrilling to watch as Peter chases her around the room not missing a beat with the whip in his hand. Finally, she has collected all of the balls filling the bucket to the rim, the weight pulling on her neck. Tears are falling from her eyes as she has been whimpering and crying the entire duration of the game, Peter still paddling her, forcing her over to me.

"Sat the bucket down and remove it from your neck without using your hands," I instruct her.

Doing as I said she removes the bucket with difficulty.

"Oh, yes, make sure not to let any balls fall out or the game will start over." I chuckle, taking great delight in her torture.

Whimpering and moaning she moves very slowly to remove it from her neck. Peter and Matthew watch her carefully as she finally succeeds in removing it. But oh, look what happened!

"Oops!" I say as my foot tips the bucket over when I crossed my legs. Smiling devilishly, Peter turns the whip back on and smacks her pitilessly. She quickly grabs the bucket handle with her teeth and works to place it back over her neck. All the while Peter is masterfully whipping her with high-intensity electricity in the whip so that she picks up the pace and starts collecting the balls once more after she gets the handle around her neck.