Fallen King

Silver and Layla both smiled as they shook hands. With this, their deal was solidified. Afterwards, the two continued to chat.

Silver was relatively curious about Layla's ideas. "So what kind of guild are you planning on building, and do you have a name picked out?"

Layla thought for a moment. "The guild itself is going to act as a conglomerate of sorts. The original guild will be our PvP Army. Alongside us will be our Alchemist/profession's guild as well as our hunting and gathering guild. Rather than have them all under one guildmaster, they'll each have their own, but still be connected to me in some way. If the guild ever does branch out into the real world's stocks, I won't be making it available to the public."

Silver smiled. "In other words, you're going to act almost like a queen and delegate your duties." She didn't say it as a question, however Layla thought for a moment before answering.

"Not exactly. I'll be in control of all the guilds, but it'll be in an indirect way. The future Guild Master of the Hunters and the Profession guild will be trusted aids and report only to me. The PvP army will act as leverage and/or protection. The idea is that although we're technically all different guilds, we help and support each other. More like a 'Super Guild' if you will."

Silver nodded. Truthfully, most of this was outside her realm of expertise. The idea sounded good, but she wasn't as excellent at business, nor management as she was a brutalizing people. "I see. That does sound plausible. Onto the next question.... What'll be your guild's name?"

Layla hadn't entirely given it a lot of thought. She had a few pretty good ideas. Doomguard, Snowlight, Zero Helix or even Frostblades, to name a few. After giving it quite a bit of thought, she smirked as she looked at Silver. "Moonlight."


Divine thought she was going to die there. It took upwards of an hour before she could stand, and even then she couldn't walk very well. Nearly three hours later, and Divine was finally healed. As she stood up, she thought to herself. 'Damn, it's a good thing I put some of those points into vitality. Who knows how long I would've been here if it weren't for that.'

The next floor was the final floor, and she was curious to see what awaited her. She slowly began mentally recounting the floors, making sure she didn't miss one. 'First floor was the weird hallway with skeletons, Second floor was the same but the skeletons were faster. Third floor was with that stupid mage. Fourth was the magical darkness scythe skeleton. So, yeah this is the final one.'

As she traveled down another bizarre spiraling staircase, she was reminded of her old home's manor. It had a spiral staircase that went up to the second floor, and a balcony that oversaw the first floors entrance. However, in the next moment, she pushed those thoughts aside, as they would do her no good for the coming fight.

*CLICK* Divine jumped backwards when she heard the noise. Alas, she was slightly too late. From the wall on her right, a large pike stabbed towards her. She wasn't able to fully move in time, so it grazed her torso, leaving a non-threatening wound. Still, it did hurt, and as if that wasn't enough, when she jumped, she had landed totally wrong. Divine began to tumble down the stairs. Roughly half-way down the stairs and she had finally hit the wall and stopped.

'I guess I should be counted as lucky. Otherwise I could have broken a bone, or lost my sword, or fallen all the way down the stairs. Still though, I need to rest again.' thus, she did. This rest was much shorter than the previous one. She only had to sit around for about ten minutes before she once again began heading deeper into the temple.


Divine entered into a small throne room. She could see a figure sitting on the throne. It stood up as soon as she began to walk forward. Oddly enough, it began speaking before she could read its name.

"Ah. A visitor. Welcome to the temple of li- Temple of li- temple of li-." The creature's voice was soft at first. However, it became extremely deep and seemed almost demonic as it attempted to repeat itself, but could not say the words.

Divine could see it's name and make out its appearance, now that she was close enough. It's name read: "Fallen King Grim, lvl 25". Half of his face seemed to be that of a skeleton and the other half was some kind of gray skinned humanoid. The grayed out skin didn't look naturally formed. It was unnatural, but Divine couldn't put her finger on why it felt that way. His clothes were a simple black robe and a hood that obscured his hair. The left side of his face (the undead side) had a small blue flame in its eye socket, the other side had a dull, almost dead looking eye.

Divine unsheathed her sword for the first time since she entered the dungeon. A creature with flesh was just what she needed. Grim continued.

"This Temple here was once sacred. Alas, now it is in such a ruinous state." Grim stood up and unsheathed his sword. The blade was a jade green, and the hilt and cross guard was made of a black metal. He pointed it at Divine as two massive skeletal wings unfurled behind him.