
"Just one more picture, Baby!"

"No. No more pictures. We've been taking like… ten bajillions. I. Want. Kogi." I say no, but I smile as I walk over to the building and pose, gladly taking another picture.

Sarah, my best friend since the age of seven and my adoptive sister, snaps the picture and then runs up to me, ignoring the line of tourists wanting to take a picture by the sign too. Her bright ginger hair swings in a ponytail, and her pink highlight catches the light. She's the epitome of a sunshine child. Always happy.

"Look, Baby," She smiles.

She holds the phone out to me and shows me how silly I look holding my peace sign and kicking my foot up. My black pants hug tightly to my hips and my yellow crop top hoodie is loose. The gold hoops caught the sunlight with my curly hair up in a topknot.

"Why are we taking a picture with the Star Agency sign?" I ask.

"Because," Sarah says, "It will look good in the scrapbook I make, and we're trying to catch sight of D.O.."

Sarah can't help the smile that lights up her face as she talks about her bias. I just roll my eyes at her and watch as the next group of smiling and squealing girls take a picture near the sign.

"There's no way an Idol from Star Agency will come out those front doors to be bombarded by all these Stans out here," I say, "Now let's go eat. I'm hungry and you promised me Korean beef."

Sarah and I came out to South Korea with another friend to spend time away from all the drama that waited for me at school. The second year of college and all that ack-stabbing was the hardest thing I had ever had to go through, and now I just wanted to relax and eat, and have fun in the Korean sun before I had to go back. So Min, our other friend was spending the day visiting family, so we had the day to roam freely.

"I bet if you could see Kai, you'd want to stay," Sarah laughs, putting her phone in her back pocket.

My heart skips a beat just thinking about him. Kai, my bias, and center of the group EXO. Dimples, muscles, and tall. Everything I liked in a man.

"EXO is not going to magically show up in front of us. This isn't a 'your name' story. Okay, 'your name'? So get your head out of the clouds and let's go hit on some guy who we have a chance with."

"Daebak! You are beautiful."

I turn to look at who was talking from behind me. A man stands in front of us with a black hat, black mask, and sunglasses on. He's wearing baggy clothes, a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt. A tattoo much like the one Kai has. Exact placement and everything.

I look closer but can't see anything around his shades.

"Baby! Baby!" Sarah harshly whispers, "I think it's Kai!"

"Baby?" The man asks. "Your… girlfriend?" He asks in Korean.


"No!" Sarah shouts. "She likes guys. I like guys."

I turn to Sarah and glare at her. She's giving too much information to a sketchy man. Probably someone who comes around and pretends to be an Idol to trick girls. Someone who could probably kidnap an innocent foreign woman.

"If he kidnaps me and tries to traffic, who will come to find me? Your white string bean ass can't Liam Neeson to my rescue," I whisper at Sarah.

"Uh…" The man begins, "My name is Kai."

"Yeah, and I'm Lil' Kim—pre surgery." I roll my eyes.

"I'm Sarah, and she's Baby."

I try to shut her up, but she pushes my hands down and smiles up at the wannabe. She probably only wants to know where D.O. is, but she was trying to get us both killed because there was no way I was going down without a fight.

"Ah, Baby."

Baby just stands there and fake smiles at him. Maybe when he tries to lure them away, they could make a run for it, and it becomes one of those stories they tell their grandkids. "Hey! Nana and Auntie Sarah almost got human trafficked once in South Korean when they were barely 20."

"Um… hangug-eo hal jul aseyo?" Do you speak Korean? He asks.

Sarah looks at me and I look at her. Maybe it wasn't smart to not know Korean when we traveled to visit here, and obviously their K-Drama knowledge didn't help.

"No," I say, in the little bit of Korean I know. "I'm sorry. Mianhamnida"

If he asked if we wanted to go with them, hopefully, he took it as the rejection it was. Hopefully, he wasn't asking them if they wanted one million American dollars.

Another guy walks up to them. He was also wearing a hat and a mask. No sunglasses though, and he was looking a lot like D.O. would.

I roll my eyes while Sarah just squeals.

"Sh! Shh," the two guys say.

Sarah closes her mouth and starts nodding her head rapidly and looking around to make sure no one spots them. Everyone around us is just minding their business and taking pictures as we would probably get kidnapped.

"Hi," he smiles, "How are you guys doing?"

"Sarah and Baby," the Kai guy introduces us.

"Where are you headed?" The other guy asks.

"Dinner," Sarah blurts out.

I just roll my eyes. This is it. This is the day I die because I traveled with my white best friend, who would do what any white person would do during a scary movie: jump headfirst into danger.

"Let's go together. You don't have to worry about speaking Korean, I'm fluent in English."

"He was," I think, "because D.O. was also fluent in English."



Sarah looks at me and I look at her. There was no way that these two men were KPop Idols and wanted to have a dinner date with a random black and white girl.

"Well take separate cars," Sarah says, "and we'll go to a packed restaurant, so that way it's safe."

I just roll my eyes and nod, agreeing. I walk away to get a taxi before anything else happens, dragging Sarah along behind me.

"Just follow us!"