The Mystical Realm of Ateal

Lauren was reading about Ateal, The information seemed to be endless.

Ateal is one of the many realms in MRA. To name a few: Realm of the Fairies, the Eclipse Realm, and the Realm of Chaos and Discord. Different races inhabit different planes. For example, demons reside in the Chaos Realm, whereas Devil's inhabit Hell. Ateal is known as the Mortal Realm by other realm dwelling races.

MRA has a multitude of classes, however, most of the basic classes are just that, basic. While all classes start out similarly, there is an almost infinite number of possible class choices, starting from the first class up at level 25. For example, if one makes a deal with demons or Devils for power, they will be binded to Hell/Chaos, and their next class up will change them into a warlock. Class changes happen at Level 25, Level 50, Level 100 and Level 200, the Last class up is at level 400, with the current max level at 500. In the future, we plan to raise the max level and add more class options past level 500."

Lauren thought to herself.'Interesting. I wonder what class up options I will have.' She continued to read:

The Realm of Ateal has 6 different kingdoms. The Empire of Larun, the Nilheim Commonwealth, the Free States of Alathyr, the Xuhai Dynasty, the Merchant Kingdom of Xiaga, and the Kingdom of Obrik Auss.

The Empire of Larun: A small Empire. Most of their citizens are humans. Their capital is Starhelm, located in the northwest quadrant. Their land is mostly plains, with small forests dotting the landscape. This country is famous for having excellent magic research.

The Nilheim Commonwealth: This country is composed of small mountainous states that have banded together for protection. Their society consists of goat-like men, dwarves, and a few dragon-kin. They are known for their amazing smiths. Their capital is hidden between mountains, and is known as Moroheim.

The Free States of Alathyr: A Kingdom composed of small city states. Each one is technically an independent country, however they will band together to defend one another. Elves are their main population, namely High Elves and Wood Elves. Their territory is heavily wooded, making them easily defendable.

The Xuhai Dynasty: This kingdom is larger than Larun. Most of their population is human, however a race of scorpion-like humanoids have migrated here due to their famously rough desert climate. The Dynasty is famous for producing warriors above everything else, and their culture reflects that. Strength alone is respected here. Their capital resides in the desert, and is called Iwatoro.

The Merchant Kingdom of Xiaga: Although very small, this country is famously rich. Whoever has the most money in this kingdom, is the ruler. They control most of the market prices, and border the Channel of Duality. Most of their population has migrated here, with the only natives being the Aquatic Elves. As such, their population is very diverse, boasting many different races. Their capital is a magnificent port city named Auran.

The Kingdom of Obrik Auss: Bordering the Nilheim Commonwealth, this kingdom is run by a lich. All of the residents here are sentient undead. Despite being very monster-like, the Kingdom has good relations with Larun. The King cares for his people, and will trade just about anything for magical information of any kind. Their capital is known as Necropolis. They have an academy here that teaches different magic types."

[Click here to see the map.]

Lauren scrolled past all of the specific information, she was looking for a broader, more generalized description. She read: "MRA is a magnificent fantasy game with it's own Time dilation. Three hours here, is one hour in reality. This allows everyone to have more time to play, and explore. Overall, MRA is a fantasy experience I think everyone would enjoy."

After reading, Lauren sighed and began grumbling "Ugh, no information about vampires or werewolves. Maybe I should focus on reaching the capital so I can visit the library. Hopefully, they'll have more information there. I am curious to know what happened... Eh, Screw it, I'll log back in and see what's been going on lately."


Lauren Laid down on the bed after putting the Neuro Link on her head, she smiled as her consciousness faded.