Vampires, huh?

Lauren opened her eyes to an all white room. The beeping sound stopped, and moments later, a young boy floated in front of her. He began explaining some things: "In MRA (The Mystical Realm of Ateal), there are three types of classes: Melee, support, and mage. Each class type specializes in a specific area, for example, mage classes specialize in casting spells using mana. Support type classes will heal or buff, sometimes debuff, etc.

There is only one starting race, humans. However, you may acquire the chance to complete a race change quest. Some races have different requirements. For example, to become a vampire, you must have vampiric blood in your bloodstream. If you have already completed a race change, you must then experience death."

Lauren muttered to herself and smirked "Vampires, huh? This will be interesting."

A screen popped up in front of Lauren, the list of class types appeared before her. She was about to look at the 'magic' section when she heard a loud "DING".

"Vampire blood detected, specific class options available". The little boy was startled and stared at her with a shocked expression on his face.

Lauren smirked "About time. What info can you give me about vampires?"

The boy took a moment to answer. "Vampires are granted specific magic, regardless of class. This magic is known as 'blood magic'. Every vampire knows how to use it instinctively. Most of them reside in the Eclipse Realm, and the ones that don't, remain hidden. MRA vampires aren't immediately killed in sunlight, neither are they allergic to garlic. Silver will harm them, while a wooden stake to the heart will immediately kill them."

Lauren muttered to herself. "I see."

Looking at the vampiric class options, there weren't very many options. They were all pretty basic. Vampiric Swordsman, Blood mage and Dark Priest were some of the options. At the bottom of the list, there was one that stuck out to her, Noble Vampire.

Noble Vampire: Only a pure blooded vampire may choose this class option

•High Agility

•Decent Strength

•High Mana

•Low Defense

•50% Weakness to the divine element

•25% Fire resistance

•Blood Magic

•Weapons: Swords, Scythes and Bows.

Reading over the list, Lauren looked at the boy and asked "Why only these weapons?"

"Some class skills may require certain weapons to be compatible, they are the recommended weapons."

"Alright, but why aren't there any sneak type classes?"

"Vampires are a Noble race, with many years of history. MRA vampires prefer a direct approach, as opposed to a sneaky one. They will typically tackle problems head on, as opposed to doing things in the shadows."

"I see, and what about magic? What are the magic types? What information can you give me about that?"

The boy looked startled when she asked that. He waited for a moment before explaining. "Your body's condition has an effect on your character's stats. For example, if you have higher stamina in the real world, you'll have a higher stamina here. Mana itself, is new. Your intelligence stat determines how much Mana is used per spell, as well as how strong your spells are. Upon level up, you gain 3 stat points to place where you want. Some classes may offer more if they are more rare. At level 25, You will be able to experience a class up, where you'll be upgraded to the next rank, Rank 1. Each class up is different, depending on what you're changing into. Magic is divided into three areas. Elemental, Spirit, and Soul. I am only allowed to explain elemental, and soul, as spirit magic is currently unattainable. Elemental magic is divided into different elements, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Shadow and Light. Light magic is not divine magic."

Lauren looked at the boy with a confused look, but he continued like he was reading from a book. "Soul magic is based on your race. For example, Vampires can use blood magic, and Elves can use fairy magic. Each race has their own soul magic. Each one is race specific, and each race instinctively knows how to utilize it. Depending on the level of completion for the race change quest, some players will be able to use their soul magic at a higher degree. Before you finish your character, you will be allowed to choose an element to specialize in, regardless of race."

Lauren nodded "Aye, this is very complex, yet very simple. Alright, I've made my choice." She immediately chose Noble Vampire. The small screen flickered before new choices became available. It read: "Elemental Magic options compatible with Noble vampire(class): Shadow, Water, Air."

Lauren thought for a bit "What magic do I want...Shadow? Yeah, I think I'll pick shadow." After choosing, the screen changed once again, asking her to pick a starting weapon. There were many options, ranging from bows, to swords, axes, polearms, knives and more. Lauren always thought scythes were cool, so she decided to choose a scythe.

"Please create a name for your character."

She thought for a moment before deciding on a name. she named herself "Silver"

"That name is already taken. Please choose again"

Lauren cursed to herself. "Silver Moon", She said. She was immediately wrapped in a bright light and transported to a random starting area.