
Olivia and Jill walked into their supervisor's office.

"What did you do? "Jill whispered to Olivia.

"How come every time we get into trouble; you blame me for it?"

"Because most of the time, it's your fault," Jill whispered.

"Jill, you're dead. What can Moss do to you?"

"You better hope we don't find out."

The Captain enters the room and shuts the door behind him.

"Yes sir," The two girls rose and saluted.

"At ease, detectives,"

"Captain, I ..." Jill stuttered.

"I'm speaking Agent Willows."

"Right, sorry, sir."

"This concerns the church of New Oxville."

"You mean that cesspool run by the demonic fake preacher? Olivia asked. "I was assigned to find that creep before he took advantage of more helpless girls."

"You slew that demon without proper consent. Pastor Elliot was a lead to a massive trafficking ring from the underworld. Now I must send a snuff team to track down any edge that you didn't burn up."

"He was going to attack me, sir. "Olivia pulled out the dagger she confiscated from Mr. Elliot and placed it on the captain's desk.

"Why should a ninth level enchantress resort to burning an entire church to detain a low-level demon instead of using a simple immobilizing spell?"

"With due respect, sir," Jill interrupted, "Olivia proved time and time again she is fully capable of …"

"I do not recall asking you, Agent Willows."

"My apologies, Captain." Jill hung her head.

"I know about arrangement between you and Detective Cult regarding your revival spells."

"Sir, I can explain. I …."

"It's my fault. "Olivia stated as her began to twitch sporadically. "I've been trying to find the right spell to give Jill life. But nothing worked."

"I know your heart is in the right place, detective. But both of you were told previously that resurrection spells were forbidden."

"But Cap, she needs ...,"

"Liv, stop, "Jill turned away to conceal her sorrow.

"I know how conflicting this is for you." The captain walked around his desk and knelt in front of the two agents.

The Captain rested his hand on Olivia's shoulder.

"I've known you most of your life. You have blossomed into a beautiful, young lady. Please, trust me when I say that this is one path that I am asking you not to pursue."

Olivia fought the tears that crawled from her and landed on her palm.

"As for you, Jillian. Please remember there are worse things than death."

"Yes, sir," Jill sobbed. "Understood."

"Thank you, girls, "Captain Moss rose and folded his arms behind his back. "You two are dismissed."

"Sir, yes sir," The girls stood up to leave. Olivia reached for the door, but Jill floated through it.

"Hey Jill, you didn't let me open the door for you.

"Forget it, Liv. It's not like I'll ever need one to enter a room again."

As Moss turned toward his desk, contemplating the burden he enforced on his subordinates, he noticed the dagger Olivia left behind was twitched, emitting sparks of green electricity. The captain took out his staff and conjured a steel box to contain the possessed weapon.

"It has begun, "

The next day Olivia still walked on eggshells with Jill. The ghostly agent floated through the office instead of walking through it as usual.

Olivia watered Jill's flowers when her friend appeared, carrying another huge stack of papers.

"Here are the reports that need to be finished by next week. "Jill plopped the pile on the desk. She sighed, thinking about the discussion with Captain Moss.

"Jill, please don't be bummed. Moss will come around." Do not chicken out on me. We're so close to…"

It is what it is."


Jill and Olivia felt the disappointment. Jill curled her head into her chest and hugged herself.

"Jill …." Olivia timidly called out to her friend, feeling unable to comfort her physically or emotionally.

"They say when you die, all of your pain disappears," said Jill. "But from personal experience, that's a bunch of bull."

I do not care what Moss says. We will find a way to bring you back."

Jill attempted to grab her tulips only for her hand to phase through the vase.

"I got it, Jill," Olivia said. "Rejuvenate in flores."

Olivia's chant sparked purple flames around the decaying tulips, restoring their vitality.

"Thanks, Liv," Jill said.

"Hey, you've been there for me since Moss took me in. It's the least I can do."

A loud knock at the door startled them.

"Come in," Jill shouted. She wiped the tears away.

A young, Caucasian man with white hair opened the door. The agent wore a navy suit with the L.I.F.E. badge embedded on the left side of his chest. A silver medallion hung around the young man's neck.

"Hey Scott, aren't you supposed to be fighting that demon riot it the Netherlands? "Olivia asked.

"Thing with being a vampire-werewolf hybrid is demons can smell you are coming a mile away," Scott confessed. "H.Q. called me back when the trail leads ended."

"Poor Nollax, not great at getting the drop on demons."

"Keep it up, Cult, and you'll miss out on the concert in Buffalo."

"What concert? Jill asked.

"While I was out on my mission, I confiscated some extra tickets to the Greystones concert tomorrow. Demons left them in plain sight.

"Shouldn't you report that with the captain?"

"Chill Jill," Olivia said. She pressed her finger to her lips. "Let us blow off some steam first.

"Exactly," said Scott. "Let's get some drinks at the Broth."

"Sure. Let us go.

Olivia, Scott, and Jill arrived outside a low stairway, leading to a bolted stone door in the middle of a hidden valley.

"Would you like to do the honors, Cult? "Scott asked.

"Step back, wolf boy."

Olivia walked to the stone barn door, pressed her arms forward with her hands extended through each finger, and chanted.

"Lus enim ad ostium revelare," as her hands expelled a small orange mystical circle in her palms.

Seconds after she chanted, the bolted door changed to a red wooden door. Loud music poured from its cracks and an omega sign appeared in the middle of the door.

"Let's go."

"How repulsive," Jill complained.

"How can a dead girl be disturbed by a little street vermin? "Scott teased.

"Zip it, dog boy."

"Chill, guys," Olivia said. "You know the bartender hates drama,"

"Don't even know why I'm here," Jill pouted. "I'm the only one who can't drink."

"Find a buzzed-out bum to overshadow for a few hours."

"That's rude. I can't steal another person's body for personal gain."

"Look at Jill, the boring ghost," Scott said. "You can't possess anyone you want, but you still act like…."

But before he could finish his insult, Jill entered Scott's body, controlling the vampwolf hybrid.

"Look at me. I am Scott. I'm a scrawny vampwolf who thinks him the best cop in the world." Jill spoke through Scott's body.

She waved his arms in the air and made him look foolish.

"You know he hates it when you do that. right, Jill? "

"I know. That is why Nollax is going to hate this,"

While she possessed his body, Jill forced Scott to slam his head on the metal railings leading down to the red door. His body collapsed.

Jill left Scott's body. She gave him a pounding headache as a souvenir.

"Prude., Ow," Scott said when he regained consciousness. "What the? "

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Jill. She smirked and rolled her eyes.

"Liv, tell me she didn't overshadow me."

"I'm staying out of it, "Olivia answered. She approached the door.

"I took your advice and possessed a bum," Jill commented.

"I'm not a bum." Scott tightened his fist while his eyes glowed dark blue his mouth sprouted four fangs. "Don't that again or I'll…"

But before Scott could finish Jill re-entered his body to simmer him down.

"Can't you two ever play nice? "Olivia asked.

Jill forced Scott to retract his fangs and return his eyes to their hazel color.

"What fun would that be? "Jill said through Scott's body. "Come on, let's party."

The two walked to the Broth. Olivia opened the door. Ready to enjoy their night.

The crowd of roguish folks gathered at the bar.

"Looks like another packed night, "Jill said.

"Easy Mama Jill, we're not on the clock. If you are going to use his body, at least have some fun in it."

An older woman with long blond hair and an eyepatch across her right eye walked up to the bar.

"If it isn't the boys and girls in blue."

"What's up, Max?" The two shared fist-bumped greetings.

"Same old, same old. What have you been up to, witch girl?"

"You know, killing demons, using magic to save the world from Armageddon. The usual."

"Sweet, how about you, ghost girl?"

"Ghost girl? Jill panicked. "I'm Scott,"

"Nice try, Jillian," Max taunted her. "You should know by now Valkyries are a rare, warrior breed of folklore that can fly, live for centuries without aging, and can sense spirits. Even ones that try to possess vampwolf freeloaders like Nollax."

Jill released herself from Scott's body, leaving him clueless to what happened before it.

"What the hell?" Scott asks.

"Rise and shine, wolf boy."

Scott aimed for revenge. Jill floated a few inches away from him.

"Don't push my buttons if you want to be safe,"

"Hey Mom and Dad, stop fighting already," Olivia joked. "We're here to blow off some steam, not to bark at each other. No offense Scott."

"Very funny," Scott replied.

"Chill. Let us cut all the crap we have to deal with and have a good time,"

"Speaking of good times," Maxine said before she pulled out a silver bracelet with a skull on it. "Remember, we all need to wear these? "

"Come on, seriously?" Olivia knew what a pain it was to wear the bracelet.

"You know the rules, Liv. All spellcasters must wear a charm bracelet while in the Broth. Otherwise, my clientele wouldn't be as comfortable doing business with me."

"Fine. "

"Relax, the bracelet only stops you from using spells that would kill or maim someone," Maxine said. "If things get crazy, you can take it off."

"Still sting a bit. "

"That's Valkyrie metal for you. It beats those boy scout uniforms you kids must wear."

"Don't you ever miss it, Max?" Jill asked. "Putting on the badge I mean."

"I left the force for my reasons. I have no regrets in that."

"Don't blame you for leaving, "Scott chimed in, sipping his margarita. "Especially with big bad Moss running things now."

"Watch it." Maxine snapped off a bottle cap in Scott's face. "Take it easy on Syd. He may be a grouch, but his heart is in the right place."

"Funny, you're the only person we know who calls him by his first name."

"She's the only one brave enough to do it," Jill said.

"Sounds like you still have feelings for dear old Captain Moss." Olivia winked.

"Hush up, kid," Maxine answered. "We're just friends. "

"It was easier when you were captain, "Jill complained. She folded her arms. "No disrespect to Captain Moss, but you were more understanding when it came to spirits."

"I know that sound."

Maxine said as she took a sip of vodka from a small glass before placing it on the table. "What happened today?"

"I shouldn't have said anything."

"Then I'll say for you," Olivia chimed in.

"Olivia, stop." Jill shot her a warning look.

"Moss doesn't want me using my magic to try to bring Jill back from the dead."

Minutes after Olivia uttered those words, the background music in the bar stopped. They were evoking the clientele, to adopt a darker demeanor. The conversation between the three agents and the bartender piqued their interest.

"Quiet, Liv." Scott rushed over to Olivia, covering her mouth with his hand. "We can't talk about that type of stuff in a place like this."

But as Olivia removed Scott's hand from her mouth, the three agents noticed the rest of the people at the bar were crawling toward them.

"Hey back off," Maxine yelled.

The group of hooligans ignored the bartender's order and continued to approach Olivia and her friends.

"Oh, hell. All I wanted was a damn drink," Scott said. He stood up and clutched his hands.

His fingers began to sprout black talons from each tip and his teeth transformed to razor-sharp fangs that were intensified by a beast-like glare in his eyes.

"Scott don't," Jill said. "We're off duty. We'll get in trouble for starting a scene.

"Too late for that Jill," Olivia said

Before the rest of the patrons could approach the three agents, an orange flame brushed between them and the horrific hooligans. The blaze quickly dissipated but a gigantic muscular ogre wearing a black and red short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans appeared. It weighed 350 pounds and stood eight feet tall and separated the two parties.

"You okay, Boss?" The giant ogre asks.

"Yeah, we're good. Thanks, Bulk," Maxine replied.

Olivia walked over to Scott and patted him on the back.

"Save it for the job, Nollax," Olivia whispered to her friend. "Max and Bulk can take care of themselves.


Scott retracted his fangs and talons. His eyes returned to their blue shade.

"Thanks for the muscle, Bulk," Jill said. She floated towards him.

"Anything for you, Jill." Bulk blushed.

Bulk nodded to Maxine. She turned toward the back entrance. Bulk stayed to ensure the rest of the clientele did not misbehave.

"Either buy more drinks or mind your own goddamn business." Bulk yelled to the agitated customers. Bulk let out a devastating roar, scaring the rest of the customers back to their pool games. They were less interested in Oliva and her friends.

"You three, outside," Max demanded before she left the bar.

"What did you get us into now?" Scott said while the three agents followed Max through the back entrance.

"Shut up," Olivia replied. She elbowed Scott in the arm.

"I heard there would be a full moon this week," Maxine stated before lighting her cigarette.

"Geez, I lose control once during a full moon, and I've permanently branded a safety hazard." Scott rolled his eyes. "

"Relax, Scott. She is worried about you, Olivia said. "She elbowed his arm.

"I know none of you are my kids, but I have a soft spot for you troublemakers," Maxine smirked as she leaned against the wall.

"Much appreciated, Max," Jill said. "But why did you bring us out here?"

Maxine flicked the cigarette on the floor. She smashed it into the floor.

" You kids are dealing with something you can't control or comprehend."

"Max, if you're talking about resurrecting the dead, I told Moss I could handle it," Olivia said.

"That's the problem. The captain knows you can handle it. But you could endanger our lives."

"What do you mean?" Jill asked.

"Yeah, Liv's conjured dozens of spells. Why would this be any different? "Scott asked.

"Do either of you know how Olivia gained her magic? "Max asked.

"Yeah, from her great-grandmother," said Scott.

"Yes and no,"

"It's complicated," Jill said.

Olivia bit her lip and took three steps back.

Her eyes diverted away from her friends and the red-headed enchantress tightly twisted her hair.

"You want me to tell them, kid? "Maxine asked.

"I told Jill, but not Scott."

Jill and Scott noticed the tone shift in Olivia. She looked away, lowering her head.

The group was unnerved to see courageous Olivia shaking and upset.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Scott asked while reaching for her shoulder.

"Get back," Olivia shouted.

A spark of red electricity blasted from her hand, slamming Scott to the floor.

Olivia came to her senses and helped Scott to his feet.

"What is your damage, Cult? "Scott asked.

There is more to the story. Isn't there, Witch girl? "Maxine folded her arms.

"Liv, you might as well tell him," Jill pleaded.

Olivia lifted her head to her comrades and folded her arms. "Okay," said Olivia. "But it's not a fun story to tell."