Priest and devils

The sight of her brave mentor shaking with fear made Olivia feel uneasy about this strange man hiding behind a mask. She took charge of the situation and assumed her fighting stance toward Dorian.

"You're a sorcerer, aren't you?"

"Indeed, child" Priest said." I am here for specific information from the bartender.

If you and your friends stay out of my way, I won't have to spill any unnecessary blood."

"You're going to get to leave with an ass-kicking instead," Scott said.

"A vampwolf? Interesting to see there are more of you out there."

"Wait, more?" Scott's face became riddled with disbelief." T-there are others like me?"

"Don't listen to him, Scott." Jill reached out to him." He doesn't seem like the trustworthy type."

"This coming from a spirit who refuses to transcend to the other side," Priest said.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Olivia interrupted.

"I can sense the mania around your ghostly friend. Someone helped her remain in this realm. Tell me, did your dear captain cause such sorcery?"

"How do you know about the captain? "Olivia asked.

"Kids get out of here now," Maxine commanded.

"Come now, Maxine. It is not like you to limit the herd. Last I checked, that was my job," Priest said.

"What does he mean? "Olivia turned her head to Maxine, who was cringing in the corner.

"Doesn't matter," Scott said." This guy wants a fight. Let us give him one."

"Aw the youth," Priest snickered. He threw Bulk aside, completely unconscious "If it's a battle you want, let's get going."

The agents of L.I.F.E prepared to wage battle with the menacing sorcerer and his monsters.

"Leave Priest to me," Olivia requested." Whatever magic he has, I'll handle it."

"Great, that leaves ghost girl and me with these two reptile things." Scott insisted.

"Perfect, my quick devils will make easy work of your friends." Priest said." As for you my dear child, let us see how much of Lilith's magic you've embraced thus far."

"Wait! Olivia said. "How do you know about my family's magic?"

"Never mind that," Maxine yelled." Leave now while you still have the chance."

"Et oblinito os eius lapis," Priest, chanted when he draped his left in front of the terrified bartender's face.

Maxine's mouth was sealed up with a patch of glass over her lips. The hums from her attempts of speaking did not help.

"Max," Olivia screamed. She pulled off the Valkyrie bracelet," Fine you want to play magic, then let us play."

Olivia threw her hands in the air, firing an orange blast of mystical energy toward Priest. He flailed his arms, easily dodging her attack.

"Quick devils entertain her friends. This battle is between sorcerers."

"Sounds good to me. But first."

Olivia looked over at Max, struggling to remove the spell cast on her by Priest.

"Lapis ex ore dimittere eam," Olivia chanted. She opened her hand in front of Maxine. The Valkyrie's mouth became free from its glass construct. Maxine breathed heavily and sank to the floor, holding her neck.

The crazed creatures pounced towards them, but Olivia rolled under them.

"Finally, some action," said Scott while he pushed out his talons, the veins in his arms surged with adrenaline. Scott reeled back his claw and threw it within the first quick devil's stomach, throwing it across the bar. However, the evil monster stood up on all fours and charged the vampwolf, pushing him through the brick wall behind him.

"Sorry about this, Bulk," Jill said as she flew into his unconscious body. She possessed his body to take on the second quick devil." Bring it on, pretty boy. "The horned creatures charged after the ghostly agent possessed the bouncer.

Jill punched the quick devil in its stomach, uppercutting it into the ceiling before it crashed down covered by debris.

Olivia continued her assault on Dorian Priest. But he consistently repelled her spells.

"Pathetic," Priest uttered before snapping his fingers, summoning a chain from both sides of the Broth, wrapping it around her arms.

"Liv," Jill shouted as she piloted Bulk's body to charge towards Dorian.

" Immobiles faciunt illam fulgur frigore conficiatur," Priest chanted as a blue circle sprouted from underneath Jill, freezing her in place.

"Jill!" Olivia screamed." Ianuae Magicae me horum vincula."

In a gold aura of energy, Olivia vanished from her chains and reappeared behind Dorian, preparing a roundhouse kick.

"Amusing," Dorian said as he caught his attacker's foot and flung her to the wall.

Olivia flipped off the wall, broke her descent, and thrust herself toward Priest again.

"Cum corpus vivum catenis reponere," said the Priest as his body transformed into several purple chains, each tightening themselves around Olivia's body.

The young witch fell to the ground and struggled to break free from the chains.

Red and black smoke appeared five feet in front of her, revealing Dorian's body.

"This is a pale performance for one with such potential."

" Ahh, let me go."

"My pleasure," Dorian said.

Priest waved his hands around while the chains catapulted Olivia to the ceiling into a swirling portal.

The portal teleported her to the top of the Broth's rooftop. Olivia hit the pavement of the roof with ruffles in her hair and mild bruises on her skin.

"Ready for a real fight, child? "Priest asked. He walked out of a swirling portal.

His cape flapped in the breeze. He opened his hand which ignited with red scarlet flames.

"You're tough, I give you that," Olivia uttered, hanging her head in frustration while still held hostage by her mystical restraints." Formas partum et effugium."

Olivia teleported out of her chains and then reappeared with multiple duplicates of herself in a sparkling gold aura.

"Let us see if you can take us on now. "Olivia flexed before her, and her clone charged Dorian on the rooftop. Each duplicate plunged itself at the masked sorcerer. He faced them head-on.

Meanwhile back in the Broth, Scott and Jill did their best to fend off the creatures left by Priest inside the Broth.

"These things don't know when to quit," Scott said as he lunged toward his quick devil only for it to speed away from his attack. With supersonic acceleration, the creature made several strikes against the vampwolf injuring him on his back and arms.

Jill quickly phased out of Bulk's body, which was frozen by Dorian's spell.

"Hey, Max, we can use a little help here". Jill said when she floated to Maxine.

Maxine's hands trembled with fear. Because of her limited eyesight, Maxine was unaware her friends needed assistance.

"Not again. I can't go through this twice, "Maxine said before she fell to the floor.

"Max, please we need your help."

But while Jill tried to contact Max, the quick devil rose and began to glow its horns. Charged with purple lightning, the quick devil zapped two bolts of lightning surrounding the ghostly agent. Jill cringed in pain when the electricity stunned her. She plunged to the floor, and parts of her body began to fade away.

"Jill," Scott said as he ran towards the quick devil.

"What the hell, Max? Scott's knuckles curled within Max's shirt. ``We need your help to overtake these creatures." Maxine pulled herself together and instructed the agents on their next move.

"You two need to grab Olivia and go."

Jill's astral form recovered from the attack from the quick devil and floated around Maxine, hoping to comfort her.

But when she tried to break through to Maxine, the quick devil struck Scott down throwing him across the bar. The second devil launched another bolt of lightning to stunt Jill's reform.

"Max, please do something," Jill yelled as she struggled to keep her form. Scott struggled to break free from the quick devil's grasp.

"Stay back, Maxine said. She flexed her arms arched her back and flew straight toward the quick devil. Her back sprouted silver wings. She launched her fist towards the quick devil.

"I don't give a damn if Priest comes after me. But I'll be damned if I let you slaughter these kids."

The Quick devils turn their attention toward Maxine accelerating at supersonic speed to strike her down. Maxine arched her back and flew toward them. She dodged both of their attacks. She spun around, raining shards of silver feathers that pinned the creatures down.

Maxine slammed her fist to the ground, releasing a wave of gold fire that blasted the Quick devils to the back of the bar.

"Now get the hell out of my Broth."