
Moments pass as Olivia and her friends return to the city, ready to stop Tabitha from enacting her evil plan.

" Now that we're back, we have to find Captain Moss and the others," Meredith said.

" How are we going to find them?" Scott asked.

" Olivia," Lorna screamed. She ran toward them with Olivia's spare badge in her hand.

" Lorna? Olivia asked.

" It's Tabitha," Lorna said." She and some man in a mask broke into the school. She threatened to kill your parents and the rest of the class if Tosh didn't go with them."

Olivia's heartbeat thumped in her chest when she heard her little brother had become possessed by someone she had once seen as a friend.

" That bitch."

" Don't worry, Liv," Scott said." We'll get your little bro."

Scott began to sniff as he caught a familiar scent.

" Scott?" Olivia asked.

" Oracle metal. It's close by."

" What does that matter?" Meredith asked.

" The real Jillian. She was wearing Oracle metal. That's how she sensed that I was a vampwolf."

" If you can track her scent, maybe she can find a way to stop the book," Meredith said.

" I'll get Lorna somewhere safe," said Olivia." You two find the doctor."

" On it.

As Olivia went to send Lorna to a safe place, Meredith and Scott tracked down the scent the young vamp wolf picked up from the doctor's necklace.

" Are you sure it's the right way," Meredith said as she ran through the streets with Scott by her side.

" My nose never lies."

The two ran with inhuman speed down the streets of Buffalo as the carnage caused by the dome continued.

Eventually, Scott's trail led to a dead-end alley with the excellent doctor chained to a chair surrounded by three hovering stones. " Dr. Willows," Scott said while he and Meredith moved toward her.

" Stay back, it's a trap," The doctor yelled. Three quick devils appeared between the agents and Dr. Willows.

" Looks like we're in for a fight," Scott mentioned.

" What about the others?" Meredith asked." We can't leave them there."

The quick devils charged at the agents while Meredith sped toward one, kicking the creature before sending it flying through the brick wall.

Scott approached another one, using his talons to clash against those of the reptilian menace. The vamp wolf dodged its attacks before driving his claws into the quick devil, splitting it in half. All that remained was the final quick devil, who was surging with purple aura, guarding the doctor.

" This one seems stronger than its friends. I'll keep it busy while you free the others," said Meredith.

" Done," said Scott.

The two agents prepared to free their allies to as the supercharged quick devil pounce upon them. Meredith invoked the power of her third eye to grant her the strength and speed to combat the savage creature.

Scott made his way to shatter the crystal imprisonments holding captain Moss, Sam, Maxine. But the crystals released dark electricity that repelled him.

" Of course, these things are protected," Scott complained when he heard Meredith being slammed into the wall by the monsters.

" Lust, are you ...,"

Before he could finish that question, Meredith rocketed out of the wall and knocked the quick devil into the other side of the valley.

" I'm fine. Find a way to free the others," Meredith said before she jumped toward the quick devil.

"Easier said than done."

" My necklace," Dr. Willows suggested." Oracle metal can we use to absorb dark magic like a magnet. Maybe it will help."

" Good thinking, Doc," Scott said while he dashed to her side to remove the necklace. Scott unfastened the necklace, Meredith struggled to keep the quick devil at bay. The clash of their bodies became almost impossible to track while she and Scott flew at breakneck speed. Meredith pinned down the quick devil to buy Scott enough time.

" Hang on," Scott said. He held the necklace toward the crystals. Each one emitted dark electricity but finally, every diamond lost its charge.

The Quick Devil fighting Meredith flipped her around and slammed her into the wall, ready to finish her off.

" Got to act fast," Scott said as he used his talons and super speed to slash across each of the crystals. They vibrated and slowly broke apart after Scott's attack. A bright velvet flash consumed the alley. When the bright light vanished, a blast of green energy pierced through the quick devil's body, killing the creature, and saving Meredith.

When Meredith picked herself up, she saw Captain Moss wielding his wand as the source of the green blast. Alongside him stood Maxine and Sam, free from their imprisonment.

" Well done, agents," Captain Moss said." Well done."

The agents felt hopeful after the reunion. It's good to have you back, Captain," Meredith said.

" Glad to be here, Meredith."

" Hate to spoil the mood, but what are we going to do?" Sam asked.

" He's right," Scott added." That dome is going to rip this city apart."

" Not if we keep Parabola and the human world from uniting," Moss said.

Moss took his wand and blasted a hole leading back to the Sanctum Aurora.

"Agent Ethol and I will do our part to tighten the barrier from Parabola," said the Captain."

" All due respect, Captain," Scott said," there's no way in hell I'm going to let my best friend face this nightmare alone."

" I'll stay behind and give her cover," Meredith volunteered." You know this city better than any of us so you can protect the doctor and take her too safely."

" Leave her at the safe house," Maxine said." That will be the best place for her."

" Then it's settled," Captain Moss said." Everyone you know your positions?" Captain Moss and Sam walked through the portal while Scott carried the doctor through the city.

" Hey Greene, Maxine said when Meredith was about to rush to Olivia's side.

" Listen, if this is about that little scuffle we had in the forest, I don't think it's the best time to ...,"

" Shut up and catch." Maxine tossed her a small rectangular box.

Meredith caught the strange object, confused about what it was.

" What is this for?"

" Twist it," said Maxine.

The young agent twisted the rectangular box and watched it transform into a cannon she could carry over her shoulder. The exterior of the exotic weapon was covered with ancient symbols and streams of pink energy coursed through it.

" Say hello to The Equalizer," Maxine smirked.

" This Weapon is Valkyrie tech. " One of the most powerful weapons in my arsenal. I don't let just anyone use it."

" Does this mean you finally trust me?" Meredith asked, smiling.

" Don't get all mushy, kid. You and witch girl are going to need all the firepower you can get." Maxine made her way to the portal to assist Captain Moss with Sam and protecting the Parabola." Oh, and kid ...,"

" Yes?" Meredith turned to Maxine.

" Will do, Captain."