Locked and loaded

Curious about Maxine's comments, Olivia and Scott followed her through the strange portal which led them to a short flight of worn stairs in front of a silver door. The door was marked by.

scriptures of Norsemen symbols.

" What's with the calligraphy?" Scott asked.

"It means hall of the fallen," Max explained.

"You're taking us to a graveyard?" Olivia asked.

"Not exactly,"

Max grabbed a lantern with a candle in the middle and held it above the markings on the door. She pressed her pointer finger on the scripture and circled each symbol.

The markings glowed with a blue light and the door opened. They stared wide-eyed at a cave filled with displays of a multitude of silver and white weaponry.

"Whoa," Olivia and Scott said as their eyes widened and took a step back as they gazed at the arsenal.

"Welcome to my secret stash," Maxine grinned." Let us have the grand tour,"

The arsenal contained a variety of spears, guns, swords, and others.

"Everything here is gathered from my days in Niffelheim. Some were used while I was with the bureau."

"Whoa, look at this spear." Scott reached for it.

Maxine snatched the spear from the vampwolf before flicking him in the ear.

"Ouch," Scott complained, covering his ears.

"Hands off, Nollax," Max scolded.

Not everything can be used by non-Valkyries,"

"What can we use?" Olivia asked.

"I'll show you."

Maxine walked to a glass showcase at the back of the artillery covered in Norsemen scripture.

She placed her left hand in the middle while the markings glowed blue.

The top of the case opened, and a black and silver briefcase emerged.

Maxine turned the briefcase to the agents.

It revealed an array of equipment for each of them.

"Hey wolf boy, take out the two knuckles and give them a whirl."

Scott pulled out two white steel knuckles with four small blue spheres within them. Each displayed a Norsemenman symbol.

"You got me jewelry?" Scott asked.

"Try extending your claws."

Scott summoned his claws, which were coated with silver and blue blades on the top.

"Whoa," Olivia said.

"Let's give them a test run; Max suggested when she reached for a grey brick on the ground." Think Fast."

Max tossed the brick at Scott. He clawed the air. The claw marks converted to portals that engulfed the brick in a swirling blue and black void.

"Holy crap," said Scott.

"Those knuckles were forged from an ancient material used by the Valkyries centuries ago. It allowed me to move from one realm to another before I joined L.I.F.E.

"Thanks, Max," Scott said.

"Make sure you don't lose them. That material is rare."

"What about me? Olivia asked.

"Here you go, witch girl." Maxine pulled out a cobalt and silver whip, covered in Norsemenman symbols. She tossed it to Olivia.

"You gave her a whip?" Scott asked.

"Not just any whip. It is composed of the most durable material in this realm. The material is light enough to swing around but ten times stronger than steel. I call it the Silver Maiden,"

Olivia took the whip and swung it back and forth to practice its touch.

"Watch it, Liv," Scott crouched down.

"Nollax is right," Maxine said." This isn't the place to practice with that weapon."

"Sorry," Olivia said." Let us try these new toys outside."

"Not so fast you two," Maxine stopped them before they opened the door." Still got one more weapon for you,"

"This beauty is called The Virgin Mary,"

Maxine said when displayed the silver shotgun. This baby is geared to blast away any mystic entity in your way,"

Maxine tossed the shotgun to Olivia, grappling it before sliding its handle.

Olivia geared the shotgun around the arsenal. She clutched her new weapon.

"Careful where you point that thing," Scott ducked, avoiding the line of fire.

"This is epic," Olivia cheered as her hands caressed the enchanted weapon." I can't wait to test the baby on that arrogant douche,"

"How come you didn't put these weapons with the force, Max?" Scott asked.

"Syd wasn't comfortable with this type of firepower in the bureau. Each of these weapons was forged from a material that disturbs magic."

"Perfect for stopping sorcerers like Priest," Olivia said.

"Exactly," Max said." Hopefully, this will give you an edge on him,"

"How come she got more stuff than I did?" Scott whined.

"Because I'm her favorite."

"Now let us go. We don't have time to waste."

The portal reappeared in the middle of the Broth while Bulk escorted the rest of the customers out of the Broth so repairs could be made.

"You sure you okay, Bulk?" Jill patted him on his shoulder.

"Sure, I'm fine." Bulk responded.

"I didn't mean to possess you. I was doing my job. Olivia and Scott needed my help and…"

Bulk punched the wall. He lowered his head to the ground.

"I get it, Jill. It's just that…"

"Everything alright?" Maxine asked. The others returned into the Broth.

"Yeah, we're fine," Bulk replied.

"Save the tough guy act for the customers, Bulk." Maxine said. "No one blames you for losing to Priest."

"Well, he is three feet taller than Priest so…," Scott hinted. Olivia elbowed Scott before he could finish his sentence.

"Knock it off, Wolf boy," Olivia said.

"So, what did you guys get?" Jill asked.

Scott pulled out his silver knuckles while Olivia pulled out the Virgin Mary and her whip.

Jill swooped around Olivia and stared at the fascinating weaponry she acquired.

"Hey ghost girl, aren't you going to check out my new toys?" Scott shrugged his shoulders.

"I can see them from here, Nollax. Nice jewelry, though."

Scott's eye twitched because he felt annoyed by the response regarding his silver knuckles.

"It's not jewelry."

"They're not toys either," Maxine smirked and folded her arms." This equipment is tough to come by. Use them wisely."

"We will, Max," Olivia said. She felt her stomach rumbling and hoped no one noticed. But we need to get to HQ ASAP. I'm still a little light-footed from fighting Priest to teleport us back, Nollax."

Scott covered his hand with the silver knuckles before summoning his claws.

"Let's give these babies a try," Scott said.

Scott slashed the air in front of him, ripping a portal in the middle of the Broth.

"Be careful out there," Maxine warned.

"We got it, Max," Olivia winked." Let us move out."

The three teenagers plunged into the unknown, ready to take on threats that awaited them at headquarters.

The rip that teleported the agents sealed itself while Bulk and Maxine observed.

"You sure it's a good idea to let them go against Priest on their own?" Bulk asked Maxine.

"It's not Priest that worries me. It's his employer."

"Look, Boss, I know it isn't my business to talk about your past but…."

"You're right. It's not your business."

Maxine turned her back to Bulk, walking to the back entrance of the bar.

"Now clean this place up."

She slammed the door behind her.

"Yes, Ma'am."