First Spawn

Silver moved closer to Divine and quickly bit into her neck. As she was drinking her blood, Silver had casually cut her tongue on a fang, and bled into her wound. She kept drinking blood until Divine was nearly unconscious. When she pulled back, Divine's eyes quickly became blood red, and rolled into the back of her head.

~Divine's POV~

After she fell backwards, Everything around her went dark. She couldn't see anything, nor could she move. As if on cue, a swirling red mist appeared. It floated towards her, and eventually enveloped her entirely. Divine could only see red. That was when it started. Her mouth began aching, as two large fangs formed from her teeth. Her hair went from a Luscious golden blond to a dull, dirty blond and her eyes shifted entirely to red. Her skin became more pale, and her hair once again shifted. Her blond hair was now black all over. a starch contrast to her previous colours. Her blood began boiling, and the red mist expanded, and left her alone. She opened her eyes, and gasped for air.

~Silver's POV~

Silver stood there cautiously, watching to make sure she would be alright. First her fangs formed, then her hair changed, and gradually began turning even darker. Her eyes shifted next. Silver had expected all of this. She thought out loud. "Whoever created this game must have been aware of Vampires. Those old Bags at the council could have..." Her eyes widened in horror as she came to the realization that the game she enjoyed playing was created by the council. She was about to curse and swear at the world when Divine suddenly woke up gasping for air.

Silver quickly went into action and bit her wrist, she had more important things to do, lest Divine die an excrutiating death. Silver bled into Divine's mouth as she slowly began calming down.

Once she was settled, Divine looked at Silver before pouncing onto her, and biting into her shoulder. Silver hadn't seen this type of reaction before, so she didn't know how to react. After a moment, Divine backed off. She looked embarrassed.

Silver looked at her cautiously. "Does everything feel proper, Calm and Normal?"

Divine nodded as a smile beamed on her face. "Everything feels fine, Silver. I can't thank you enough."

Silver nodded. "Some things to note about Vampires, you will be notified when you are 'Thirsty', and will experience a reduction of stats and an overall weakness if you don't get any before the timer runs out. Additionally, silver weapons are extremely dangerous, and a wooden stake to the heart will kill you immediately.

Divine nodded solemnly. She swore to herself that she would never compromise their identities.

Silver moved her wrist, as the blood left on her bed formed into a small dagger. She began a small lecture, telling Divine even more basic vampire traits. "Blood Magic is used by Vampires, this will probably be tricky to get used to, so I suggest doing some kind of research. Learning Blood Magic is the key to any strong vampire. Intrinsically, you should have a bit of knowledge on how to activate it."

Divine nodded and looked perplexed. A moment later she spoke. "Sunlight doesn't kill us. What about garlic?"

Silver chuckled slightly before shaking her head. "Garlic just tastes awful to us, it doesn't do any real harm." She paused a minute before continuing. "I believe that's everything you need to know. As a Vampire directly under me, you can drink my blood in place of human blood, but you won't become a stronger vampire by doing so. The choice is ultimately yours. I suggest you go and research or fight monsters to get used to your new strength."

Divine nodded and left the room. Ezra popped up from Silver's hood, and she pet her calmly. We should test what you can do, little one.


Silver stood in front of a large green monster wielding a club, it's name when inspected read: "Ogre Warrior, LVL 20". Behind the Ogre was a wooden gate, with tents set up inside. She had stumbled upon an outpost. The Ogre spoke first. "You Intrude. Die for mother."

It stomped heavily towards her figure. Despite the creature being so heavy, It moved at a relatively quick pace. Silver summoned her Scythe and stomped down, as ice swept around her. The Ogre kept moving forward, unimpeded by the ice, Silver clicked her tongue in annoyance.

It swung it's massive club down at Silver, who rolled to the left, entirely avoiding the club. It's attack had left a crater where she previously was. Her scythe swept out across it's massive leg, leaving a large gash. The Ogre roared with pain, and swept it's club in a horizontal arc towards her. Silver jumped upwards, Doing a continous forward roll while swinging her scythe. The point of the scythe skewered the Ogre's arm, pinning it to the floor. Silver jumped backwards, doing a flip for extra flair. As she landed, she flexed her fingers as numerous ice spikes began repeatedly stabbing into the Ogre's flesh. Like the push and pull of a wave, each push would cause the Ogre to roar in pain, and each pull would draw blood, spraying it everywhere.

It took roughly a full minute before the creature died. Silver sighed as it fell heavily onto the ground. Blood was everywhere, coating the ground, trees, and Silver herself. She muttered to herself. "These things have way too much health." She waved her hand as all the blood on her clothes fell to the ground, creating a puddle. She looked to wooden gate and saw two more creatures leave before closing the gate.

Ezra popped out from her hood, as Silver gave her a small pat. She spoke warmly to her small dragon. "This should be fun. Are you ready?" She smirked as the dragon made a small *CHIRP*. She hardened her gaze at the two creatures moving towards her.

Silver Moon (lvl 15 Noble Vampire)

XP: 50/2,300

Race: Pure Blooded Vampire

HP: 240/240

Mana: 260/260(+10)= 270/270

SP: 0

Str- 26(+6)=32

AGI- 23(+17)=40

INT- 34(+4)=38

VIT- 11(+3)=14

DEF- 11(+3)=14

[Hidden Stats: Charm- 3(+1)=4]

Affinities: Crimson Shadow- Intermediate (lvl 4), Blood- Intermediate (lvl 5), Water- Intermediate (LVL 4).

Spells: Blood Enhancement, Twin Blood Sword

Melee Skills: Fighting Style (Scythe) lvl 24, Maniacal Frenzy, Fighting Style (Twin Blood Swords) lvl 15.