Chapter 6: Boundary

Pandora looked at the map and she was quite surprised that the country of Narian was a country in the middle of the countries. It is also easy to see that country from afar because it is covered by a dark cloud that never disappears, and there are many dangerous high mountains and dense forests.

Two weeks have passed since the destruction of the kingdom of Issuma, Pandora and her two children, Baal and Agares, come together to the country of Narian.

The country of Narian, is a country that was first formed in the world, because of its resources, minerals and fertile land. To be able to own this country, they must overcome many difficult terrains and defeat monsters. The main reward that anyone craves the most is that palace. A palace whose architecture is second to none. A palace built on a majestic mountain covered with magic.

Thanks to the skill that could adjust the distance, she saw that there were a lot of barracks of adventurers, mercenaries, Elves, Drawf and more. Even a few small armies of certain countries, were standing outside the boundaries of Narian's forest.

'Looks like they want to get in there to get the most valuable reward. Almost all roads around the country of Narian are like that.' Pandora watched.

"Father, Father! Look, you can use skill easily without interruption"- Baal

"Mother! I've done it, I can immobilize the enemy!"- Agares

Pandora sat on the top of a pine tree jumping to the ground, her two children covered in dirt, but in return it was their effort and cuteness that made her proud. Pandora then patted the two children's heads with her thin hands.

"You two did a great job." - Pandora

"Mother, are you watching too?" - Agares

"That's right, I'm looking into how to get there. Maybe we'll have to sneak around to avoid getting into trouble with the people there. Baal, what do you know about that Narian country?" - Pandora

"According to what I remember when told by the village chief, the country of Narian was covered with dangerous lands. There were 6 terrains in total, each with different dangers that sometimes turned their place upside down. That's all I remember, I'm sorry."- Baal bowed his head

"No, you gave me some clues." - Pandora

'Thanks to the skill, I realized that this is the same toy that the children of the old world used to play with. It's called Rubik, just rotate to complete one color. As for this cube, which has no color but has strange symbols on it. I need time to analyze those symbols.'- Pandora

"Let's go, remember to follow me closely and don't show your face." - Pandora

"Yes, Mother/Father." - Baal and Agares

In front of the forest of Narian country, Pandora and her two children calmly blended into the crowd, Baal grabbed Agares' hand so as not to get lost because she was scared. Although time had passed, every time she saw the knights, that dark obsession appeared in her mind. Pandora saw that Agares was trembling and stopped.

"If you're scared, let me hold you, it'll be better." - Pandora

"There's no need, I can handle it...."-Agares shook her head

"Agares, you don't have to hide your fear. I understand how you feel." - Pandora

The little girl was surprised, her hand gripped the hem of her skirt and ran to hug Pandora tightly, she patted Agares' back to calm her down, took Baal's hand and continued walking.

Suddenly everyone gathered in front of the entrance to the forest, a muscular man stepped on the platform, he took out a scroll of parchment.

"Listen here, at the behest of world leaders, all who volunteer to join this dangerous journey will receive a very generous reward. Duties of all You are to find a palace in a majestic mountain covered with magic. Once you enter here you will have to go through terrain that will change randomly. No matter what position you have, what job you do or how good or bad you are, just go to that country and don't die."

When the man stepped down from the podium, people started talking among themselves.

"I've heard no one has ever escaped here alive."

"That's right, it's held once every six years, but the results are the same."

"Should I give up early?"

"No way, that's going to be the death penalty."

"Even though I don't want to go, the reward is worth it."

"If it can increase fame, so be it."

Pandora understood the reason, the people here were mostly people who were forced to come here, there were a few people who were prisoners or wanted people who definitely wouldn't miss this rare opportunity. Some people do it for fame or money, even if there are people who dare to challenge in the face of danger.


An echo caught Pandora's attention, it was a brown haired girl being harassed by a man.

"Come on, let's get to know each other, beauty. It would be dangerous if you and your siblings were in danger."

"Let me go, you scoundrel!"

"Why do beautiful people have to be so stubborn?"

It seems that the people around see it but ignore it because they are afraid of getting in trouble. Just as the man raised his hand to slap the girl, suddenly his arm was clenched.

"What? How dare you poke your nose into the privacy of...?!"

Just as he turned to shout, the man saw a figure bigger than him. Pandora looked at the man and then grabbed it and lifted it up.

"Let me go! Do you know who I am?!"

"I don't know and I don't care. Harassing others is a crime worthy of condemnation. Although I have no interest in meddling in other people's affairs, your actions have muddied my vision." - Pandora

After she said that she let go of the man's hand, he was scared and left quickly, Pandora looked at the girl. She turned around and walked away, looking at her palm and somehow acting like that, because she didn't care about anyone in the old world. The awareness that she was slowly changing made her feel a little bewildered.