Foreign Entity

[ Quest Complete ]

[ Reward received : 100 points ]

Daisy and Fatty both completed the quest but their attention was not towards that. The huge scorpion beast that came right now just suddenly ran backward. They were exhausted from the previous hunt, and when the huge beast came both of them didn't have the energy to fight with this best. And looking at that beast it was definitely an S class beast. But why did it flee instead of attacking them? They didn't understand.

Meanwhile August was looking at the status of the beast.

[ Type : Awakened Beast ]

[ Age : 2 years ]

[ Species : Scorpion Hybrid ]

[ Level : 201 ]

[ Strength : 211 ]

[ Agility : 188 ]

[ Vitality : 244 ]

[ Dexterity : 190 ]

[ Intelligence : 6 ]

[ Wisdom : 6 ]

[ Skills : Intuition(SS), Aura(SS), Crush(S), Stab(S), Shell Harden(S),Poison(S),....]

' So it got SS level intuition, no wonder.'

August understood why the beast started running after he looked at it. The intuition must have kicked in and the beast acted on its instinct. If that beast stayed then, August definitely would have killed it. And feeling the impending doom, it chose to run away.

August teleported himself in front of the beast.


The beast stopped moving and its body came to a halt. August looked at the beast amusingly.

" Did you think you could escape me by running? "

August put his hands on the beast's pincers and used 'Acquire'.

[ Skills acquired : Aura(SS=>SS), Intuition(SS), Crush(S), Stab(S), Shell Harden(S), Poison(S)..]

The beast dropped on the floor lifeless. August was about to return to fatty and Daisy but he noticed something wrong. He activated his field and scanned the whole ruins. All the beasts in the ruin were swarming to a certain location. He pinpointed the location and teleported there.


As he arrived at the place there were thousands upon thousands of beats revolving around an altar. The altar was in the middle with a red light pulsating from the inside. Then after a while, a crack formed above the altar, and a red light projected towards all the beasts that were surrounding the altar.

[ Foreign consciousness detected ]

[ Foreign forces are trying to corrupting the system..]

[ Automatic defense initiated ]

[ Neutralizing..]

August realized that this was the same situation that happened when he was in the glades. A foreign entity was trying to invade this dimension and control the systems here.

He didn't want to let them go this time, so he teleported to the altar and activated his authority and quantum force field to keep the space rift open.

[ Who dares attack my domain ?]

A neutral voice spoke from the space rift.

" You come here to invade our world and expect me to leave you alone."

August used his force field to open the rift more.

[ Impossible, how can you have free control in my domain? Impossible. ]

" Shut up and get the hell out."

August focused all his field in a narrow place and used authority to pull out the entity from the other side.

[ What? Why can you use authority in such a place? Who are you ?]

" You won't know unless you meet me face to face right, come out you slick."

[ You dare talk down to me... I am ruler ]



The space crack opened wide as August used all his force to open the crack. Red energy seeped out of the crack and a figure took shape in front of him. August looked at the figure and activated his authority, The figure was shaking but still able to move its parts slowly.

After a while, the figure turned into a feminine humanoid that resembled a human female. She naked with her blood red hair that reached the floor. She took a look at August and smiled. Her pale face and red lips were so captivating that any man would fall for that.

But August didn't flinch from his position, rather he was looking at her status.

[ Anomaly Detected ]

[ Type : Quantum Life Form ]

[ Age : undefined ]

[ Species : undefined ]

[ Resonance : 1.1 ]

[ Level : ??? ]

[ Strength : ??? ]

[ Agility : ??? ]

[ Vitality : ??? ]

[ Dexterity : ??? ]

[ Intelligence : ??? ]

[ Wisdom : ??? ]

[ Skills : ??? , ???, ???, ???,...]

' What ? All of the skills are in question marks.'

August was really on the edge, he activated authority to the max, still the entity in front of him was able to move.

[ I can't believe I found the ruler of this dimension, looking at you I think you just awakened. So your grasp on the world is really weak right now.]

" Where do you come from ?" August asked the entity.

[ Well, I can't answer that. We are not allies after all. If you are willing to ally with us, I will answer all your questions. ]

" Forget it then."

Looking at her, August determined one thing. She was somehow not able to use her full power in this place. Is that because of him ? She told him that he was the ruler of this dimension. What was that ? Is that related to the quantum system? Many thoughts were running through his head.

' Wait '

He checked the status of the entity again; there he saw that the resonance is 1.1 for the entity. And his resonance is also over 1.

' Does that mean she was referring to the resonance? Is that why she called me the ruler or something?'

[ Why are you considering it so much? Join us and we will provide you with all the resources to increase your power. You don't have much time left. Other factions are also making their move. it would be wise to join us, If you don't want to lose your dimension.]

" What other factions? How many of you are there ?"

[ You are asking too much and giving too little. I can't answer unless you agree to join us. Besides, you will know if you wait a little longer. But will you survive? That is the real question.]

August didn't say anything and stretched his hand and touched her face.

' Gamma flame.'

A purple stream of fire illuminated the whole ruin. The entity's body was evaporated by the gamma flame that was covering the entire altar. August didn't hold back his skill and applied all his force while activating ' Acquire' , but he found that somehow he can't get the skills from her. He realized that this was probably not the real body. That would explain the behavior of the entity. She was just here as energy and only part of her consciousness was here. So she couldn't use her skills fully. The red energy that came out of the space crack was only just a fraction of her power.

[ You are very decisive. I tried to lure you but it turns out that you are not so simple, ruler of this dimension. I will look forward to our next meeting. I hope you can stay alive by then.]

An echoing voice was heard, as the space rift closed the voice became faint.

' Next time, I hope you come in your real body. '

August looked at the closing space rift with a solemn face.