Suffering of the Weak

Silver stood in front of Kora. Her glowing red eyes were full of fury, and her silver hair fluttered about like pixies dancing in a forest. Kora's crumpled visage laid at the foot of a tree, unmoving. Divine was on one knee behind Silver, struggling to stand.

Kora, who was barely able to move, lifted her head and looked toward Silver, who stood motionless. Silver spoke first.

"Get up." Her icy cold voice was beginning to create a whirlwind of snow around her.

Kora did not move, she couldn't move. Whether it was out of fear or unwillingness, she didn't know.

Silver began walking forward slowly. One step at a time. She spoke once more. "Get Up."

Kora struggled with all of her strength to stand, and she slowly began to stand on her feet once more.

Silver stopped moving when Kora stood up. She spoke with a cold voice as ice began spreading around her. "You have killed one of my companions, and yet when you are faced with true and absolute strength, you are weak."

Kora gritted her teeth, as she remembered one of the most painful times of her life.


An 8 year old Kora was locked in her room, watching her sister from the one sided window. Despite coming from a long line of sword masters, Kora could never grasp the essence of swordplay. She wasn't like her sister, who was a known prodigy, nor her brother who could play politics. Kora was an average child, and she received everyone's scorn. The imperfect child, a true black sheep.

Kora watched as her father trained her sister day in and day out. Kora knew that she could never have that relationship. Despite everyone treating her as if she didn't exist, one person was the exception. Her sister, Amara. The same person who trained with their father everyday.

Amara would visit her sister every day she could. Amara knew that she couldn't get caught with her sister, because it would tarnish her reputation, but Amara still loved and cared for Kora. They would have secret tea parties, gossip about the maids, talk about their futures, boys and anything else they wanted. Kora relished this interaction. However, this came to a hault when her Father caught Amara sneaking off to Kora's room.

"Amara! You can't be caught hanging out with Kora. She is weak, and you are strong. Strong people don't hang out with weak people."

Those few sentences were enough for Kora. She began planning her escape.


Tears began to fall from Kora's eyes. Silver stopped moving forward and watched her with unease. Silver's eyes lost their anger, as Kora's grizzled appearance became solemn.

Divine managed to stand, supporting herself on her sword. She wobbled over to Silver, who supported her with an arm. Divine spoke to Kora.

"I never hated you. Our family did. Kora, I always hated myself for not being stronger. I wanted to be strong enough to break the chains that binded you. I wanted you to be free, but you freed yourself..."

Kora's dagger fell from her hand and sank into the ground. Divine Separated from Silver and walked toward Kora.

"Sis. Let's get something to eat. We can chat like old times." She held her hand out.

Silver watched on with a mix of caution and pity, while Divine reached her hand out. Kora seemed unresponsive at first, but she eventually smiled as tears ran down her face. She reached out and grabbed Divine's hand.


Tora had just reappeared in the graveyard of Starhelm. He felt around his pockets for the book the mysterious man gave him. He sighed when he felt it. He said aloud. "I wonder if it would be enough..."


Kora grabbed Divine's hand, and was pulled into a hug. The two embraced and cried tears of happiness together. Silver spoke up awkwardly.

"So...Uh...I am sorry for throwing you into a tree? I was really pissed off.."

Divine and Kora both laughed and said at the same time. "You're a scary person when you're angry." They laughed at the same time after that.

Silver chuckled as well and then spoke. "Let's meet up at Dragon's Roost. I'll call Layla and let Tora know. You can introduce yourself to everyone, assuming you'll stick with our party, of course."

Kora nodded and looked at Divine. "Would that be alright?"

Divine chuckled. "Of course thats fine."

Silver messaged Tora and Layla, and the three of them set off towards Starhelm.


Tora and Layla were now sitting in Dragon's Roost, having recieved Silver's message.

Layla spoke curiously. "So, who is this new potential party member?"

Tora was stunned. "I have no clue. We'll meet them soon though. I don't have the slightest idea. I was actually just killed."

Layla smirked. "I bet Silver slaughtered the person. She's truly terrifying when she's mad."

Tora nodded as a chill ran up his spine. "I would not want to be on the opposite side of her hands."

Silver entered the tavern and sat next to Tora and Layla. "The newest member will be here shortly. Tora, you should probably relax a bit."

While Silver was drinking some Ale, Divine entered with Kora, absolutely stunning Tora. He immediately stood up and pointed a finger at her. "You Killed me."