Club Activity

Kang Yura POV,

One week later,

Ten minutes ago the school bell had rung. I immediately rushed to the teacher's room to meet Mrs. Jang, a beautiful woman in her mid-30s who serves as my Math teacher and homeroom teacher. It's been almost 5 minutes she explained about the extra-curricular at Meiwa with great enthusiasm while my eyes were busy reading the pile of papers and club brochures that were on her desk.

"So you have to join one of these clubs to add to your extra-curricular value. Today many universities also consider extra-curricular values ​​in addition to your grades. feel free to join the club. Understand?", said Mrs. Jang with a friendly smile on her face

"Ne", I replied nodding my head

"When you have decided to join one of these clubs, please let me know immediately, okay?", she said again

"Ye", I replied smiling at her

"Okay, you can go now. The clubs must be doing their activities right now, go around! Maybe you might be interested ...", she ended the conversation

"Ye. Kamsahamnida Sonseungnim (thank you, teacher)", I replied as I got up from the chair and bowed to her

I walked out of the teacher's room slowly while holding a stack of brochures in my right hand.

"Yura~aah! Yeogi (here!)", shouted Sina while waving her hand from one of the park benches near the basketball court

I waved back as I jogged towards her.

"Why did Mrs. Jang want to meet you?", asked Sina curiously when I arrived in front of her

"She gave this and asked me to join one of the clubs in Meiwa", I replied as I showed her the flyers and sat beside her

"Oh ... so?", she asked again

"Huh? So what?", I asked confused looking at her

"So what club are you going to join?", she asked with a smile

"Ummm... I don't know yet. I have to read these brochures first. What club are you in, Sina?", I asked

"I joined the painting club", she replied with a cheerful smile

"Painting? Do you mean drawing something?", I asked

"Yes. I like drawing. So when I entered Meiwa, I immediately decided that I would join the painting club at this school," she answered proudly

"Arasso", I replied while nodding my head

"How about you, Yura? What's your hobby? What activities interest you?", she asked again

"Uh, my hobby? I like reading", I answered slowly

"Oh, there's a book club here too… this", answered Sina while taking the pile of brochures in my hand and showing the book club brochure

"Uh?", I mumbled while flipping through the brochure while frowning

"I don't know...", I said after skimming through the book club's activities

"Umm, don't worry, we still have a lot of choices", said Sina smiling kindly

"Sina~aah, why do we have to join one of these clubs? we've been quite busy with school and extra tutoring after school", I said while looking at Sina

"Yeah, you're right. But you must know, that many universities are looking for athletes or students who excel in extra-curricular activities to recruit them and become a team at the University. For some students who are lacking in subjects, this scholarship will be very helpful. For example Min Yoongi, your classmate. His grades are average, but because he is good at basketball, currently 3 universities are interested in him. And I think there will be more Universities offered him to join their basketball team when he's in 3rd grade. He just had to choose the university he wanted to go to without having to take the entrance exam and immediately got a full scholarship. Crazy right?!", she explained excitedly

"Whooaaa?!", I said amazed

"There are some outstanding students who have been targeted by the University even since they were in first grade", said Sina again

"Jinjja?", I asked raising my eyebrows

"Ye. Park Jimin and Cha Muyoung are one of them", answered Sina

"What??!", I screamed while covering my mouth, surprised

"Shhh... yeah. I told you Jimin is a Meiwa athlete. Meanwhile, Muyoung is the youngest female baduk star in Korea", said Sina nodding her head

I didn't say anything, just stared at her wide-eyed and mouth gaping.

"Muyoung? That Cha Muyoung? One of the girls who bullied you?", I stuttered

"Ne...", she answered with a sigh

"Impossible!", I whispered

"Ani. It's true ...", answered Sina nodding her head

"Why does such a great girl become a bully?", I asked while frowning

"I don't know...", replied Sina lowering her face

God, I can't believe this. How could that happen? Does she think she is so great that she can bully the other girls? I shook my head trying to dispel that thought.

Well, it's been a week since Kim Dami and her two friends no longer bother us. I think the warning from The Bangtan is enough to give them a deterrent effect. If we accidentally passed each other, we would just stare at each other with intense glares.

We try not to get into trouble with Dami and also The Bangtan. I just want to be able to go to school and make friends like any normal girl.

"Yura, I have to go, my driver has come to pick me up. I have extra lessons this afternoon. You can walk around to see club activities if you want. Several clubs have activity schedules this afternoon", said Sina while pointing to a 2-story building which is located right next to the gym

"Arasso. Bye, see you tomorrow", I said nodding my head

"Bye ... fighting! (Cheers!)", she said as she jogged away from me

I sighed and looked back at the club brochures in my hands. I leaned my back against the back of the chair and read the brochures one by one. There are 15 clubs in Meiwa, consisting of 4 sports clubs (basketball, soccer, swimming, and tennis), 3 martial arts clubs (Taekwondo, Kendo and Karate), 3 art clubs (painting, dance, and music), then there is Baduk or Go (traditional chess game), kyudo (Japanese archery), book club, science club, and broadcasting club.

I was sorting out the club flyer that caught my attention when a male student sat beside me.

"Interesting choice", he said

I turned my face and raised my eyebrows when I recognized the face of the male student who had just sat beside me.

"You're Yura, right?", he asked while showing his boxy smile

"Yes... you are ...", I said slowly

"Taehyung, I'm Kim Taehyung. But all Meiwa students call me Tae", he said kindly while reaching out his right hand to me

"Annyeong", I replied as I reached out my hand to shake hands with him

"All the students here knew you", he replied after letting go of our handshake

"Huh??", I mumbled confused

"Jinjja. Until now the students are still talking about your fight with Dami...", he said with a chuckle

"Aigo... mianhae", I replied while covering my face in embarrassment

"Ani, aniya ... I think it's cool, haha, no student has dared to fight Dami like that. That's why many students are amazed and keep talking about you", he said again laughing and leaning on the back of a park bench

"Jinjja? ...", I asked in disbelief

"Ne. But don't worry, surely in a few weeks all the students will forget about the fight", he said smiling kindly. "Are you planning to join one of those clubs?", he asked again, pointing to the brochure in my hand

"Maybe ... these are the only clubs that caught my attention. How about you? What club did you join?", I asked curiously

"None. I don't join any club", he answered while shaking his head and chuckled

"Huh? Aren't all students required to join one club?", I asked while frowning

"Oh! Yes, I once joined a music club in first grade. But then I got bored and never participated in club activities again. I think my name is still registered in the club even though I'm never active anymore hehe", he chuckled

"Wae?", I asked curiously

"I don't know... haha ​​I just hate doing the same activity over and over again. I'd rather take part in other more exciting club events", he replied while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly

I didn't say anything, just shook my head and chuckled.

"So which do you prefer? Book club, kyudo, or taekwondo? Umm, my best friend, Kim Namjoon is the leader of the book club... then Jimin, one of my best friends too, is the leader of the taekwondo team. They're awesome... I think you'll learn a lot from them", he said passionately

"Ooh...", I mumbled while nodding my head

"Taehyung~aah! What are you doing?", suddenly one of my classmates came over to us. "Uh? You know him?", he asked me when he saw we were talking

"Hoba! Yeogi... I'm chatting with Yura", Tae said with a big smile. "Aigo, you're classmates, right?", Tae said chuckling after saw Hoseok's face

"Annyeong", I greeted Hoseok

"Yura ssi, Hoseokie is a member of the dance club, he is the greatest dancer in Meiwa!", Tae said while pointing at my classmate proudly

"Ya! (Hey!). Why are you suddenly talking about that?", asked Hoseok blushing

"Well, actually I've heard about your dancing, Hoseok ssi", I replied smiling at him

"Jinjja? Aigo, I'm so embarrassed", said Hoseok with a chuckle

"Hoba, Yura is considering joining one of the clubs in Meiwa. I just convinced her to join Jimin's or Namjoon's clubs...", Tae said excitedly

"That's cool. Well, the Taekwondo club has no activity today. But I'm sure Namjoon is in his club room. You can directly ask him if you want, the book club room is on the 2nd floor of that building", said Hoseok friendly while pointing at the two-story building that Sina had pointed out earlier

"So, The club doesn't have activities every day, huh?", I asked them

"Ani. Only 2 or 3 times a week. From 3.30 to 6 pm. So it won't interfere with your study hours or extra lessons", explained Hoseok

"Arasso", I replied nodding my head

"Okay, good luck. We'll leave now, Yura. Come on, good boy!", said Hoseok while taking Tae up

"Bye Yura, see you tomorrow", Tae said waving his hand while showing off his boxy smile

"Bye! thanks for your information", I said waving at them

Wow, they turned out to be good and friendly boys. Exactly as Sina had told me. I looked at my watch and hurriedly walked towards the club building.

It's almost 4 pm, I'm going to look around these three clubrooms for a bit. I had told Yubi that I would pick him up at 4.30 pm so I guess I still have plenty of time, I thought.

The clubhouse is right next to the gym. This two-story building is painted light blue and has many windows.

"Woah", I muttered as I entered the building

I looked at the signboard in front of the stairs. On the 1st floor, there are 5 large clubrooms. On the left are Taekwondo, Kendo, and Kyudo clubs. While on the right there are karate and dance club. And on the second floor, there are 10 other clubrooms.

According to Hoseok, the Taekwondo club is currently on holiday, so I'll head to the book club first, then the Kyudo club, and finally Taekwondo. Well, you guys need to know, I was interested in joining the Taekwondo club not because of Park Jimin, but because I think nowadays women also need to learn martial arts to defend themselves in urgent situations.

Since my fight with Dami last week, I never saw Jimin again. According to Sina, Jimin is busy preparing for the Taekwondo exam at the club so he is rarely seen in the cafeteria. After all, I've given up, I don't think I'll be able to be friends with him. The more I think about him, the more I realize that he is impossible to reach.

I turned right when I reached the second floor, walking slowly down the hall to the book club room at the end of the hall. The sound of guitar strumming and the laughter of students could be heard from the doors I passed.

I gulped and knocked on the door at the end of the hall and waited.

"Ye?", a deep male voice heard from inside the room

"Who?", said the bespectacled man who was showing his face from behind the door

"Uh, annyeong! I'm Yura...umm I'm interested in the book club", I said while bowing to him

"Oh, come in...", Namjoon answered as he opened the door wide

"Ne, kamsahamnida", I replied as I walked into a room that looked like a combination of a library and student council room

"Annyeong", greeted two students who were sitting on a sofa in the corner

"Annyeong", I greeted awkwardly

"Sit down please ...", Namjoon said pointing to a big square table with eight chairs around it

"Ye", I replied as I pulled up a chair and sat down nervously

"You're Kang Yura, right? I know we're classmates but we never talk. Ouch..", Namjoon said smiling awkwardly while picking up a pen that accidentally fell from his grip

I widened my eyes in surprise and replied, "Yeah", I replied laughing awkwardly

"So ... surely Mrs. Jang asked you to join a club huh? Are you interested in our club?", Namjoon asked looking at me with interest

"Ye. I like reading so I thought joining a book club would be fun", I replied

"Well, our activities are not just reading popular books, actually, but also ...", then he explained what activities this club does, how many times they meet, what social activities they do, and so on.

I could see from the way he spoke and explained something that he was indeed a bright young man, so that without realizing it I no longer listened to his words, but was only stunned by his face and smile.

"Yura? Kang Yura ssi?? Gwaenchana?", he said repeatedly while leaning his body towards me

"Huh? Oh! Mian (sorry)... I... I just...", I replied nervously and sat up straighter

"You didn't hear what I said?", Namjoon asked, frowning

"Ani. Ani... I'm listening to you, of course, it's just.. uh, I... umm I guess I'll think about it again. Because frankly, uh, I'm interested in some other club. So... umm I guess I will find out about other clubs and then make a decision uh, about what club will uh ... which I will join", I stammered

Suddenly Namjoon chuckled after hearing what I said, "yes, of course. I'm not saying you have to decide right now. Just relax... let me know when you've made up your mind", he said kindly while showing the dimples on his cheeks

"Ye. Of course", I said with a chuckle and got up from the chair

"Thank you for your explanation. I'll leave now, annyeong", I said bowing to him and walking towards the door

"Yura ssi, wait!", Namjoon called when I opened the door

"Yeah?", I asked, turning my body to face him

"Umm, I want to apologize for what I said to you back then", he said while looking at me

"Huh?", I mumbled confused

"I know I said something quite outrageous, mianhae (I'm sorry) ... listen, I didn't mean to discriminate against the students at Meiwa. To be honest, you have the right to be here and do the same as the other students. I'm so sorry", Namjoon said with a face full of regret

"Ah, gwaenchana. I've forgotten it. I'm also sorry for making a fuss at the cafeteria. I promise I won't do it again," I smiled at him

"I believe you. So maybe we can be friends like the others, right? I'm Kim Namjoon, the student council president of Meiwa High School and the leader of the book club", Namjoon said while reached out his hand to me

"I'm Yura, Kang Yura", I replied as I reached out to shake hands with him

"Okay, I guess I should go. I'll visit another club", I tell him

"Yeah. If you have trouble, don't hesitate to ask for my help. See you tomorrow", Namjoon said smiling friendly

"Ne, bye", I replied as I walked back down the hall

Well, while descending the stairs to the first floor, I thought that Namjoon wasn't that bad. He was quite friendly although it was true as Sina said that he was a bit clumsy. But at least he apologized for what he said to me. Sina said that The Bangtan are quite difficult to approach, they don't even want to be friends with random people. But so far I don't think that's true. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon are very friendly and kind.

When I arrived on the first floor, I stepped into the corridor to the left. I peeked into the empty Taekwondo club room from the window, the first-floor club room was much bigger than the club room above because it served as a practice room too.

I walked back towards the Kyudo club room but my steps were stopped when I heard someone's shout and also the sound of a punch from inside the Kendo room.

I approached the Kendo room and tried to peek through the window, but because it was too dark I couldn't see anything. Then I tried to slowly open the sliding door and sneaked in. The practice room was empty, there was no one in sight.

However, the sound of the wood clashing grew louder, as if two people were fighting. I went further into the room and saw at the end of the room by the window, someone dressed in kendo uniform was pounding the big wooden block in front of him excitedly.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!", he shouted with every stroke of his sword

The man wears a black kendo outfit complete with gloves and a black headgear that resembles a fencer's mask. I stood still stunned to see the man.

His movements are both agile and beautiful. The movement of the sword was very fast and powerful, which could be heard from the impact the wooden sword made when it hit the wooden block. His body swayed and spun gracefully. His leg movements were very fast.

Then he raised the sword above his head and swung it like a slashing motion toward a block of wood. Then as if in slow motion, he stood up straight again and bowed. Without realizing it, with my mouth agape I started clapping at him.

"Daebak! Jinjja daebak!!", I shouted while clapping my hands excitedly

The man turned his face towards me and sat on the wooden floor. He put down his wooden sword slowly as if he was doing it ethically.

"Wow! You're great! Jinjja!!", I said again while walking slowly towards him

The man slowly raised his hands to took off his mask, and smiled while looking at me curiously

"Omo!", I screamed wide-eyed while covering my mouth in surprise

"Oraemaniyeyo (long time no see), Kang Yura ssi", said Park Jimin


Hi ARMYs, what do you think about the story so far? Did you guys enjoy reading it?

Stay safe and always stay gold,

Borahae 💜💜💜