
Back in Buffalo, Olivia and friends headed to a restaurant known as 617.

Olivia and company were led walked through a crowd by the hostess.

" Good thing we changed clothes on the way here," Scott said, now wearing casual attire.

"Right? Thankfully, I had enough magic to disguise our uniforms," Olivia added.

" One of the benefits of being a ghost is not needing to change out of this uniform," Jill said.

" What's that mean?" Olivia asked.

" When I was alive, I was more of the "boney" type of girl,"

"Jill don't be silly. Once we find a way to bring you back, you'll be dishing all the boys with that sexy body."

The diner was filled to the brim. Everyone enjoyed the warm day. The waiters navigated through the crowd.

Olivia and Scott made their way to their table." These people act as they have never seen warm weather before, Olivia said.

"As I mentioned, the weather in this town gets pretty chilly during the end of the year," Scott folded his arms behind his back.

The cool tones of the grey and blue table booths contrasted with the black dress shirts, black pants, and dark blue aprons the servers wore.

A brunette girl with her hair tied back, approached the teenagers to take their order.

" How's it going?" The girl asked. She passed two menus to Scott and Olivia." My name's Lorna. I'll be your server today."

" Hi Lorna, well start with three sodas and a basket of rolls," Olivia said.


Jill bit her lip and blushed.

" I mean two."

" Sure, anything else?"

" How about your number?" Scott enjoyed flirting.

Olivia kicked his ankle under the table while she tried not to smile.

" I'll get right on your order," said Lorna.

When Lorna walked away, Scott gazed at her toned figure.

Olivia kicked Scott again.

" Ouch."

" Wait to be cuddled, Nollax," Jill taunted him.


" This is why you're single," Olivia added.

" I admit she's hot but remember; we're on a case."

" Olivia's right," Jill said." Let us focus on the mission; stopping Dorian Priest."

" All right. Sue a guy for having a little fun. It's not like we get much of that on the force."

" What we do is dangerous, Nollax. Especially now."

" Chill, Ghost girl. The two of us can handle it,"

" The two of us?"

"No offense but you're a ghost,"

Olivia nudged Scott in his arm.

" Ouch."

" Could you be more an ass?" Olivia asked.

"Relax, Liv," Jill said." Dog boy is right. You two are the only ones that can hurt him."

" Hey, Jill, I didn't mean to bring you down," Scott said. "You're just as important on this case as Liv and me."

" Maybe as a recon agent. But the truth is that unless…"

Lorna walked over to their table, bringing a tray of sodas to Olivia and Scott.

" Here you go."

The two each reached for their glasses when Lorna noticed Scott's necklace.

" Cool medallion."

" This old thing?"

" It looks familiar for some reason. But I can't place my finger on where I've seen it."

" Probably just from a cheesy cereal box," Olivia sipped her soda and winked at Scott.

" Cheesy ?!,"

" Sorry, didn't mean to start trouble with your girlfriend," Lorna said.

" Girlfriend ?!" said Scott and Olivia simultaneously.

The two both leaned into their seats, repelled by the idea of them being a couple. Jill giggled to herself and partially covered her mouth.

" Did you two hear that?" Lorna asked.

Jill covered her mouth out of embarrassment as Olivia distracted the waitress.

" That was …my stomach,"

" Yeah, she skipped breakfast today on her way to ...polka practice," Scott added.

" Really?" Olivia whispered.

" Oh right," Lorna tapped herself on the head with the side of her palm." Wake up, Lorna."

She pulled out a notepad and a pen from her apron to take their orders. Along with a notebook and pen, a small flyer with a rock n roll band on the cover fell.

" What can I start you out with today?" Lorna asked.

" Well, you can grab me a double stack cheeseburger with bacon, cheese, pickles, and mayonnaise, please. Then you can grab my friend here a bowl of kibble." Olivia's smirked at Scott.

" I'll take the quarter-pound steak with mashed potatoes and a side of broccoli,"

Lorna jotted down the orders and placed her pad into her apron. The agents noticed Lorna's tattoo of a dreamcatcher. Inside the dream catcher was a purple heart with two snakes wrapped around it.

" That's some sick ink, girl," Olivia said.

" Oh, thanks. I am patchy on my mom's side. She told me stories about how dream catchers help protect people from evil spirits that would haunt them in their dreams. It also helps bring the innocent spirits home when they're lost."

" Nice that's cool to know."

As Olivia conversed with Lorna, Jill gazed at the tattoo on the waitress's body. A strange idea occurred to her when she looked at the symbol. Ask if the dreamcatcher had some dark secret behind it.

" I'll get your orders."

When the waitress walked away, Scott and Olivia noticed the fantastic look in Jill's eyes.

" Hey, Jill, you okay?" Scott asked.

Jill's face showed concern. It was not like her to be this reserved even in mixed company.

" Succubus," Jill whispered. "Demons that can manipulate humans and folklore through sexual hormones. "

" Hello, Earth to Jill?" said Olivia.

" Sorry. I was daydreaming."

" Not like you to space out," Scott said.

" Yeah. What was on your mind?"

" Possibly our next leader," Jill said as she pointed to the flyer that Lorna dropped.

Drawn to the flyer of the Gravestone concert that Lorna left behind, Olivia reached for it and placed it in the middle of the table as Scott and Jill got a better look at the flyer.

" This symbol is from Parabola," Olivia said when she looked at the flyer.

" Guess this means we get to go to the concert after all," Scott said.

" Shouldn't we contact Meredith and Sam because we have found a possible lead to what Priest wants in the human world?"

" That three-eyed stiff would lecture us on how we need to over-analyze and take control of the mission. Plus, the others have too much on their hands healing the injured agents."

" Besides, this concert is only for tonight," said Scott." If we do not act now, we might lose any hope of stopping Priest."

Jill sat back in her booth with her arms folded and pouted.

" We can't always do things by the book, Jill. Sometimes, a little rule-breaking is needed."

Olivia tried to reason with her friend, but Jill continued to look away.

"Alright, but we have to do this under observation only."

" Chill, Ghost Girl," said Scott." This won't be another cyclops incident."

Lorna returned to the table, balancing a tray of food over her palm.

" OK guys, bon appetit.

The server dished out the food to Olivia and Scott. " Thanks, Lorna," Scott said.

" No problem."

" Is it cool if we get the check?"

" Sure. Be back in a sec."

Lorna left to get the check Scott sweat under his brow.

Olivia prepared to eat her food. She noticed the awkward silence from the vampwolf.

" Chill Nollax, I'll cover the bill," Olivia said.

Scott exhaled and he began to eat his food.

As the two agents finished their meals, Olivia felt the magic pumping through her veins, and images formed in her mind.

" That hit the spot, Cult?"

" Almost."

" What do you mean?" Jill asked.

Olivia turned her head from left to right and slid her hand under the table.

" creare ex volumine centum pupa laoreet," Olivia chanted.

" What are you doing?"

Olivia widened her grin and pulled out a roll of money that she had conjured up and placed it on the table.

" Ordering desert."