The Fountain

Sam, Maxine, and Meredith continued the search for the final ingredient, but the tension between Meredith and Maxine continued.

Sam conjured three floating lanterns that circled them, hoping to lighten the mood and the journey.

" Thought that might help us out." Sam smiled.

But the two females were not amused.

" Our doomsday eyes allow us to see in the dark, Sam," Meredith said.

The three-folklore walked further along the path until they spotted a strange turquoise glimmer shining through a narrow crack in the wall.

"Stand back, Lust," Maxine said." I don't want you to chip a nail and ruin that precious secretary manicure of yours," The one-eyed Valkyrie's teasing only fueled Meredith's anger.

Meredith balled of her fingers into a fist reeled back her arms and pulverized the wall.

with two swings.

The crumbled blockade concealed a small flowing fountain that was surrounded by ancient, eroded statues.

" Not bad, Lust," said Maxine when she walked past her." But Olivia would have

broken through with one shot,"

The Valkyrie walked towards the enchanted fountain, leaving Meredith fuming.

" Hey, Meredith?" Sam patted her shoulder.

" Let's get the water and leave."

The secretary walked to the fountain. Sam conjured a vase to scoop the water and placed it in his pouch.

" Good. Let us get out of here."

Meanwhile, in the human world, Olivia begins to debrief Scott while they exited the basement.

" Okay Liv," Scott said as they walked into the hallway of the school.

" Spill it."

" The Blessing wants to merge Parabola and the human world through the omega book of Nihilo."

" But I thought only you could open that book."

" Anyone in my family can use the book so long as they are a trained spellcaster.

" Do you I think the Blessing would force your parents to open that thing?"

" Even if they did, my parents have disowned magic, neither of them trained as a

spellcaster. Either way, we must find the book,"

Scott comes across a newspaper stand that had a stack of school papers that illustrate.

" Archaic Book Auctioning for Charity."

" Maybe I just found it said, Scott. He took the paper and showed it to Olivia.

" Auctions to be held this Friday at 3 pm by Dr. Tabitha Willows," Olivia read.

" Dr. Willows?" Scott said.

" That's...,"

" Jill's sister."

Both Olivia and Scott bit their lips.

" Jill was pretty torn up talking about her sis," Scott said." How are we going to tell her that Tabitha is in town?"

" We don't," at least until we know how dangerous she is."

" What do you mean?" " Jill said her sister experimented with magic to contact the Blessing. For all we know, she can be as dangerous as Priest."

The hallways were flooded with children when Olivia and Scott discreetly walked out of the school. Scott and Olivia hid behind the stairs at the front entrance.

" Spellcasters can sense each other, so I'll check out the auction and tell you what I find," Scott said.

" Cool, I'll keep an eye on things here in case the Blessing strikes." Scott left when Olivia felt a ring in her pocket.

Who could that be? Olivia wondered. Olivia opened her phone and read a text from Lorna:

Maybe you can meet the kids after school. Talk more at Jordan's Cafe at 4: 30?

Olivia agreed to the text and harbored a sense of hope.

Four hours past as Olivia waits eagerly for Lorna at the coffee shop.

A server brought a chocolate chip muffin while Olivia waited.

" Excuse me, I ordered blueberry."

"Sorry, miss," the server said." That is all we have. I can replace it with a scone or...,"

" No. It is fine. Thanks."

The server walked away as Olivia picked each chocolate chip off the muffin.

The young witch waited outside until she sensed a great disturbance in the streets.

A large crowd of people ran screaming when they sighted a two-headed jackal.

Are you kidding me?

The monster grabbed a car with its mouth and threw it towards Olivia while citizens exited the cafe.

" Adduc industria impetu bulla circa me," Olivia chanted.

Before the vehicle could contact Olivia's body, an orange force bubble conjured around her body. The vehicle exploded upon contact on the construct as Olivia teleported behind the jackal.

"Hey, Boy. Do you want a treat? "

Olivia summoned her Virgin Mary, aimed at the double-headed creature. But before she shot, a claw-shaped porta appeared next to the monster's right head.

Scott jumped out of the portal and punched the jackal, knocking it on the ground. As

Scott hit the ground, the jackal swung its paw, knocking Scott to Olivia's side where he landed on all fours.

" Hey Liv," Interrupting your date?"

The night sky of Parabola set with an eerie tone while Maxine and the teenage detectives camped outside of the temple. They recovered the final ingredient needed to heal the rest of the force.

" This should keep us warm until morning," Maxine said. She threw several large

chunks of wood into a campfire.

" Tell me again why I can't cast a spell to make us some food again? Or why we're waiting until morning to head back to the sanctum?" Sam asks.

" The Blessing tracked us everywhere we went because they can sense.

spellcasters," Maxine said. " After that last barrage, it's best not to

risk any moves outside of this area. Who knows what else they'd send after us?"

" Are you sure that Olivia and the others are safe in the human world? Meredith


" Don't worry, Lust. Witch girl is more than a pretty face and spells. She can overcome any crap that comes her way." She is not afraid to get her hands dirty in the field, unlike Greene. "

Meredith clutched her face.

" What's wrong, Lust? Still can't stomach a little criticism?"

Meredith stood up, irritated by her former mentor's words. "

" You don't get to be angry at me for not being your weapon to take back Valhalla," Meredith shouted. "You saw me as a weapon for a war that was over before you became captain" You tried to force me to use the doomsday to its limit, knowing that it could kill me in the process."

" I trained you to control the doomsday eye so you would survive the strain,"

said Maxine.

" What made you think you could teach me how to control it? Stealing one for


" Do you think I asked for this thing? This eye got forced on me like yours was.

forced on you."

" Difference is I was born with this curse. You stole it from my bloodline and erased any.

trace of who my real parents were."

" Hey, ladies," Sam interrupted." Maybe we should calm down and ...,"

The harsh winds roared around the Valkyrie and the newt and the ground began to


" Um, guys ...," said Sam. "

I might have been cast out by my parents, but at least I don't blame others for

my exile like a coward," said Meredith.

Maxine extended her wings as they burned with dark flames.

" I dare you to call me that again, Triclops."

Sam took several steps back, sensing the hostility thicken between the two folklore.

"You're a disgrace as a Valkyrie and a spineless, condescending ... COWARD,"

Maxine smirked at Meredith while balling up her fist.

Maxine punched Meredith's face, knocking her against a large tree.

" What the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled.

"Relax, Dreads. She can handle it."

Seconds later, Meredith pounced toward Maxine, punching her into a tree.

Maxine flew up in the air, hovering over Meredith while Sam observed.