
Sam and Meredith arrived at the front of the Broth.

" Looks like the place is closed," Sam said as he and Meredith looked over the entrance of the establishment.

Meredith took two steps to the door of the Broth and pointed her index fingers on her temples.

As she evoked the power of her third eye, Meredith's sight turned black and white, allowing her to see through the illusion of the Broth being vacant.

" Captain Croftfire, we both know I can see through illusions," Meredith said." Please, we need your help."

The door opened.

Out of the door, Bulk addressed the two agents.

" Sorry, the bar is done for the day," Bulk said.

" We're here to see your boss."

" I said beat it, Triclops."

Meredith cracked her knuckles like she did when she felt offended.

" Big mistake, Dude," Sam snickered.

Meredith's third eye glowed a bright green and black throughout its pupil.

Meredith pulled back her left arm and fired her fist into the door, blasting it straight through the Broth.

" Told ya," Sam added.

" The fate of Parabola and the human world is at stake! Where is Captain Croftfire?" Meredith shouted as she kicked in the door.

Sam and Meredith walked into the Broth while Bulk took his fighting stance.

" Well done," Max applauded." What else would I expect from my former prodigy?"

Back in the human world, Olivia and Scott devised a way to overpower the one-eyed adversary.

" Nollax. Get ready," Olivia said. She prepared for their attack.

"On it."

Scott arched his back and ran at super speed Scott ran toward the towering cyclops. He jumped above it, planning to strike. He extended his talons and sliced across the giant's eyes, temporarily blinding the cyclops. While the cyclops was blinded, Olivia conjured up a spill underneath the giant's feet.

" Partum vincula ferrea," Olivia chanted.

Seconds after, two giant metallic cuffs appeared around the cyclops ankles, causing the creature to bend over. Two more cuffs appeared and pinned the animal's arms, trapping on all fours.

As the cyclops was pinned down. Olivia nodded to her friend Jill floating above the others. Jill overshadowed the cyclops as the marking in its eye dissipated, allowing her full access.

Within the cyclops, Jill picked up several images that indicated the location of the book.

" Jill, are you there?" Olivia asked.

Before Jill could respond, the creature projected several beams of energy throughout its body until it exploded, releasing a massive explosion.

" Facere obiectu protegere," Olivia said when she extended her palms toward the explosion.

Olivia summoned a blue force field to cover her and Scott from the exploding monster, leaving the area around them riddled with destructed rubble and scorched Earth.

As she released the forcefield, Olivia collapsed, exhausted from using so much magic.

Scott quickly caught her.

Olivia took several seconds to regain her breath.

" Guys?" " We got to get out of here before any humans find out what happened,"

" You're still too exhausted from the spell," Scott said.

Scott carried Olivia and flew up with Jill following.

As they hovered above the crime scene, they saw multiple police cars drive towards the scene of the attack.

" So much for being stealthy," Olivia commented.

The teenagers flew above the sacred remains of the valley.

Scott and Jill flew down to the building above their arrival point while Scott placed Olivia on the rooftop.

"This is not going according to plan," Jill said.

" True, but this means we need to improvise," Scott added.

While the teenagers remained hidden from the crime scene, Olivia noticed the lead forensic expert examining the incident was all too familiar.


Her heart pounded against her chest. " I can't hear them from here," Jill commented.

" I can," Said Scott, clearing his mind and using his enhanced hearing to eavesdrop on the police.

"Cult, what do we have here?" A female officer asked when she walked toward him.

Jorge knelt and swept whatever dust he could from the impact mark the Cyclops left.

" Looks like a thermal trail that extinguished its massive residue, Chief Harris" Jorge said.

" What the hell does that mean?" The chief asked.

"It's almost like someone or something blew itself up. I can't determine the main cause of the explosion, but I found traces of iron and sulfur left from the residue,"

"Great, this is the third hit this week, and we have no lead on the cause."

Jorge collected more of the debris and placed it in a small, plastic bag.

" I might be able to figure out more back at the lab and tell you what I find."

" Do it," Chief Harris said before projecting her voice to the rest of the police force." We're cutting this area off from public access until we find the cause of all these explosions."

" Yes ma'am." The rest of the police force agreed before they drove off in their cars.

Scott unfocused his attention on the police force's conversation before he explained to what he discovered Olivia and Jill.

" Turns out this cyclops wasn't the only "visitor" in town," Scott explained.

" What do you mean?" Olivia asked while covering her growling stomach.

"There have been more attacks like this in Buffalo."

" Sounds like Priest is sending more creatures to this world. But why?"

" If there is one thing I cannot do on an empty stomach besides magic, it's cracking a case. Let us find a good diner to crash,"

" I know just the place," Scott smirked.

Back in Parabola, Meredith and Sam looked for leads on the location of the seeker. Maxine felt dismayed because she was preparing for the next wave of customers to arrive.

" You kids must be lost," Maxine said." HQ is a few miles away,"

" We need your help, Captain Croftfire," Meredith said.

" I'm not your captain anymore, Lust," said Maxine. She wiped down the counter and looked away from her former subordinate." Thought you would remember that."

" You want to go down that road?" Meredith's arm tensed. Her eyes narrowed because she thought of the task at hand.

"Should I step outside?" Sam asked.

" Why not stay?" Maxine asked. "You could explain why you came."

"Boss, you sure you want to entertain these cops?" Bulk asked.

" Please Bulk," said Maxine as she pulled out a glass, filled it with liquor, and leaned against the wall. " There's nothing these little cadets can say to shock me," Maxine sipped her drink.

" We need to find the Seeker," Meredith said.

Maxine froze. Her eyes widened. She placed the small glass on the counter.

" How the hell do you know about the Seeker?"

" I was your prodigy for ten years. Were you surprised I'd find out a classified entity?"

" What's the Seeker?" Bulk asked, scratching his head.

" Don't worry about it," Max answered. " Syd and I kept that secret for a reason."

"That's not the only thing you hid.," Meredith said.

" If you want an audience for your little sob story, Greenie, take it to your new captain," Maxine said. She left the room.

" Captain Moss's missing," Sam shouted.

Maxine stopped with her eye wide open. She clenched her fist and looked away.

"Priest overpowered him?"

" We don't know all of the details yet," Sam said.

Maxine walked to the agent.

" I'll lead you to the Seeker, but we do this my way. Not by the book."

"Ironic for the former Captain of L.I.F.E," Sam commented.

" Shut Up!" Maxine and Meredith shouted.

Sam raised his lip and held up his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

" Deal," Meredith agreed.

" Good," Maxine answered. She pulled out a small remote and pointed it to her left.

She pushed the bottom of the remote and summoned a swirling portal, hovering in front of the counter.

The two agents followed Maxine into the portal as Bulk watched them exit the Broth.

" Bulk, you know the procedure while I'm gone."

" Sure thing, Boss."

The three of them left the Broth through the portal before it collapsed.

" Another day, another drama."