
Silver opened her eyes. She was standing exactly where she logged out, just outside of the Element's Hall. She needed to know where the nearest city was, so she thought she should ask Ahra.

The Element's Hall wasn't as busy as usual. Although the number of players didn't increase, many of them had decided to head to a larger area to find a better teacher. Silver walked directly up to Ahra, who seemed to be buried in a mountain of paperwork.

"Ahra, where can I find the nearest city? And do you have an idea for how long it'll take me to get there?"

Ahra looked up at Silver and Smiled. "Ah, Silver. Krelxia is back and she wishes to speak with you. I'm sure she has a better idea and can help you out more. She's in her office."

Silver walked though the Element's Hall, her shadowy appearance easily telling everyone she used the Shadow element. When Silver entered, she saw two obviously rogue players. Krelxia held up her arm and stopped them from asking any questions.

"Ahh, Silver, It's good to see you. I trust you've been training hard?"

Silver nodded slightly "Krelxia, Ahra said you wished to speak with me. I also need to find a larger city, this one doesn't quite have the facilities I need."

The two rogues were stunned by this. Krelxia was always cold to them, she seemingly did nor care about their lives, and yet she was asking this person about their training.

Silver shrugged and sat down in Krelxia's office chair, propping her feet up on the desk. "I am in no rush, continue what you guys were doing."

Krelxia smiled and shook her head at Silver. She looked toward the rogues. "Where were we... Ah, yes. Your mana control is average, at best. You'll need a lot of practice to use it well. Properly chant and you should be fine. As for you. You have too low mana to spend, so I can't teach you very much right now. Get stronger and return here. Now go, my disciple needs some help." Krelxia shooed them towards the door as they left.


"That woman, Krelxia, is crazy powerful, I couldn't even hit her daggers before being repelled. I wonder what level she is." The rogues talked amongst themselves as they left the Elements Hall.


"Who were those clowns? They gave me no sense of danger. Hell, they didn't even give me a sense of worry." Silver asked with a hint of disdain.

Krelxia shook her head. "Unfortunate souls that aren't gifted in magic whatsoever. As for your previous question, Corvat is the closest city, half a day's march due east from here. With the badge I gave you, they'll let you in without any issues. The reason I wanted you here is because something fishy is going on with the monster's recently. I want you to eliminate every monster you find on your way there."

Silver looked seriously towards Krelxia and summoned Haran's note. "Aye, read this. A Former werewolf knight I killed dropped it."

Krelxia took the note as her eyes went wide. "Haran? This is bad, if someone, or something, corrupted him, then we must alert the capital as soon as possible. Silver, you must reach level 15 and enter the capital. I will write you a recommendation letter so you may speak with the Head Shadow wielder of Larun. His name is Tyren. Sadly, I must remain here to guard this village as well as the city of Corvat."

*DING. First Step of World Quest 'Return to Dawn' Discovered.

-Reach Level 15 and Enter the Capital

-Speak with Tyren and inform him of impending danger."

Silver nodded to herself 'I wasn't too sure that sharing the note with Krelxia was a good idea, but it paid off in the end.'

"I will do as you ask, Krelxia. If it is truly as dangerous as you seem to take it, then we have an issue larger than one kingdom and an impending doom we must all fight. Thank you for your time." After receiving the letter of recommendation, Silver left the Elements Hall. She decided it might be a good idea to get some supplies.


After asking around for a bit, Silver was directed to a small shop on the outskirts of the village, the sign outside was barely readable. It read: "Schwifty's Supply Chain-Jestal". Silver entered, and the shop seemed, somehow, even less lively than it was outside. A tiny humanoid stood on the counter. Silver immediately pegged him as a gnome. The Gnome turned around and greeted her.

"Greetings, I'm Lukar. I run this store, although... all of our supply chains are owned by that little bastard Schwifty."

Silver was taken aback. She muttered "Err...right. Look, I just need some light camping supplies and some rations. Oh, a flask, if you have one."

Despite it being a supply store, There wasn't anything inside, just a counter that was taller than the store clerk. Oddly enough, there was a singular chest placed behind the counter. It was barely visible, overshadowed by the counter. Lukar reached into the chest and pulled out everything Silver had asked for. He stopped as he was about to place the flask on the counter and bring up her total.

"Lady....We have a special flask here as well. Created by the one and only, ME! I call it... 'THE FLASK OF NEVERENDING'. It holds an infinite amount of liquid, and can never run dry."

Silver's eyebrow twitched. Wanting nothing more to do with this stupid gnome, she said impatiently. "Sure, whatever. Just put it on the counter and tell me my total."

The gnome giggled happily and pulled the flask out from seemingly nowhere. It radiated a light blue hue. The gnome continued speaking. "Alright...let's see here. Small bedroll: 1 silver, 10 days of rations: 10 Copper, Flask of Neverending: 1 gold. Your total will be one gold, one silver, and ten copper."

Silver had more than enough money. Completing that dungeon solo had granted her 10 gold alone. In total, she currently held 10 Gold, 10 Silver and 115 Copper. 100 copper was 1 silver, and 100 silver was 1 gold. Above that, 50 gold was 1 platinum.

Silver pulled out 1 gold and 110 copper. She placed it down on the counter and stored her items before leaving. She thought to herself as she went towards the village exit. 'Flask of Neverending sounds stupid as hell. I'm just gonna call it the Endless Flask.'