
The artifacts created from the beast core not only inherit the residue power of the beasts but also absorbs the field to create more buffs and increases the attributes. So the artifacts with a core are significantly more powerful than artifacts without a beast core.

August looked at the artifact substance in front of him that was condensed by the fields. It was in a condensate form trying to find a stable shape and form. The artifact creator needs to reshape the artifact substance to the desired form with high pressure. In the research papers, they used super magnets to shape the condensate. August didn't need those because he could reshape it using his quantum field.

August imagined a design in his mind and instructed the system to reshape the substance.

[ Reshaping the artifact condensed matter..]



[ Reshaping complete.]

[ Artifact fabricated successfully.]

[ Azalea's Tears ]

[ Type : Artifact ]

[ Grade : A ]

[ Attack : 88 ]

[ Defanse :79 ]

[ Accuracy : 40 ]

[ Durability : 500/500 ]

[ Weight : 2 ]

[ Skills: Tear Breeze(A), Gale Condense(A), Cloudburst(A), Splash(B) ]

[ Level requirement : 20 ]

' Not bad for my first creation.'

He looked around the artifact that looked like a blue icy seashell. After he finished noting everything, he looked at the time.

' It's almost time for the hunt.'

He put the artifact on the table and teleported back to the two in the campsite. They were waiting for him outside, when they saw him appear, they gripped their artifacts in their hands.

" Ready for the next round ?"

" You bet... I will crush those beasts." Fatty thumped his chest.

' What's gotten in him.'

August then looked at Daisy.

" Don't call me kid, I am more prepared to die than listen to that."


August laughed inside but didn't say anything. He used a cosmic bridge to teleport them to the underground ruin.


As they looked around there were many B rank and C rank beasts scattered around. They looked at the three and started running towards them. For the awakened beasts with little to no intelligence, any living thing inside the ruin was food.

" You can finish them easily now. I'll give you five minutes."

Fatty and Daisy strode forward without wasting any time. Equipped with the hammer, fatty started crushing the beast that came into his way.


Cruising sound and roars of beasts echoed the entire corridor. The walls of ruins were fifty meters apart. The corridor which was swarming with beasts became a slaughterhouse.

Snakes with two heads and big spiders that reached the height of two meters started pouring in the corridor.


Daisy was shooting aura bullets non-stop towards the incoming beasts, still, there was no sign of them slowing down.

' This is going to be harder than we thought.' Daisy was thinking about how they are going to finish them off in five minutes.


[ Quest received ]

[ Kill all the beasts in 5 minutes ]

[ Reward: 100 points ]

[ Progress : 22/ 767 ]

" What the hell is this ?"

Both Daisy and Fatty got the quest notification at the same time.

' What is this quest? I have never heard about anything like this.'

She was really surprised to see something like this. She looked round to Fatty and August. Both were looking at something in front of them.

" Did you two get the quests too?" August acted like he also got the quest.

" yeah.. bro, what is this quest thingy? like a video game? What are we supposed to do with these points? It should have given us experience and level-ups in the rewards instead."

" Well, there is a description below, saying you can redeem artifacts by using these points."

He pointed out the reward in the quest.

" Really? I wonder who is giving these quests. If I can get S rank artifacts, that would be awesome."

Daisy also nodded her head.

" It would be better if you don't tell this to anyone for now, until we know more. Besides, DoA might take you to do experiments instead. So it would be wise not to reveal anything."

August gave them a warning. Also, he could monitor their movements with the system, so it was easy for him to give them a warning if they tried to say anything. He would just teleport them into a dungeon.

" Alright, now finish your quests, by the looks of it, we can cooperate while finishing the quest. You two are more than enough for this." August was busy instructing the system to simulate other variants of artifacts.

[ Time left : 04:45 ]

They looked at the time limit that was decreasing. They gripped their artifacts and resumed their hunt.

More and more corpses fell on the ground as Daisy fired bullets non-stop at the swarming beasts.

[ Progress : 73/767 ]

[ Time left : 03:59 ]

" We can't finish them in five minutes if we go on like that, we need to do something else."

Daisy called out fatty while shooting.

" Yeah, I think this way of hunting is too slow."

Daisy thought for a while and looked above her. The ceiling was made of stone tiles, each having a length of ten meters.

" Nile, lure the beasts in that place." Daisy pointed to the place the tiles intersected and then pointed her hand upwards.

Fatty looked up and understood what she was planning. He ran to that place and started aggressively swinging his hammer.


Daisy stopped shooting and waited for all the beasts to gather at that one place.

When she shot her bullets infused with aura, she used a little bit of it so that she could continuously fire them. Her refill was about three hundred rounds. She almost finished half of that. She didn't think she would need so much for one day, so she left all the refills in her tent.

But if she were to infuse more aura per bullet, the penetration power and the impact force would increase greatly. She needed to fire five rounds infused with a quarter of her aura to crack the ceiling.

She looked at fatty, who almost gathered all the beasts in the middle, and more beasts were coming in. She looked at the time

[ Time left : 01:01]

There was only one minute left. She aimed her gun towards the ceiling. Aura coursed through her hand and entered the gun. She was sweating profusely, but her eyes were locked on the crack where all the tiles were connected.

" Move now! " She shouted before pulling the trigger.

*BANG* *BANG*...

She fired five shots continuously, as the whole corridor reverberated with the loud shots.



The four big stone tiles fell apart and crashed on the ground. The whole corridor shook and the beasts that were under the ceiling were crushed by the heavy stone tiles. Fatty almost got out due to Daisy giving him the heads up.

After the dust settled, almost all of the beasts were crushed by the four tiles.


Daisy shot down the remaining beasts that were still left outside the impact zone.


Suddenly a loud screech could be heard from the end of the corridor, a large figure rushing towards them, the whole corridor was shaking with each step it took.

A giant scorpion came out of the shadows with its big pincers that reached the ceiling, the body was pitch black with a shining tail with the stinger that was pointing towards them. The beast was thirty meters tall looking down at them with its glowing red eyes. It scanned all of them and the eyes fell upon a young man at the other end of the corridor.

August was busy thinking about the research papers and giving the system simulation tasks for various other artifact-making processes, when he found something was looking at him, he turned his eyes sideways and looked directly at the beast.


The beast suddenly turned around and started running towards the direction it came from.