Battle of sorcery

As Maxine, regained her closure, Olivia battled Dorian Priest on top of the Broth and cast spells to detain him.

"Your juvenile spells are nothing compared to my skills, child." Priest said. He unleashed bolts of mystical flames at each of Olivia's clones, watching them fade away.

" Vincula fulgur release," Olivia chanted. She charged headfirst at Dorian. Her hands opened before releasing bolts of lightning at the masked sorcerer. But each was ineffective against his stamina and tenacity.

"You show great potential, little one," Priest said. He raised his hand as if he were cupping a golden chalice.

Two purple glass barriers appeared in front and behind Olivia. Soon, a pair of them were on each side of her. The ceiling of the constructs seemingly sealed her fate. Demonic energy surged through her body.

"But you still have much to learn," Dorian stated." Turn lapis in is to carcere,"

Olivia saw the prison encasing her was transforming into stone. She felt panicked.

Her eyes filled with despair Olivia froze in fear because of her secret phobia related to confined areas.

"Get me out of here."

"Your fears poison you, child," Priest said." If you want to escape and defeat me, you know what you must do; release her."

But just as Priest grew closer to the young detective's breakthrough, Scott charged through the ceiling and tackled Priest to the ground. The attack broke the spell, crumbling the prison that contained Olivia.

"Liv," Scott ran to her side.

But Dorian levitated himself out of Scott's possession and prepared a devious spell for the vamp wolf.

"Red Colligáte eum quercu,"

While Scott helped Olivia from the prison, branches of crimson wood sprang from the roof. The branches wrapped around his body trapping his bulging muscles.

"Ahhh, can't move," Scott screamed.

"Scott!" Olivia reached him.

"I may need the witch alive, but that doesn't apply to you, Vamp wolf."

Before Priest could ensnare Scott beyond circulation, his body was penetrated by a ghostly adversary.

"Gahh, "Priest yelled in pain.

His body arched forward as his grip released its mystical hold on Scott, causing the crimson branches to wither away. The Vamp Wolf escaped at last.

"Guys, are you okay?" Jill asked through Priest's body.

"Jill? Olivia asked as Scott helped pick her up. ``How long can you overshadow him?"

"I don't know. I think ... ahhh,"

Before Jill could answer that question, Dorian's mind slowly fought to regain possession over his body while his body bent forward.

"Jill!" Scott screamed.

"Begone, Spirit," Said Priest." Statim spiritus iudicabit auferte,"

Jill's ghostly form was repelled from Priest's body and pushed toward her comrades, rolling on the ground. Meanwhile, the masked sorcerer regained his motor skills.

The quick devils raced to their master's side, prepared to face the agents of L.I.F.E.

"No, my pets. We have accomplished our mission. Let us take our leave." The creatures gathered around Priest, created a cyclone of blue lightning, and departed.

"Facere obiectu protegere," Olivia raised her hands to summon a silver dome to center around herself and Scott.

The turbulence from the cyclone added its strain to Olivia's barrier as the blue lightning forged from it clashed against her construct.

"This is eating up a lot of her stamina," Jill said, noticing Olivia gritting her teeth and shutting her left eye."

"Come on, Cult," said Scott." You got this."

"I'm trying," responded Olivia.

Just when it seemed as if her will was about to break, Olivia and friends noticed that the brutal twister ceased. Instead, vacant land occupied the space previously taken by Priest.

While the trio recovered from their encounter with Dorian, Olivia and her friends climbed down to the Broth. It was filled with crushed tables and scarred tiling on the walls.

"Whoa, just when you thought we would have a night off," Olivia stated. "Too bad Valkyrie insurance won't cover this," Scott joked.

"Save the jokes, Nollax." Things are turning a turn for the worst." Maxine said.

"Maxine, what happened earlier?" Olivia stepped over the debris." I never saw you like that,"

"Sorry, kid. That man is more dangerous than you think."

"He said his name was Dorian Priest," Jill said.

"He's a level ten sorcerer who's mastered dark magic," Maxine said." We battled him when I was in command of L.I.F.E."

"Level ten?" Scott stood open-mouthed." No wonder Cult had a hard time fighting him.

"I could have stopped him without you guys," Olivia defended herself, clenching her fists.

"Liv, it's okay. We know how you feel about tight places." said, Jill." No one is blaming you for his escape."

"She's right, Witch girl," Max said." Priest is unlike any threat the three of you have faced.

"Is that why he intimidated you?" Scott asked.

"I… it's complicated,"

Before the conversation could continue, Scott and Olivia's L-crested badges flickered a faint violet light.

"Go for it, Cult," Olivia answered the badge and placed the tip of her index and pointer finger in the middle.

"Agent Cult…." Captain Moss answered the badge while a strange field of interference jammed their communications.


"Stay…away. Do …. not...return."

"Is that the captain?" Jill asked.

"No, it's Santa Claus," replied Scott" Captain Moss, what's going on there?"

"You and the others….do not return," Captain Moss continued to communicate only to be barely understood." Do not…. ahhh,"

The line of communication was cut off by a series of explosions. Maxine rushed to Olivia to pull off her badge, looking to speak to her former subordinate.

"Syd!" Max screamed. The group was consumed by feelings of dread and panic. Confused and worried about the other L.I.F.E agents, Olivia prepared to visit headquarters.

"Olivia, don't," Maxine pleaded.

"Tell me you're joking," Olivia responded before she walked out of the Broth.

"You saw what Priest did to your bar. We can't let him do that to the sanctum," Scott said.

"I know that, Nollax. But you cannot run into this head-on. You need to have a plan,"

"I do have a plan. Go to HQ and kick some ass."

Maxine plunged her head into her hands.

"There's no getting through to you."

"You should know that. You raised her." Jill added.

"Ghost girl's right," Scott flexed his arms." Besides, we got her back.

Maxine looked away from the determined teenagers who were eager to face the new challenge.

"Fine," the Valkyrie gave in as she sighted." But if you are going to do this, you are going to need some equipment,"

"Equipment?" Scott said.

"I'll explain on the way. But before I show you …,"

Max pointed to bulk, still frozen in ice.

"Oh, right." Olivia said." Regelo eum."

Olivia opened her hand and extended it towards the frozen troll. A small mystical circle appeared in her palm. The icy prism surrounding Bulk glowed with a purple aura.

The prism exploded, freeing Bulk as he knelt on the ground.

"I hate dark magic," Bulk complained.

"Warm-up, Bulk," said Maxine as she poured warm water in a towel and tossed it to him." We got a lunch rush in two hours. In the meantime, you and Nollax follow me. Jill can wait outside with Bulk.

"Sure thing," Jill saluted Max.

Max pulled out a small remote control and pointed to the middle of the bar counter. She pushed the button, releasing a swirling portal of purple and blue energy in front of them.

"Stay close and follow me."