
"Sarah! You have got to be out of your mind!"

"Just live a little, Baby! We're about to have dinner with our bias' from EXO!"

The redhead squeals and I can't help but roll my eyes at her enthusiasm. We were really about to die. And I only had myself to blame for going along with this crazy plan.

"Do you even hear yourself," I say, rubbing my temples. "Think about it. Why would Idols be outside in the front of their agency knowing that millions of fans and sasaengs would be there to jump them? And would Idols really go to eat at a full restaurant? Wouldn't they rent it out or something? So doesn't going to a packed restaurant mean that they're not Idols."

Sarah just looks at me and I can see the wheels turning in her head. I know she's a smart girl, so I know she'll agree with me.

"Okay, Baby. I'll give you that, but… can't we just enjoy eating for free with guys that look like Kai and D.O.? Please? Please, please, please?"

I agree to it just so she can stop with the puppy dog eyes.

"I really hate you," I say, knowing that I love my best friend. "If I die and you don't, I'm going to hunt you. Probably possess you so I can experience some of that white privilege."

Sarah just laughs as they pull up to the restaurant they've been coming to for the past few days. Usually, it's packed, but I just stared as it's empty. No line, no waiting to be seated, no tables packed of people. Nothing.

"They're not closed, are they?" Sarah asks. "It's only seven o'clock."

Sarah jumps out of the car as before I can stop her, and I have to quickly get out as she runs to the window of the place. I hurriedly give the money to the driver and step out just as a black van pulls up behind the leaving taxi.

The door to the van opens up as Sarah makes her way back to me, and the two men step out of it.

"See," Sarah says, "They even have a van like all the stars in the KDramas we love."

"And how do we know that they didn't just rent it?"

The two men come up to us, still wearing their masks and hats. I still don't believe them that they are who they say they are, and now the restaurant we brought them to is deserted. Not a person in sight, and we're alone with our would-be kidnappers.

"We rented out the place," the D.O. impersonator says, "we don't really want a lot of pictures of us on our date. Our manager would kill us."

Sarah squeals again, holding on to my hand and doing this little hop thing. The two men smile at her while I try to pull her back down to Earth.

"Did you hear that Baby?"

"The part where they cleared everyone out so they could kidnap us?" I say out loud. D.O. wannabe laughs at me.

"You literally just said that if they were real Idols, that they wouldn't go to a packed restaurant, that they'd rent it out. And they did! AND it's a date!"

I just roll my eyes. "I'm hungry," I say, "And I don't want to fight on an empty stomach. So I'll let you pay for dinner and then we'll see where we go from there. Okay? jal meo-geul-kke!" I bow and walk away.

The two boys talk to each other in Korean and I just walk towards the restaurant, dragging Sarah along. I try to figure out what the name of my tell-all book will be. "They almost killed me in Korea: The story of how I survived." That sounded about right.

I was pretty sure there was going to be an entire chapter about how Sarah died first.

I walk in the door, dragging Sarah in with me, and a woman rushes up to the front. "Jeo-gi-yo! Excuse me!"

The bell for the door chimes again as the boys walk in behind her and the lady's eyes pop open wide and she smiles. She greets them, says something in Korean, and disappears.

"She said we should wait here while she gets our table ready."

I turn around to look at him as he talks to me but quickly turns back around, my heart trying to beat out of my chest.

I nudge Sarah with my elbow, but she's too busy looking at the menu on the board next to them. I nudge her more painfully.

"Ow!" Sarah says, finally looking at me. "What was that for?"

I just nod my head for her to look back at the boys.

She just looks back at them and squeals again. "I told you they were actually Kai and D.O. from EXO."

I don't need to look back to see it. They had both taken their masks, hats, and sunglasses off. They didn't look like the boys; they were the boys.

I could feel my entire body heat up. Sure, I had a bias in the group and he was the home screen on my phone, but I wasn't boy crazy. No, I felt weird because I spent this entire time bad-mouthing them to their face because I thought they were dangerous men. I was extremely embarrassed.

"You're a smart girl," D.O. says. "If we were trying to kidnap you, I would have given up. You seem like a fighter."

"Pretty," says Kai in Korean, while he looks at Baby.

I can't help but smile. I like compliments. But I shake my head to shake the smile off my face and turn around as the hostess comes back. Kai chuckles, but I ignore him.

She speaks Korean and leads them to the table that she had set up with tons of sides and multiple grills going.

"Why such an enormous table?" Sarah asks.

"We invited some people over," D.O. says.

"More Idols?" Sarah asks.

I just shake my head at her and look at all the sides. I can't wait to dig in, but I don't know if I should wait for their guest to get there. My stomach grumbles as I eye the kimchi. Kai laughs at the sound.

I smile again, being unable to help it.

"Sorry. I'm hungry." I laugh. "I'm not sure if we have to wait for your friends or not."

"No, we can start eating if we want," D.O. says.

"Okay. I'll start!"

D.O. nods and I pick up my chopsticks. D.O. says something to Kai in Korean and then points to me as I pick up some pork and lay it on the grill.

"Nuna," Kai says, grabbing some tongs, "let me do." He smiles as he puts more pork on the grill and scoots my bowl of rice closer to me. He picks up his chopsticks and puts some kimchi in my bowl."

"Thank you," I say in Korean.

Right as I'm about to dig in, some people shout and walk to the table. I look up to see D.O. and Kai greeting the rest of the members of EXO and even more celebrities that I know from Idol Groups or KDramas.

My stomach growls again, and I ignore them for the food in front of me.

"Nuna," Kai says again.

I look up at him and he laughs as I have a mouth full of rice. He drops a piece of pork into my bowl and then he uses his thumb to wipe the rice from a corner of my mouth. He sticks his thumb in his own mouth and eats the bit of stray rice. My heart does a flip and I curse it for being so easily moved by that.

"Ya," comes a voice from near the other end of the table. "Is this your girlfriend, Yeong-i?"

"No," I answer quickly, choking on my food while Kai just laughs.

He puts another piece of pork into my bowl and says, "eat."

I laugh while eating the meat.

He smiles at me and then puts more meat on the grill. He talks to someone on the other side of him and I feel a kick under the table and I look over to see Sarah's million-dollar smile shining at me.

"This. Is. So. Cool!" She says.

I just nod my head and pile some sides into her bowl.

"Don't just stare at them. Eat some food. I plan to drink and we can't do that on an empty stomach," I laugh.

"Agreed! Let's celebrate."

D.O. laughs at us, and Kai looks over. "Do you want anything to drink?" D.O. asks.

"Yes," I smile. "Soju."

He smiles and raises his hand to get the hostess' attention.

Kai looks at me. "Soju?" He uses his hand to gesture to shots.

"Yes," I nod.

"Okay. Party."

"Party," I repeat.

The host brings over bottles of Soju and shot glasses and sets them on each section of the table. Quickly, I pass out the shot glasses between the four of us and pour a generous amount. "Cheers!" Sarah and I say as we clink glasses.

I fill the glasses one more time and say "one shot!"


Quickly the food disappears and slowly the alcohol. I'm not drunk, but It's a marvelous feeling. I know I'm at least halfway there because when inebriated; I become a toucher. Someone very comfortable with a casual touch. But Kai doesn't seem to mind being the target of my affection, as he has his arm wrapped around my shoulder and he hasn't moved my hand from under his shirt, at the small of his back, against his warm skin.

"Do you have schedules tomorrow?" Sarah asks.

Sarah was used to drinking like a fish and could hold her liquor way better than most frat boys I knew. So though she drank as much as we did, she was practically sober.

"No," D.O. says, "We have a free day tomorrow."

"Well, the night is young…" Sarah says. I look at the time on my phone and it's ten o'clock. "Do you want to go to karaoke?"

I lean into Kai a little more and look up at him. He looks down at me and our faces are just mere inches away. "Hi," I say and giggle.

"Hi," he whispers, coming a little closer.

"Yeah, let's go to Karaoke," D.O. says, dragging my attention away from Kai.

I sit up a little straighter but stay in the warmth of Kai's arms. I have this feeling deep in my gut, right behind my belly button, and I know exactly what it means.

It means that I am definitely open to having a one-night stand.

D.O. speaks to Kai in Korean and he just nods along and I look to Sarah who is staring at D.O.'s face looking like a child at Disneyland.

D.O. and Kai get up, and we follow suit. The second my legs are free from the table, Kai grabs my wrist and leads me to the door. He walks past the hostess and yells something back to D.O.. He doesn't stop walking or pulling me until we get outside and to their van. The window rolls down and the man on the inside says something to him, and he just nods.

"My... van," he says. "With me?"

I'm not sure if he's asking me to ride with me, but I don't want to have to pay for a taxi to go to the same place they are. So I say yes.

He looks down at me. I can see his eyes go down to my mouth and back up to my eyes. He leans his back against the van and looks me up and down.

He puts both hands on my waist, and his touch is magical as he caresses the bare skin between my black jeans and my crop hoodie. I hear the bell to the restaurant chime as D.O. and Sarah come out, but I ignore them, only looking at Kai.

He opens the van doors and climbs in, letting go for just a second.

"We're riding with them," I shout back to Sarah as I climb into the van.

I can see him sitting all the way in the back, and it seems he's turned off the car lights back there. I follow him back there and he holds out a hand. I grab it softly, and when I get closer, he puts his other hand behind my leg. With a rough jerk, he pulls my leg over, and then I'm straddling his lap.

I hear the door close and Sarah's and D.O.'s whispers, but I still ignore it as Kai looks at me and a fire burns within. For this, we don't need to know any language but body language.

His hand snakes up to the back of my neck, and he drags me down, looking me in the eyes to see if I object.

I don't.

My lips caress his as he kisses me. His other hand works its way around my waist and onto my ass. I lose myself in his kiss and I run my fingers through his hair and we become a little rougher and more desperate.

"So… karaoke?" Sarah asks.

"Hotel," I say, coming up for air. I look at Kai, who is looking at my lips. His hand moves from my ass to my back under my hoodie.

"Nae… bang?" I ask Kai, "My room?".

"Yes," he breathes.

I turn to Sarah, not fully coming off of his lap and feeling something hard there.

"I want to go to my room."

I turn back around to him before Sarah can even answer and continue our kissing. The world falls away as I drown in his touch.