Know Thy Enemy

As Olivia watched her estranged family, Maxine, Meredith, and Sam walked further into the sanctum to speak to the Seeker.

" This place is creepy," Sam uttered.

" Shut it, Ethol," Maxine said." Show some respect."

" Easy, I was talking smack,"

" I'll smack you if you don't knock it off," Meredith whispered.

The faintest candle lights lead the three witches through the halls.

" Still don't understand one thing," said Sam.

" What's that?" Meredith asked.

" What did the gatekeeper mean when it said Captain Croftfire," changed up" destiny?"

" Don't worry about it," Maxine chimed in."

The trio looked up and saw a giant throne engraved with ancient jewels and mystic metals. Seated on the throne was a tall figure wearing a yellow robe and a pink mask with no eyes. The figure greeted them.

" I am the Seeker, State your purpose."

The three folklore watched as the Seeker stood to answer the request.

" Hello Seeker," Maxine said. She knelt before the omnipotent figure while the two agents followed her lead. I am Maxine Crossfire, former captain of L.I.F.E."

" Please do not insult my intelligence, Valkyrie," the Seeker responded." I know the identities of your associates. The voodooist is known as Samuel Ethol and the newt known as Meredith Lust."

" She already knows all of that?" Sam whispered.

" Be quiet," Meredith warned. She stomped on his foot.

" The police force is trapped in a strange crystal-like substance that even I am unfamiliar with," Maxine said."

We need to know the location of the ingredients needed to free our captive associates and humbly ask for your guidance."

" I sense your agency, as well as Parabola may be in grave peril with the ingredients," the Seeker said." Very well. To restore your associates to their living state, you must travel to the

Temple of Newts and acquire the mystical springs of the enchanted fountain. Only this final ingredient can save our realm,"

" The Temple of Newts?" Meredith said."

Do you know what happened to the other Newts? Do you know who my parents were?

" You've received your response," the Seeker answered." You must wait till the next Twilight Moon to ask any further questions. Until then, farewell."

In a flash of light, the three witches found themselves outside of the temple.

" You know the rules, Greene," Maxine said." Only one question per visit,"

" The Temple of Newts?" Sam said." I thought that place was lost forever,"

" Not forever," Maxine answered." I know how to get to it. Let us go."

Meredith followed Maxine and Sam back to the Broth to find the temple.

Three hours passed as the sunny plane of Buffalo, New York turns grey.

The group arrived at the harbor downtown.

Employees were setting up equipment for the show when the gang walked into the concert floor.

" It looks like we still have some time to kill before the band plays," Olivia said.

" Then if you ladies will excuse me,

I'm going to stretch my legs and flirt with the hot candy vendors,"

" Nollax, didn't you just eat?" Jill asked.

" Vampwolfs have big appetites, ghost girl."

" So do witches," Olivia said. She pulled out a $20 bill from her pocket and handed it to Scott." Here, grab me a jalapeño pretzel, heavy on the cheese."

" Sure thing," Scott walked away and mingled with the candy vendors. A group of hipsters walked through the canal side, ready to party to their heart's content. Olivia picked up her phone and placed it to her head crowd.

" Any reason for the phone, Liv?"

Jill asked.

" Just so that people don't mistake me for talking to myself whenever I am talking to you.

"Right, best not to draw attention to

yourself while undercover." Jill looked away. She felt disappointed with a disappointing expression on her face as Olivia took notice. Olivia noticed Jill's forlorn expression.

" You know we love you, right, Jill?"

" Of course, Liv."

" Hey, as soon as we wrap up this case, I promise I'll get back to finding a way to resurrect you."

" Liv, you don't need to …"

" Hey there!" Lorna said as she recognized Olivia from the crowd of concertgoers.

" Oh hey, Lorna, right?" Olivia said as she folded her phone, and Jill wandered off.

" Yeah, I served you and your boyfriend today at 617,"

" Eww," Olivia squirmed." Scott's not my boyfriend."

" Sorry, didn't mean to offend you…." Lorna hesitated, trying to figure out Olivia's name.

" Olivia,"

" Nice to meet you," Lorna smiled and

extended her hand to Olivia.

The warmth of Lorna's palm lapping over her palm accompanied by Lorna's bright grin and she gently brushed back the hair in her eyes became all too noticeable to the young detective.

" Um, I kind of need my hand back," Olivia joked.

" Oh, sorry," Lorna said. She pulled her hand back.

" I should be going. My co-worker, Chris, was my ride. She and I must stay close otherwise, I am walking home.

"Okay, bye." Olivia grinned.

" Bye," Lorna said. Olivia felt a warmth in her chest a hesitation in her breathing.

"Well, well," Jill said when she reappeared next to Olivia.

"What ?!," Olivia blushed.

" Looks like someone has an admirer."

"Jill, calm down."

"Why? Aren't you the one who is always nudging me to date people?" Jill grinned.

"Relax, Jill."

" It's okay for you to dish it out as long as you don't have to take it, huh?"

" Seriously," said Olivia." Even if we were not undercover, I don't think I'm her type."

A scream emerged from the stage as a large, eight-foot Minotaur; a half man-half bull giant with burning horns sprung out from the scene in a molten magma explosion.

Back in Parabola, Maxine and the agents traveled back to the Broth and found it filled with wild customers.

" What the hell?" Maxine asked.

Bulk hustled to keep the rowdy clientele inline.

" Back off, Freeloaders," Bulk shouted.

" Bulk! What's going on here?" Maxine screamed.

" Hey Boss," Bulk said." He wiped his sweaty brow. Just...keeping the guests in line."

Maxine paused, holding out her arms to stop Sam and Meredith in their tracks.

As she did this, Bulk crossed his arms and ducked his head while bending his knees.

" What is she doing?" Sam asked.

" You'll see."

Maxine raised her left knee before slamming it down to the ground, releasing a shockwave that propelled the vast body of clientele against the back wall.

" Listen up, Ingrates," Maxine shouted." Unless you are here to buy drinks, get the hell out."

Two of the customers picked themselves off the floor. Each pulled out a dagger to strike the one-eyed bartender.

" Boss, look out," Bulk warned Maxine. Maxine sprouted two skeletons like wings from her back as each one flared with fiery gold energy.

The Valkyrie's wing choked the two charging patrons. The flames suffocated the two patrons, reducing them to ash within minutes.

" That's enough," Meredith screamed."

You don't have to kill them," Maxine turned her head to Meredith, scowling at her.

Maxine waved her wings before retracting her arms. She walked to their charred corpses.

"Yes, I did," Maxine answered.

Maxine picked up the daggers the demons dropped on the floor. They were the same as the dagger Olivia brought to HQ earlier.

" Looks like you kids got a mole in your midst."