Keep Calm

After waiting to recover, Silver began walking further down the path. 'Only a poor quality wolf pelt, huh. Disappointing.' The only thing she acquired from killing the wolf scout was a poor quality pelt and 10XP. It was barely worth the effort.


Silver entered the cavern and immediately saw 3 Demonic Wolf Guards. All of them immediately spotted her and she smiled while drawing her scythe. This was what she wanted. A blood boiling, adrenaline pumping fast paced battle. She dashed at the nearest wolf while forming shadows over the other two's eyes. She wasn't going to fight them all head on. She is a battle junkie, but she isn't stupid. The wolf charged in response to her dash. The wolf jumped, intending to pounce on her. She rolled under it and slashed downwards, opening a deep laceration across it's underbelly. The wolf wasn't able to stick the landing, and slammed into the stone floor before rolling a couple feet. Without giving it a chance to get up, Silver dashed towards it. The two wolves lunged forward, attempting to bite and claw at her. Making the impossible, possible, Silver avoided their attacks as if she knew where they were before they moved. The wolf was starting to get up when Silver slashed at it's legs. Avoiding the two wolves and slashing at the one lying on the floor pushed her concentration to the max.

Unable to get back up, the wolf died without offering much resistance. Silver laughed maniacally as it perished. Her smile was quite creepy, as her face was splattered with blood. She licked her lips, smearing blood across them.

Turning towards the other wolves, she dispelled the shadow veil, and in a mocking manner, strut towards them. The girl in front of them was abnormal. Watching all of their attacks get dodged effortlessly, while their comrade had no choice but to die had scared the wolves. They slowly backed up before shaking their heads and steeling themselves.

Dashing at the wolves, Silver was like a whirlwind of chaos. Her attack patterns were difficult to predict. There was a certain order to the chaotic frenzy in which she attacked. Ten minutes was all it took for the two remaining wolves to die. The battle itself lasted no more than 15 minutes. Silver was pleased with herself.

*DING* "Rewards for the latest combat encounter: Copper- 30, Demonic wolf pelt (Poor)- 3, Demonic wolf claw- 1."

'Hmm, not too bad of a hall. Time to check my status.

Silver Moon (Lvl 2 Noble Vampire)

XP: 220/300

Race: Pure-Blooded Vampire


Mana: 80/140

SP: 0

Str- 13

Agi- 15(+3)=18

Int- 15

Vit- 10

Def- 10

[Hidden Stats: Charm- 3]

Affinities: Shadow- Beginner (lvl 5) [UPDATED] Blood- Intermediate (lvl 1)

Melee Skills: Fighting Style (Scythe) lvl 9, Maniacal Frenzy (NEW).


Maniacal Frenzy: Increases attack power and speed based on how long the battle has been going on. Once a day, this skill can be activated to frighten all creatures that can see you and greatly increase your power and reaction time for 30 seconds.


Silver smiled and thought to herself 'Nice, my first melee skill. I'll save it in case I need it later. It sounds quite good.'

Silver went back towards the entrance. She planned to explore every path before moving on.


Outside the dungeons entrance, a group of players were trying to enter the barely usable door. The only message they obtained was "Dungeon already in use. Only one party at a time may enter a dungeon. If the dungeon isn't cleared within five hours, it will reopen."

"Tora, we should camp here and see who comes out, we're all exhausted from leveling, plus we'd like to see which party went in first."

"That's a good idea Divine." He turned towards the rest of the group. "Alright everyone, we're camping here, take care not to make too much noise or attract unwanted attention. I'd like for us to enter the dungeon next." Everyone set up their equipment, and two tents were pitched inside the large cavern.


"ARGHHH YOU STUPID DUNGEON! BURN IN HELL!" Silver yelled obscenities at the air while stomping her foot angrily. She had just returned to the entrance. The third path forked at one point. One path lead to the second cavern and the other path lead back to the first cavern. The fourth path didn't curve or even bend, moving as straight as an arrow. It lead to nothing but a massive pile of wolf dung. She stomped off towards the first cavern, where she first fought the demonic wolf guards.