
Silver had decided to explore the city after her meeting with Tyren. She wasn't sure on what to do now, as she was essentially waiting to hear from Tyren about her next move. Having nothing to do had given her time to explore, and think.

The shopping district was a place where all merchants gathered. The main circle of this district was an open market, where one could find cheap items of varying quality. The road north led into the noble's district. This road was always busy. It was lined with different shops; Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Enchanters, Leatherworkers, Fletchers, and more. You name it, and you could find it in the shopping district.

Silver knew that there was nothing she could find that would be stronger than her current armor, so she didn't bother looking. Instead, she looked for various trinkets, baubles, and knick-knacks she found interesting. She bought a couple of throwing knives. Although she wasn't well versed in them, she knew how to throw them. She wanted something to supplement her current fighting style. She thought she would train herself using them later. Nothing besides the knives caught her eye, until she stumbled upon an NPC who's name read: "???"

He called out to her. "Ahh. Miss, excuse me if I may. I think you'd enjoy this item here." The guy smiled under his hood as he watched Silver walk over.

Silver spoke flatly and curtly. She was completely uninterested. "What is it you wish to sell me then?"

The man grinned. "How about this? Our power, for your soul."

Silver scoffed and snapped her fingers. A small amount of blood floated above her hand. "Devil? or Demon? I am no human, you'll have to find someone else."

The man chuckled. "Of course I know you're no human. I am no devil, nor a disgusting demon. I'm a follower of the Fallen God Azuna. She's looking for...hmm. Let's say.... powerful prospects. We represent a third faction, separate from Devil and Demons. Would you be interested?"

Silver stared at him blankly. She flatly replied. "No. I would like my power to remain my own. Again, you'll have to find someone else." Without further ado, Silver left the man, leaving him stunned. As she left, Silver thought to herself. 'This world is certainly rich with different characters. Devils, Demons and now False gods as a third party. This should become interesting. I wonder what constitutes a false god?'

Silver looked around the shopping district until late afternoon, but she didn't have anymore interesting encounters. She had witnessed a few different factions vying for manpower, but not much besides that. Needless to say, Silver rejected anyone that approached her, or even looked at her.

Silver decided it was time to visit the next area, the Noble's District. The Nobles District was directly north of the shopping district. The road leading north is almost always busy, as the road itself was crowded with shops.

The merchants district was very orderly. The roads were clean and the houses were very well maintained. Most of the citizens weren't traveling around the area. A few servants and the like were tending to gardens or cleaning windows. Each house was more like a small manor, rather than an actual house. All of the larger ones had a sizable yard next to the street. There wasn't much to see here, aside from the Public Library. Different mages and scholars would come here to read about different topics. Although the knowledge one could obtain was great, it was nothing compared to the knowledge safeguarded in the Royal Library. After visiting the library, Silver decided to head back to her inn for the day. She wanted to wait until nighttime to visit the slums. She had a feeling it would be more interesting that way.

When Silver entered her room, she immediately went on guard, drawing her weapon. She felt that someone had been in the room, which should have been impossible. After looking around, the only thing she found was an inconspicuous note lying on her pillow. It read:

"Ah, You have rejected my follower, Silver Moon. Quite rudely, might I add. Well, no matter. I will visit you personally in three day's time.


Silver sighed, quite loudly. 'Well, I guess I'll deal with it when it comes up. No matter really. I'll rest for the day,, and tonight, I'll visit the slums. Hopefully I can find the underground market, and potentially buy some illicit things.' She smirked to herself and sat down.


Silver had just finished eating at the inn. She stood behind the building, and formed her disguise. Her current outfit was was an all black, wispy shadow mask, revealing only her red eyes. A thin black outline covered the rest of her body, including her hair that was tucked into the hood of her cloak. She deemed it better to use the generic shadow magic, as her Crimson shadow was easily recognizable. Once everything was prepared, she dashed off towards the slums.

The slums were to the east of the main circle. The road was nothing but a dirt path, and very few people went this way. The roads were extremely barren. Silver was dashing between buildings, hiding, jumping and rolling like an assassin. Once she was deeper into the slums, she climbed to the top of a church tower, and peered out, attempting to scout the area.

She didn't see very much, a drug deal, a mugging, etc. Only one thing stood out to her, a small building. It looked like a run down auction house, and people were moving in and out constantly. A guard was posted outside, and he was charging people who went in. Silver took off towards it, smiling. She thought excitedly. 'Hopefully I've found the underground market. Otherwise I'm not sure where to look.' Silver arrived at the decrepit building, a lone guard stood outside. His name read: "???". When Silver approached, he held his open palm towards her. "Ten silver to enter the building."

Silver handed him the coins and stepped inside. She didn't say anything, nor look at him. She knew what kind of place this was instantly.