
Olivia took a deep breath before sharing how she obtained her magic and her journey of becaming a witch detective.

It turned out that Olivia was born in Mexico City to farmers, Jorge and Cynthia Cult. She was eight years old when she stumbled upon a secret book passed down by her great-grandmother, Cassandra Cult. Olivia and her two-year-old brother, Tosh spent their days at their family's villa, playing in the fields while their parents were working.

Olivia's relationship with her parents was strict. She and her mother never agreed on anything. While Cynthia urged Olivia to focus on her studies, Olivia was never a straight-A student.

Olivia's father was more understanding of the young girl despite his busy work schedule. During the little free time he had, Jorge chased his daughter through the field playfully.

When Olivia found the spellbook her relationship with her family changed forever. One day while Olivia and her brother played in the attic of their house, Olivia knocked over an old dresser, causing a large spellbook to fall off the top of it. Curious about the strange book left by her estranged great-grandmother, Olivia opened the book and instantly felt a demonic presence bond with her. This name of the spirit was Lilith the Omega Demon.

The witch detective knew little about her great-grandmother. Only that her great-grandmother and Olivia's father had a falling out years before she and her brother were born.

Soon after Lilith bonded with Olivia, her parents barged into the attic and witnessed their daughter's discovery. Jorge snatched the book from his daughter, and Cynthia grabbed her by the wristwatch. Her mother threw Olivia out of the house and warned her never to come back.

Confused and upset, Olivia reached out to her father. He turned away from her with tears in his eyes. Cynthia closed the door in her face. Olivia never saw her parents again.

Weeks went by when Olivia scavenged for food until Maxine rescued her. At the time, Maxine was captain of L.I.F.E. and her lieutenant was Sydney Moss.

The two officers discovered Olivia's infamous bloodline and realized that she is Lilith's unwilling host. Feeling that the orphaned child required shelter and training to control her magic, Moss and Maxine offered to raise Olivia in Parabola where she would be inducted into the task force of L.I.F.E.

Olivia initially distanced herself from the two officers until she met Jill, who recently passed away and lingered in the mortal world as a ghost. Jill expressed to the budding witch that she was also rejected by her family. Confident she found a kindred spirit; Olivia accepted their offer and joined the force.

The years passed and Olivia became formidable in the mystic arts. But the pain of her original family abandonment never subsided.

As the enchantress finished her story, grit his teeth and punched the wall, forming cracks into it while Maxine nonchalantly stood off it.

"Liv, why didn't you ever tell me? "Scott asked.

"It's not the most pleasant thing to reenact, Scott," said Jill. "I'm sure she didn't mean to keep you in the dark.

"It's okay, Olivia," Maxine said. "No one thinks any less of you."

"You shouldn't have made me tell them; Max, "Olivia stared at the floor.

"Wait, if Lilith bonded with you, it means the book was…

"Yeah, Scott. It was the Omega book of Nihilo "Olivia uttered.

Scott and Jill were stunned by that disturbing news. Their faces paled.

"A few centuries ago, the Deus demons were an all-powerful group of demons with god-like powers that consumed all of the magic in this realm and the human one. They wanted to rule both, "Max explained. "Until a group of witches gave their lives to combine their magic so they could banish Lilith and the other eight Deus demons in separate books,"

"They also used those books to close the doorway from Parabola and the human realm. "Olivia added. "Each clan that was successful containing a Deus demon used their blood to seal each book so no other spellcaster could try to free the demons."

"But why not destroy the books? "Scott asked.

"The books are protected by magic that no one could match. Olivia's ancestors kept the Omega book hidden and passed it down from generation to generation. Only someone with Cult blood could open and close it. "said, Maxine.

"There you have it! "Olivia waved her arms. "All these demons we face because of me."

"Liv, you can't blame yourself. You didn't know," Jill emphasized.

"Is that why you didn't want Olivia to bring Jill back from the dead? "Scott asked.

"Yes," Max said. "Lilith bonded to Cult the day she opened that book. Using such a spell on anyone could threaten to bring her back."

"I can't say I blame you. I mean the books of Nihilo were the reason L.I.F.E. exists." Scott said.

"Yeah. I just said that Nollax." said, Olivia.

The outside of the bar lingered with a combination of fear and despair as the repelling concept made Olivia sick to her stomach.

"I can't believe it, "Jill said." Liv, if I had known, I'd never ask you to ..."

"Jill, don't," said Olivia as she squeezed her hands only for it to phase through. Causing the ghostly agent to retract her hand out of frustration.

"I've been training for years," Olivia stated. This amulet helps me keep that demonic bitch in check. I am strong enough to ...

"I get that you're powerful, kid," Maxine interrupted. "Hell, probably more powerful than any witch I've ever trained. But even someone like you can risk an apocalypse if you are not careful. Magic always has consequences."

Olivia folded her hands into her armpits, knowing that Maxine's words were too truthful to ignore.

"I'm sorry, for both of you," Maxine said. "But I can't blame Syd for forbidding you from using that type of spell."

"But Olivia has tried multiple spells to bring me back," Jill interrupted. "We haven't seen one apocalyptic threat."

"Maybe not yet. But even without the book, Olivia has the potential to cause a disaster to occur."

"Speaking of the book, where is it now? "Scott asked.

"With Olivia's family," Maxine said. "After they kicked Olivia out, they changed their name and moved from Mexico City. The department has their records and helped them relocate so no demons could hunt them down. Moss is the only one who knows where they are now."

Olivia clawed the inside of her palms with her fingernails when she heard the shocking news.

"Moss knows where my parents are? "Olivia grabbed Max by her vest collar.

"Liv, calm down," Max said, unhinged by Olivia's grip. "We wanted to tell you when you got older and better with your magic. But we needed to…."

As Max was about to finish her sentence, a loud explosion came from the bar along with screams.

"What was that? "Scott asked.

"Trouble," Max answered.

Olivia released her grip on Maxine and ran into the Broth with the others.

Once inside, they found most of the bar tenants maimed and unconsciously on the ground.

In the middle of the bar was Bulk held by his neck, barely conscious, from a six-foot and two-inch man wearing a fully covered helmet with a cross in the middle.

The mysterious man wore bulky grey and gold, medieval armor with a blue cape. Around his ankles were two reptilian-like creatures with two horns pointing forward.

"Hello, Valkyrie, "The masked intruder said. "Hope you didn't mind an old friend dropping by."

Maxine's eye widened. Her hands trembled. She took five steps backward, pressing her back to the bolted door.

"Max, who is this guy? "Jill asked.

"Dorian Priest," Maxine responded.