After Class

Olivia snooped around to find traces of what the Blessing was planning.

The Blessing held radical beliefs, but they knew how to cover their tracks. Olivia thought before generating a spell circle around her left hand.

She waved her wrist around the few empty classrooms to pick up any magic that may be left. I know these guys were in the school. At least I should be able to pick up some trail they left off.

The mystical circle around her wrist changed from bright orange to a dark pinkish glow. That is a mystical signature.

She extended her hand and discovered traces of footprints leading out of the classroom.

Bingo. the young witch smiled.

Olivia followed the trail. She walked through the hallway, trying not to draw the attention of any faculty or students.

Finally, she reached an endpoint in the basement, closed off to all but the custodians " It's always got to be a damn creepy basement," said Olivia to herself.

The young enchantress used a flashlight to guide her. "

If I was an occult group of demonic worshipers that wanted to merge dimensions, where would I keep my stuff?" Olivia asked herself.

"Maybe in the last place you'd think," Scott whispered behind her, catching her by surprise.

Olivia turned around while summoning her Virgin Mary and pointed it toward Scott before she realized who it was."


"Jill thought you could use some help while she did research."

Olivia put her weapon away before she slapped Scott's arm.

"Watch it, wolf boy," I could have killed you.

"Tried. You could have tried to kill me."

"Please, I could kick your ass if I needed to."

"That'll be the day."

But while the two bickered about who would win in a fight, Olivia and Scott were greeted by shining, bright light.

"What are you two kids doing here?" A man in a janitorial uniform asked.

"Oh, we just got a little lost," Scott lied to the janitor.

"Pretty sure you punks are too old to be students." The janitor scowled." I am calling principal on ..."

Scott used his vampire speed to snatch the radio away from the janitor before hypnotizing the faculty worker.

"I am not going to call anyone. I'm going to go home now and fall asleep," Scott chanted while staring intensely into the man's eyes.

"I am not going to call anyone. I'm going to go home now and fall asleep,"

The janitor replied, suspended in Scott's hypnotic trance. "Now please give us the keys to the basement before you go," Scott asked.


The Janitor blindly handed Scott the keys and left the basement. Scott reverted his eyes. He smiled at Olivia feeling overconfident.

"Aw, the perks of being a vampwolf."

"Turn down the cockiness, wolf boy,"

Olivia said. "We still have a mystery to solve,"

After disposing of the janitor, Olivia and Scott's explored the basement to find any connection to the Blessing.

The young enchantress pulled out a vial of salt and poured it around the center of the basement, forming a large circle.

" So, this is supposed to give us some answers of why the Blessing is here?" Scott said.

" Hopefully, it will explain how these extinct creatures are returning," Olivia answered. She took out a piece

of chalk from her pocket to draw a smaller circle within the first one. Afterward, she wrote ten Latin letters around the ring and sat in the middle.

" Does it usually take this long?" Scott complained.

" Shut up, Nollax."

Olivia finally conjured a small bottle of red liquid and unscrewed the top.

" What's that?"

" Goat blood."

" Wait. if you could conjure up blood this whole time, why did you let me search through the loft to find a few


"Because the blood that I conjure is temporary. If you drank it, you could be poison."

"Oh, good point."

" Now get clear. This spell is pretty aggressive,"

" What do you mean?"

" You'll see."

Scott took three steps back before the spell began.

" Further."

The vamp wolf begrudgingly took three more steps back.

"To the other side of the room."

" Fine,"

Scott took several more steps until the young agent found himself towards the back of the wall of the basement.

" Maleficarum praeteritum spiritual, ad capere specialis locus meam," The young witch chanted with her legs folded.

The shimmering white light flashed around Olivia. Scott covered his eyes, shielding from the bright lights.

"Whoa," the vampwolf said as he witnessed the spectacle of his friend's abilities.

Tingling fear flooded beneath Scott's back while nightmarish constructs of demonic figures sprouted out of the circles that Olivia produced.

" This is crazy."

Olivia remained still while the spiraling constructs circled the room.

"You better know what you're doing, Cult," Scott said wondering if he would battle these creatures.

But one by one some constructs vanished, and others replaced them.

Olivia's body levitated Scott's eyes were wide open as he watched her.

" Witches," Scott commented." Always dramatic."

Olivia's eyes shot wide open with full blue pupils while the illusions retreated into the circle and imploded causing an explosion that knocked the vampwolf out.

Scott regained consciousness and slowly got up while Olivia levitated to the ground with her eyes shut. Olivia opened her and landed on the ground.

" That was crazy," Scott said.

" Yeah," Olivia agreed." The good news, I found out why the Blessing is here."

" Bad news?"

"Bad news, I know why the Blessing is here."

Elsewhere, the others defeated the horde of Chimera and Maxine leads the search for the ingredient to save the paralyzed agents Meredith and Sam followed her.

" Is everything okay with you two?"

Sam whispered to Meredith. "We almost got mauled by that three-headed monstrosity back there because you two get along. If something is up, I think I should know about it. Also, what the heck is a doomsday eye?"

" Don't worry about it."

" I can hear you two," Maxine said from across the room.

" Then maybe you can answer that,"

Sam replied.

Maxine flew up in the air and landed in front of them.

" Should I tell him or should you, kid?"

Meredith bit her lower lip, resenting Maxine for pressuring her.

"Well, Lust?" Meredith took a deep breath before answering Sam's question.

" A doomsday eye is a rare genetic condition passed from generation to generation," Meredith said." It grants its host extrasensory abilities."

" Sensory?" Sam asked.

" Future vision, x-ray vision, enhanced speed, strength, agility, just to name a few," Maxine added.

" Yeah, that stuff," said Meredith.

" Future vision?" Sam asked. "You saw this coming?"

" Not exactly," Meredith answered." I can only see potential outcomes for different situations around me."

" Which is why she wastes it being Syd's secretary instead of being a field operative which is what I trained her for," Maxine added.

" At least mine isn't stolen."

" Watch it, Triclops."

" Stop calling me that."

The two emitted intense auras. Meredith's aura possessed traces of green as Maxine's had traces of gold.

" Both of you, chill," Sam said standing between them." " Can we please focus on the mission?"

The two females simmered their attitudes and removed their auras.

"We have to go through the hole to move on. "Maxine said.

" I didn't see a ...," said Sam before being interrupted by Maxine blasting a massive beam of brimstone fire from her hands into the ground, creating a gaping hole.

" Just try to keep up," said Maxine.

The Valkyrie jumped into the hole while the others followed.