The Queen City

The gateway from Scott's claws finally made its way to the human world as the three agents found themselves in a closed-off alleyway hidden from sight.

" Here we are, the Queen City of Buffalo, New York," Scott welcomed the agents.

" Seems like a small city," Jill said." Perfect place to hide the book."

"I'm glad it's not snowing," Olivia said.," According to Nollax, their winters last three extra months."

" True but at least this city got good wings," Scott said.

" Are you serious?" Meredith screamed through Olivia's badge.

" Great, the number cruncher is eavesdropping on us," Olivia commented before she pressed her badge.

" Someone needs to keep you on track."

" Relax Madame Killjoy, will make sure we find Priest and save the captain, but we can't do it if you're always.

breathing down our necks," Olivia snapped at Meredith.

" We can take care of ourselves. You need to free agents at HQ," Scott added.

" Sam is still recuperating, so it's going to take a while before he can assist you. But meanwhile, make sure you.

keep your focus on finding and stopping Dorian Priest," said Meredith.

" Don't worry, we got this," Olivia said." We'll keep you in the loop."

Olivia released her fingers from the badge cutting off communication between her and Meredith.

" Guys, where should we start?" Jill asked.

" Priest can't be the only demonic figure after my family," Olivia explained.

" Too bad we don't have anything I could sniff to get a trace," Scott said.

"We do," Olivia said. She reached into her coat and retrieved the file she acquired earlier.

" Olivia, are you insane? You just removed evidence is from the Captain's quarters. That was supposed to remain in Parabola," Jill Expressed.

" Relax, Jill,"

" Besides, that file is about her family. You know how sensitive she is about it," Scott added.

Olivia looked down. " This isn't about me. Our mission is to save the captain and stop Priest from harming anyone else," said Olivia.

" Okay. What do you have planned?" Jill asked.

" Find, my family, find Priest,"

" This data is completely in orc language," Jill said.

" Seriously?" Scott said." Does anyone here speak that language?"

" No, the captain was the only one who could read it," Jill said. "He probably didn't want the information in the wrong hands."

" We may not be able to read it now, but we will in a few minutes," Olivia said.

She spread them out on the floor every before waving her hands above them.

" in textu hanc universalem intellectus," Olivia chanted.

The shining text inscribed within the files began to glow bright green as the lettering took shape and formed around on Olivia's face, spelling out the address of her family.

" 1023 Custer Avenue,"

The Shining letters soon dissipated after she had and found the location of her family. She gathered up the files on the floor and packaged them back into the folder.

" Looks like we have the address,"

Scott said." What do you say we get a move on and …?"

Before Scott could finish the sentence, a giant tan-skinned cyclops, slammed itself down in front of teenagers and held them back.

The devastating creature emitted a massive roar and as his glow with the red intensity of a thousand suns.

" A cyclops?" Jill asked." Why is it here?"

"Priest wants you dead," the giant beast said.

The teenagers arched their backs, prepared to attack the cyclops.

" Agents must die."

The savage creature lunged its body towards Scott and Olivia. But they both moved sideways and avoided contact. The cyclops peeled themselves from the sidewalk as the teenagers observed from behind.

" I thought these things were extinct," Scott said.

" They are," Jill said." Priest must have resurrected one.

" He can do that?" Olivia asked."


The cyclops got ready to strike down the agents.

" Agents must die," The cyclops.

repeated, snarling at the teenagers.

"Jill, can you …" Olivia started to ask.

" No, I can't possess him like I did Bulk."

" Why not?" Scott yelled.

" Look in its eye."

Scott glared into the cyclops eye and saw a relic symbol glowing within its pupil.

" That sign!" Scott gasped.

" What sign? Olivia said.

The creature charged at Olivia as she quickly dodged its claw when it slashed at her. She backflipped three times before taking out her Virgin Mary.

" Let's see what this baby can do,"

Olivia said before releasing multiple rounds of the Virgin Mary's barrage of bullets onto the monster.

The consecutive gunshots sparked miniature.

shots of green flames off the cyclops, landing it on its back.

" Keep it up, Cult, Scott said. "It's working."

But as the creature folded his arms up, protecting itself from Olivia's oncoming fire, the cyclops slammed its fist to the ground, releasing a shockwave of large gravel to repel the sorcerer.

" Ahh," Olivia screamed as the cyclops attack pushed her away.

" Liv," Scott yelled. He ran up and leaped into the air, catching her.

He clawed his hand into the fire escape on the outside of the building.

" Thanks, Nollax," Olivia said as he released on to the fire escape.

Jill floated up to her comrades while the cyclops stomped below them, squaring his knees, ready to attack.

" Don't suppose you two have any ideas?" Jill asked.

" Have you met us, ghost girl?" Scott asked sarcastically.

" I got one," Olivia said." Nollax, if I slow it down, do you think you can knock it out with your gauntlets?"

" Sure."

" Good, here's the plan."

As Olivia and her friends take on the rampaging Cyclops, Sam began to prepare a spell strong enough to free the entire bureau from Priest's curse." Any luck so far?" Meredith asked as she walked into the altar room of his office.

" Not yet" Sam responded as he folded his legs and opening his hands.

The young voodooist attracted a spiraling cloud of green smoke that danced around his body. " Huru nafsi hizi zilizobakiwa kutoka gereza ya there," Sam chanted. He cast violet energy from his hands and created a large cloud of mania that covered the precinct.

The cloud dissipated and the bodies of the injured agents began to glow an intense green.

" Something's wrong," Sam said as his hands pressed together tighter.

The greenish glow around the injured agents was losing its intensity agonizing expressions of their bodies doubled.

" Ethol, STOP," Meredith shouted while the painful screams of the agents poisoned the air around them.

Sam unfolded his legs and separated his

hands before rising to his feet.

" What the hell? "Sam said.

" Sam," Meredith said. She ran to his side softly touched his shoulder. "What was that?"

" There is a spell around the other agents. I cannot seem to break it. It is this strange mania that I cannot recognize. Maybe if Cult was here...,"

"We will have to wait until they return with the book."

" We might not have that amount of time,"

" You're right, but I may know someone who can help us heal the rest of the force," said Meredith.

Sam stood up and walked toward Meredith." Where is this person?"

" We need to visit The Seeker," Meredith answered.

" The Seeker?" No one has located her for centuries.

" I know one person who can. Grab your things. We're going to the Broth,"