Magic In The Air

Despite the debris cluttering the city, Olivia managed to teleport Lorna to the loft that she and Scott had occupied during their investigation.

" Where are we?" Lorna asked looking around the apartment.

" This is the hideout where Scott and I stayed at while we were undercover," Olivia said." Only spellcasters from the force can access it so; this should keep you safe."

" What's going to happen to the city? What's going to happen to your brother?"

" I'm going to enter that dome and close the book that's causing this trouble. That should rescue Tosh from Tabitha's control."

" This is why I hate magic," Lorna said." Too many people get hurt from it.

" Like your dad?" Olivia interrupted her.

Lorna clutched her hands and stared at the ground, hiding the real secret about her father.

" Listen, I'm sorry about before. I like it. But that part of my life, it is just ...,"

Olivia gently grabbed her hands, hoping to put her at ease.

" It's okay," said Olivia. "Magic can be dangerous. When my parents disowned me, I met friends in the agency who helped me control my power. Now the same magic can protect the people I care about.

Olivia brushed the hair from Lorna's left eye. They felt a bond between them.

" I promise to send someone to get you after this is over."

" Please be safe," said Lorna.

" Sure thing."

Olivia took several steps away from Lorna and teleported away.

Good luck, Olivia, Lorna thought.

Olivia traveled toward the dome which occupied most of downtown Buffalo.

" Looks like I'll have to break through the barrier and stop this thing at the source," Olivia said when she hovered over the building. But she was attacked by a barrage of chimera that rammed her into the ground. The young witch blasted the chimeras off.

How am I going to get past all these things without using up all my magic?

The chimeras regrouped but Olivia saw a barrage of missiles attack the beasts, knocking them off course. The young detective was surprised to see who rushed to her rescue.

"No way." Olivia smirked when Meredith waved at her.

"Not bad for a desk junkie, Huh?" Meredith said while she spoke into her badge.

"Let me guess, Valkyrie tech?" Olivia asked as she talked into hers.

"Courtesy of Captain Croftfire."

As the two conversed, more minions began to emerge from the dome. Meredith fired more projectiles at the menaces, opening a pathway for Olivia to run through. However, several of the reanimated cyclopes blasted the three-eyed cadet. She jumped off the building, avoiding their attacks.

"Keep going," Meredith told Olivia." This time, I'm the one getting my hands dirty."

"Show off," Olivia joked while she broke into the dome.

The vile creatures swarmed toward Meredith, scheming to mutilate her.

All right, Meredith," she said to herself while she cracked her knuckles. Time to crunch some numbers.

Olivia arrived within the focal point as she flew through noise and sparks searching for Tosh.

"TOSH," Olivia cried." Hang in there, Bro. I'm coming."

Olivia knew the safety of her family depended on her skills. Would she succeed?

Olivia searched the building until she saw the omega book of Ex Nihelo suspended in the air. "The Book," The young detective said as she pushed against the resistance within the building.

Slowly but surely, Olivia reached closer & closer to the book as she reached out to it.

"Olivia…," A mysterious voice distracted her. A diabolical beam of green magic blasted Olivia from the book and on to the ground. She lifted herself from the ground and cringed at the sight of Tabitha Willows possessing her little brother.

"Looking for someone?" Tabitha asked with a sinister grin.

"Tabitha, Stop," Olivia begged." Please, take me instead."

"Don't you think I would have done that years ago?

"You've become too connected with your magic. "It's part of your spirit."

Olivia's eyes bulged out of her sockets at the strange words.

"That Lilith form that you conjured at the concert proved that your magic is evolving and connecting with your spirit," Tabitha explained. "Imagine how powerful he will become after I kill you and rip Lilith's magic from your body." Tabitha unleashed a hex bolt at the young enchantress.

But Olivia summoned her Virgin Mary to deflect Tabitha's blast before regaining her own footing on the ground.

"I'm taking you out of my brother's body one way or another," Olivia declared.

Olivia rushed toward Tabitha before she teleported out of Olivia's path to release another mystical blast at Olivia. The attack stunned the young witch detective and caused to cringe on the ground.

" Face it, Liv," Tabitha said as she hovered over her friend's body." You can't stop me." Tabitha's dark aura continued to grow outside of Tosh's body while she prepared to finish off Olivia.

" You always were a powerful enchantress, Olivia. But when it comes down to it, we both know you're not willing to do what is absolutely necessary to help those closest to you."

Tabitha prepared a final blast to eradicate Olivia, but Olivia pulled off her amulet, allowing Lilith to control of her body. Lilith dispensed Tabitha's enchantment around Olivia body and stood ready to face off against the evil spirit.

" Do you want my magic?" Lilith smirked. "Come and get it."

" Well," Tabitha said." We finally get to meet the demon face to face."

"Your witch friend may have sympathy for you, Spirit," Lilith snickered." But you're just another nuisance I have the privilege of eradicating."

The two flew at each other, both possessing the bodies of the Cult family. Tabitha created a dark energy construct of a scythe and swung it towards Lilith. But Lilith used her wings to shield herself from the attack and grabbed the spirit with her tail, wrapping it around her ankles.

Tabitha teleported out of Lilith's grasp and reappeared behind Lilith, generating a spear-like construct straight through the demon's chest.

" You had your time, Lilith," Tabitha said." But after I kill you and your host with you, all your magic will belong to me. I'll finally be able to rewrite reality the way I see fit."

Tabitha created a second construct to slice off Lilith's head. But the demonic entity unleashed her talons, slicing the construct in half.

Lilith broke free of Tabitha's attack and charged towards her ghostly adversary.

" No," Tabitha shouted as she punched Lilith. But Lilith dodged Tabitha's attack and generated a large beam of energy into her abdomen. While she was knocked back by the demon's blast, Tabitha caught herself in mid-air and flew toward the book, hoping to use it to end Lilith's reign.

" I may not be able to beat your head on. But at least I'll be able to siphon all of your magic once I get the book." But Lilith extended her wings flew toward the accursed book and grabbed it just as Tabitha did.

As the two witches gripped the book, a dark surge of yellow lightning emitted from it, tearing the dome apart. In that struggle, Lilith's form dissipated as did Tabitha's power over Tosh's body.

" No, not now," Lilith said as she began to revert into Olivia.

" This cannot be. I can't let it end like this," Tabitha said as her grip over Tosh's body weakened. Tosh's body separated from Tabatha's astral form. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

" What?" Olivia said," What's going on?"

Violent winds encompassed the sparks of lightning that came from the book. The two girls struggled over who would possess it.