The First I Meet Him

Kang Yura POV,

We kept running and running, entering busy residential alleys and shops. I don't know how long we ran until we finally ran out of breath and stopped in front of a ramen shop, coughing.

We looked at each other and started laughing out loud remembering the incident earlier.

"Gomawo", said the girl with glasses when her laughter had died down

"Yeah", I replied still smiling at her

"I just saw you … Are you a new student?", she asked looking at me closely

"Ye. It's my first day", I answered

"Daebak! You were very brave, you know that? ... by the way, what's your name?", she asked as she led me to walk towards the highway

"My name is Kang Yura, class 2B. I'm a transfer student from Gunsan", I replied smiling at her

"I'm Choi Sina, class 2A. Nice to meet you", she said with a big smile

"Yeah, me too... well, actually you're the only student who asked my name today", I said laughing awkwardly

"Yeah, I know how you feel. It's hard to make friends in Meiwa", she answered while rolling her eyes

"Jinjja?", I asked, raising my eyebrows

"Ye. Look at me... I, uh I don't have many friends, to be honest. Well, you can guess that those three girls aren't my friends right?", she chuckled, there was a hint of sadness in her voice

"Do they always do that to you? I mean... umm bothering you and ...?", I asked quietly

"Yeah … since first grade….", she replied with an awkward laugh

I didn't say anything, just looked at her beautiful face which was suddenly filled with sadness.

"Umm, okay. I'm going this way. I'll ask my driver to pick me up at a convenience store near here. How about you?", asked Sina

"Uh, I... I'll take the bus from there", I replied while pointing at the bus stop at the end of the road

"Can't your driver pick you up?", she asked confused

"Huh? Ani. Ani... I don't have a driver. I take the bus to school", I answered

"Oh...", she said awkwardly. "Umm, do you need a ride?", she asked again

"Ani, gwaenchana. I'll just take the bus. Bye... see you tomorrow?", I said awkwardly

"Ye, see you tomorrow. Thank you Yura~aah, bye...", she said while waving and smiling

Then we parted at a crossroads. Sina headed for the convenience store on the left and I walked slowly towards the bus stop not far from where we had parted.

I sat at the bus stop remembering what happened earlier and suddenly I realized that I had left my bag behind after throwing it at the girls.

"Omo! Ottoke??", I whispered in panic when I realized that

My mother would be furious if I lost my bag, books, and laptop on my first day of school. I reached into my uniform pocket, pulled out my cell phone and cashbee card from one of the inside pockets of my jacket.

I then took the bus to my school. During the trip I called the daycare where Yubi was, telling one of the officers that I would be late to pick up my sister.

During the trip I lamented my stupidity, how could I be so careless. What if the girl broke my laptop and also my bag? What if they throw it away? I held my hands nervously at the thought.

I immediately jumped off the bus when I arrived at the Meiwa stop. It was already evening and the road leading to the school gate was deserted. I looked around for the whereabouts of the girls and even checked the gutters and bushes along the driveway for my bag. Who knows they throw it in the bushes, right? I thought.

I spent about 30 minutes searching carefully on both sides of the driveway but still couldn't find my bag either. I was frustrated when I finally entered the parking lot and continued to search.

I approached the entrance, looking out at the soccer field from a distance. I couldn't enter the school environment because my student card was in my bag. I asked the security guard at the entrance if they saw a woman carrying a mint-colored backpack, but they didn't see anyone with it.

I sat on the parking lot pavement trying to hold back my tears. Ottoke? What should I do? My mother would be so angry. She just bought me a new laptop knowing that I needed it for school. And if she finds out that I've lost it on my first day, she will surely punish me and won't talk to me for weeks.

I was about to give up and decided to call my mom when I heard heavy footsteps walking towards me.

"Are you looking for this?", a soft voice heard from in front of me

I look up slowly. A pair of expensive off-white shoes appeared, my eyes continued to rise until I saw a handsome boy in Meiwa's uniform looking at me curiously, one hand carrying a mint-colored school bag.

I was surprised to see the bag in his hand and immediately stood up hastily.

"Omo! (Ouch)", I screamed almost falling from losing my balance

He quickly grabbed me and hugged my waist tightly so I wouldn't fall. I widened my eyes when I felt our bodies pressed tightly together. The smell of fresh lemon and cinnamon immediately engulfs my sense of smell.

Our eyes met. His hair was golden brown, his face was small and delicate, his lips were full and rosy pink, like a fresh cherry. And out of all of them, it was the look in his eyes that drew me the most. He had beautiful brown eyes that seemed to penetrate deep into my soul.

"Gwaenchana?", he whispered still looking into my eyes

"Uh? Ani. Ye... I mean, I uh...", I said nervously as I tried to free myself from his embrace

He chuckled as he pushing his hair back with one hand. With difficulty, I swallowed my saliva.

"This is yours, right?", he asked again as he lifted the mint colored bag in front of my face

"Ne. Where did you find …?", my question hung in the air when suddenly he handed the bag into my arms

"Just found it", he replied while shrugging his shoulders

"Kamsahamnida", I said while bowing towards him

"Are you a transfer student? Your accent sounds funny", he said with a smile

"Jinjja? Yeah ... today is my first day of school", I answered slowly embarrassed by the accent I used

"Wow, it's your first day but you've made some people angry huh, haha ​​... be careful in the future", he laughed as he left me

"Uh? I didn't mean to … Thank you for returning my bag by the way", I said quickly so he could hear my words

He didn't say anything else, just raised his thumb as he walked towards the school entrance without even looking at me.

"Gomawoyooo (thanks)", I shouted again

I breathed a sigh of relief and held my bag tightly, grateful that a good person found it. I sat back on the sidewalk and checked my bag. Thankfully the laptop, books, and wallet in it are still in good condition and not damaged at all.

"Shit, I forgot to ask his name", I mumbled

After checking my bag, I immediately ran to the Meiwa bus stop. I glanced at my watch furiously when I saw that it was 4 pm. Surely Yubi will scold me and won't talk to me for the next few days. Yeah, that's how he is when he's angry, just like my mother...