Memory Lane

While Olivia and the others prepared for

the concert, Meredith and Sam followed Maxine on their journey to find the


The landscape of their destination was

gloomy. The building's exterior was dark brown. A mountain stood behind it.

Three moons overlapped in the evening sky.

" Where are we?" Sam asked as they walked across the side of the mountain.

" Welcome to the Shadow Plane, a pocket dimension used to hide the most exclusive witch elders," Maxine answered.

" Whoa, HQ never told us about this place," Sam said. He and Meredith exited the portal.

" There is a lot about Parabola that HQ didn't tell you."

" Like why a former captain of the bureau would have an unsanctioned device that gave her access to enter multiple dimensions?" Meredith asked.

" Funny, that ego of yours must cloud your eyes, huh Lust?"

Meredith sunk her head. They climbed the mountain.

" This type of equipment could help the bureau expand their efficiency at patrolling Parabola and protect the human world from imminent threats. But instead, you keep it for your agendas."

" Meredith does have a point," Sam said." Not everyone at HQ is a spell caster so having this type of tech could help us conserve on magic."

" The tech stays with me," said Maxine." Whatever issues the bureau has with transportation, they can figure it out once they get back on their feet."

" It's good to see you still value the bureau over your own selfish needs," said Meredith.

Maxine stopped in her tracks. The former captain stormed at the three-eyed officer.

" You would be best to remember your place, Triclops. I might not be a captain anymore, but you should know better to underestimate my skills."

" If you're going to fight me, Let's wait until Parabola is safe." The two glared at each other until Sam stood between them.

" Look, whatever's going on with you two, can it wait until after we find the seeker?" Sam interrupted. " I hate it when I of all people have to be the mediator,"

" SHUT UP," The two women Sam shrugged his shoulders.

The three witches ventured to the end of the walkway on the side of the mountain. Eventually, the trio stumbled upon a large door at least twelve stories high. The door was built from maroon oak with gold trim.

" Here we are," Maxine said.

Maxine and the agents of L.I.F.E walked to the front of the door, cautiously moving so as not to trigger any hidden traps or alarms.

" What now?" Sam looked at Meredith.

" The seeker's gate won't let just

anyone step in. We need to fork over incentives to get in," Meredith said.

" Lucky for you agents in training, I've managed to bring a little motivation for the occasion," said Maxine.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a heavy green bag filled with golden coins.

" You have doubloons?" Sam asked.

" Either one of you calls me a pirate, and I'll knock your teeth out."

" How did you manage to make so many?" Meredith asked.

" In case you forgot, I do own a bar.

Sometimes, I get good tips."

" It would be nice if you didn't include the sarcasm," Meredith responded.

" Just stay back," Said Maxine." You too, dreadlocks,"

Sam and Meredith took several steps back from Maxine while she held out her doubloons. The coins levitated from her hands and dissolved into the door.

" State your purpose, Valkyrie, "A daunting voice spoke out of the gate.

" We are here to request the services of The Seeker,"

" The Seeker will not answer the likes of you. You who have caused such corruption in destiny,"

"Corruption?" Sam asked.

" I have come here with two law enforcers of L.I.F.E. They can vouch for me that I mean to cause no harm to The Seeker or the order of destiny.

Meredith walked next to Maxine and vouched on her behalf.

" I am Agent Meredith Lust," She said as she removed her badge and held it to the door," Here at my side is Agent Samuel Ethol. We are here under the authority of Captain Sydney Moss to request the service of your master."

" There was a brief silence before they heard: Your request has been accepted."

The doors opened as the two agents and their former superior witnessed the vacant interior of the lair, which filled with rows of pillars on the sides.

" Let's go," Maxine said. She and the others walked in.

Meanwhile, back in Buffalo, Olivia and her friends leave the restaurant after finishing their meal.

" That was delicious," Scott said, patting his stomach.

" Next time, Nollax, you're paying," Olivia smirked.

" I'm glad you are all filled up," Jill said." Now, we can focus on finding Priest."

" Sweet, this means we get to go to the concert after all," Scott said.

" Think you can make yourself and Nollax a nice attire for the concert, Liv?

" Absolutely," Olivia said.

"It's too bad we're on a case," Scott said."

Would have loved to take that sexy Lorna to the concert."

" Put it on a leash, wolfboy. We're here to stop a high-level sorcerer, not get you a girlfriend."

" Sue me for being a teenager."

" Let's turn in here. It will give us a place to change."

Olivia led her friends to an alley where they were hidden beneath the shadows.

" The coast is clear," Jill said after she surveyed the area.

" Great, Nollax, hold still," Olivia said.

" Sure thing."

" reformabit corpus humilitatis nostrae vestimenta sua" Olivia chanted, extending her arms to the side.

Mystic purple clouds of energy spiraled around Scott and Olivia. Jill looked away from its shining ember.

When the clouds cleared, they wore torn jeans. Olivia had on a white crop top with a red skull in the center. Scott wore a blue hoodie with a black tee-shirt with a howling wolf on a mountain top and a blue moon in the background.

" You two clean up nicely," Jill said.

" Yeah, but you could have helped a guy out by conjuring some better shoes."

" Zip it, Nollax, or next time, I will make you a muzzle to match your ego,"

"Sheez, some witches can't take a joke."

" When you two finish squabbling, we should get a move on," Jill stated.

" Yes, Mom," The two agents joked.

Before they went off to the concert, Olivia noticed a car parking across the street. A man and woman dressed in summer clothes exited the car, along with a child.

Olivia's heart sank like an anchor when she recognized the family leaving their car.

" Liv, what's wrong?" Jill asked.

" My family," said Olivia.