Auction House, A Place to Stay

The auction house was a grand building that stood three stories tall. The color scheme was quite unique among the other buildings. It was red with accents of gold. It was the color of the royal family of Larun.

Upon entering, Silver saw that many players were browsing it's wares. Everyone held a small cube. She walked up to the front desk. A young elf woman was standing behind the counter, her name was "Treph". She greeted Silver happily.

"Greetings, is this your first time in the auction house?"

Silver only nodded in reply.

The young girl smiled and handed Silver a small cube. "Run your mana through it, and it'll acknowledge you as it's owner. You can use the cube anywhere within the city. The cube itself allows you to see and browse any number of things. When you enter a new city, you have to get it updated at their auction house."

Silver nodded. 'Quite the handy item' she thought. She looked at Treph "Thank you for your help."

Silver sat down at one of the many resting areas in the auction house and pulled out her cube. The interface itself was neat and organized. Everything was sorted by item type IE: materials, weapons, armor, medicine, etc. She browsed a bit, looking for anything that might suit her, she didn't find anything, but she was able to estimate a price for what she wanted to sell. She placed three wolf eyes, and three wolf claws, both starting at 20 copper each. She then placed four ruined wolf Pelts, starting at 10 copper each. She was satisfied with this. She left the auction house, heading towards the shopping district.


The shopping district was lively, full of players and NPC's alike. (Although in this world, it was hard to find the difference without knowing beforehand.) She saw a sign that simply read "Blue Mana Inn and Tavern". The Building itself looked clean on the outside, and it didn't seem too busy.

When she entered the Tavern, she saw that it was indeed lively, people were sitting around drinking, talking and having fun. There were small children running around. The atmosphere was very homely, and Silver enjoyed that.

Behind the counter stood a larger woman, her name read: "Talia". When she spoke, her accent was very distinct, replicating a mix of scottish and english. "What can I get for you, young one?"

Silver replied with a warm tone of voice "Just a room, please."

"Oh! That'll be 15 copper per night, or 1 Silver for a week." Talia smiled at the kind hearted young lady and thought to herself 'Too many young ones come in here and act all mighty'.

Silver nodded and placed a gold piece stealthily on the table, trying to avoid prying eyes. Talia smiled and shook her head at that gesture. She handed Silver a room key and 99 silver pieces.

The room itself was very basic, but it still had that homely, warm feel to it. Silver laid down on the bed and checked the time using her menu. She had been playing non-stop for awhile, so she closed her eyes to rest before heading out to do more leveling.


Silver opened her eyes and groggily got up. The timer annoyingly buzzing in her face said that she had slept for about 3 hours. She yawned and looked out the window. The sun had just gone down. Silver thought to herself, 'Night time is always the best.' Silver smiled and went into the Tavern area. It was arguably more lively than it was earlier.

Silver sat at the front counter. She ordered a small snack, goat's haunch and some light wine. She was pleasantly surprised at how good the food actually was. The food wasn't dry nor was it bland. The wine was a smooth red wine, and went down as easy as Merlot does. She smiled and ate happily. Silver was about to leave when she heard the system's notorious "Ding". She opened her menu and grimaced.

*DING. Player's thirst has increased. If humanoid blood is not consumed within two days, stats will drop 50%, and blood magic will become ineffective.*