The Plans

Preparations began as Dorian Priest, and Tabitha created a spell circle in the middle of the basement.

" The circle is ready," Priest said.

" Terrific. Let us begin."

Tabitha used Tosh's body to unlock the book of ex nihilo and release its contents.

" Parabolae Siue sacris spirituum, dona mihi aditus ad mundi ligatum."

The pages of the book turned before releasing a massive, red, and purple blast from the book's confines.

Screams of children and adults filled the air when they escaped the institution. Lorna and her class were among those freed.

The beam emulating from the book became a massive dome that covered the entire school.

" I never imagined I would feel this much power from the book," Tabitha said as her stolen body levitated.

" Now that you have access to the book, complete our mission," Priest said." Merge Parabola with this pathetic human world so magic reigns supreme."

" I have a better idea, Priest, "Tabitha replied before unleashing massive bolts of mystical energy on Priest, crippling him in the process.

" What are you doing?" Priest asked, struggling to break his restraints.

" You've helped me this far. But now I have this body and the book. I don't need you."

" How dare you betray our cause? Magic is meant to be expelled throughout all worlds,"

" Yes, You and your ridiculous faith obsessed group. I used you to gain access to the book and the cult bloodline. I am going to make a reality of my choice where I control everything, magic and otherwise. This world considered me a misfit. Now it will accept me as their God."

" You ignorant spirit. I will see that you become shredded from existence. Quick devils, erase her."

But before the quick devils could attack Tabitha, the same glow that sparked around her corrupted them as well. The quick devils turned against their former master and slashed his body with their inhuman speed and talons.

" But... how?" asked Priest, suffering from battle wounds.

" When I possessed you at the Broth, I stole a portion of your magic, Dorian," Tabitha smirked." Corrupting your pets was easy for me. Quick devils, beat him within an inch of his life and then threw him out of this dome so he can see what true magic is." The possessed creatures continued to beat down Priest who was powerless to defend himself while the evil spirit basked in her new power.

Chaos and destruction invaded the city while the dome that Tabitha's dome grew exponentially.

The citizens of Buffalo ran off because they could not comprehend what strange atrocity befell their city.

Many of the school buses were overcrowded with children and faculty who exited the dome.

One held Lorna and her classmates.

But as Lorna was ready to board the bus after helping the children climb in, she had felt the badge that Olivia gave her clash against her pocket and pulled it out.

" Olivia," Lorna said.

The badge flickered a red glow. Hoping it would lead to Olivia, Lorna followed the pull of the badge sneaking away from the rest of the faculty who were leaving the school.

The badge led Lorna to an alleyway with a damaged dumpster. Lorna lifted the lid, hoping to see Olivia.

" Somehow I'm not surprised to see that you're here," Lorna said.

" I wish it were under better circumstances," Priest responded as he laid in the dumpster in a weakened state.

" Why is it that men like you and my father tap into magic you know you can't control?"

" All magic is controlled, my dear. All you need is the proper practice."

The debris caused by the massive explosion spiraled through the town. Lorna ducked.

" Where is Olivia?"

" Don't worry. The witch detective is still alive.

" Whatever you did to her, bringing her back. She's the only one who could stop this."

" Is she? Did you ever tell her why you hate magic so much? Or did you tell her that lie about your father dying?"

Lorna tightened her fist and looked away.

She dug into her purse and pulled out a bottle of Phoenix blood,"

" You remember our deal, Priest. Do not make me regret this."

Lorna removes the helmet from his face and fed him the potion.

Within minutes, the diabolical sorcerer regains his health and magic, ready to reach out to Olivia.

" Thoughtful, like your mother. Let us hope your fate is more pleasant than hers."

"Shut up and save the girl."

" As you wish ... my dear temptress."

Dorian teleported away. Lorna snuck back to the bus.

After freeing Scott, Olivia and Meredith ran into a pressing manner.

" How are we going to get out of here?" Meredith asked.

" I'm tapped out of magic," Olivia said." It will take time for me to get back my strength back.

" That's not good," Scott said." The Blessing confiscated my knuckles so I can't take a portal back to the human world."

" Perhaps I can be of assistance." Dorian Priest said. He opened a portal in front of the agents.

" Priest," Olivia said. She and the others prepared to fight the masked sorcerer.

" Calm yourself, witch girl. I am not your enemy now. I believe that the specter you call Tabitha is now our common enemy."

" Are you insane?" Scott asked." You've been working with that trader this whole time."

" That is true until she betrayed me, vampwolf. Your friend's selfish desires are ruining everything that the Blessing truly stands for."

" We should take you down right now for all the crimes you committed both for the human world and Parabola," Meredith remarked.

" Do as you wish, child. But know that you will have to battle."

Priest opened a portal, pulling out Olivia and Scott's weapons along with a bottle of Phoenix blood.

" These weapons should help you fight the spirit," Priest said. Also, this bottle should be enough to rejuvenate your magic."

" We're supposed to believe that you're going to give us these things out of sympathy?"

" Do not be ridiculous, witch girl. I offer an exchange."

" What type of exchange?" asked Meredith.

" I will grant you the tools you need to save the human world in exchange for giving me the book after you defeat the ghost."

Tensions flared as the three agents knew of the dire consequences of handing over a mystical treasure to a diabolical adversary.

" Dream on," Scott said.

" Wait, Deal?" Olivia asked.

" Tell me you're joking," Meredith said.

" Tabitha likely has Tosh under her control. If she steals the magic from the book, reality will be destroyed." Olivia said.

" I will merely keep it in my possession to ensure such a temptation never falls in the hands of another blasphemer like the Willow girl."

" Liv, you can't ...," Scott said.

" Not now, Nollax," Olivia said." We have a deal,"

" Excellent," said Priest. He tossed them their weapons.

Olivia drank from the bottle. Her strength restored itself.

" Hope you know what you're doing," Scott said.

" Me too."

" We should get moving," Meredith said.

Scott used his weapon to take a portal back to the human world as the three agents jumped in.

" This should be most promising," Priest said.