Chapter 7: The Forest Never Sees Dawn (Part I)

There were a lot of people who entered the border of Narian country and they suddenly disappeared strangely, the skill found the cause and the answer was not very good.


[: This is a unique skill set around the country of Narian. Since this is a country without an owner, it will automatically turn upside down at random when crossing the border.]


'Certainly, when entering, I don't know what terrain I will come to. Failure to prepare mentally will lead to panic.'

Pandora looked at the people who were entering one by one, she also saw someone screaming to run away but was also thrown in. Suddenly a question popped into her head.

'Wait, if you can't get in and can't get out, isn't this too weird? Why is it so absurd?' - Pandora

"Next group of people!"

"Mother, it's our turn to go inside." - Agares

"Let's go." - Pandora

She led the two children through the line, because of her height, the people around her noticed.

There was an old mage nearby, guarded by horsemen, he was looking at parchment scrolls that contained information about the fallen kingdom of Issuma, including a drawing of a cube that had been steal.

He was extremely angry because he took so much of his life to find it.

It is an ancient but very powerful artifact, it is the key to the palace in the country of Narian that has been cursed for thousands of years.

When he saw the tall figure leading the two children, suddenly the man's cloak was faintly revealing the cube as shown in the picture. He was surprised and stood up, because according to the reports, the kingdom of Issuma was destroyed overnight by a strange creature, and the cube was stolen, it was completely coincidental.

"Quickly stop that creature! Hurry, it's got a cube!"

Hearing the old mage scream, Pandora saw many horsemen with weapons running towards her, she quickly picked up the two children, hugged them tightly, and ran to the boundary as quickly as possible.

"Don't let them cross the line, you useless people! Otherwise you'll lose track of them!"

A few riders blocked the way ahead, but Pandora still didn't slow down, she gained momentum and jumped over them, and as soon as the three of them entered the boundary, they disappeared. The old mage was furious.

"You useless people! You're only costing me so much to hire you!"

"Please calm down, Mr. Lakmeus. If you continue, it will affect your health."

"This is so frustrating, hurry up and mobilize them all to change targets. Hurry up and find that creature, take the cube from it!"

"Yes sir!"

Once the three of them crossed the boundary, Pandora used her feet to gently land on the ground. She began to be wary of the old mage and those knights, what was the cube she kept and why did the mage react like that?

"Father...we can't breathe...." - Baal

She was startled to forget that she was still holding two children, she immediately dropped them on the ground. Surrounded by an old dark forest, the skill had been disabled making it almost useless.

Her other skills were still usable as usual, she took out the cube to observe, clearly this thing was a difficult puzzle. She herself couldn't solve the puzzle quickly no matter how hard she tried, so Pandora used her unique skill, .

Currently this skill is in the process of extracting from [Ancient Parasitic Flower], 55% completed. There will be one of two risks, the first risk is to prioritize using the skill to decode the cube in return for some side effects from [Ancient Parasitic Flower] so that it adapts quickly than before.

The second risk is that it takes a long time for the skill to finish extracting the [Ancient Parasitic Flower] before using it to decipher the cube.

"The second risk may be safe but is it okay to have to wait, besides the two small children here, can I protect them completely? It's not yet known how much danger lies ahead. The first risk can be said to be very risky, since I ate that flower and used the skill to slow down the danger while adapting to this body." - Pandora

The time of extraction plus adaptation, has lasted too long. It's been so long that it can be up to ten years and still hasn't been completed, if she switched to deciphering the cube, it would also speed up the adaptation process.

'But if that's the case, won't I be much stronger than usual? Wouldn't it take less time to earn EXP?'- Pandora

She put her hand down and clicked on the [Skill] box, in it there was a [Unique Skill] box that was in the process of working, there was a cube in the item bag, so the two items were exchanged, a notice board appeared. presently.


[Warning: If you stop extracting [Ancient Parasitic Flower], it will speed up the process causing you to be affected by side effects. Are you sure you want to stop the extraction?]



Pandora didn't hesitate to click [Yes], the bulletin board and the cube disappeared. Suddenly she felt her body was a bit heavy, her HP and MP stats both dropped to the lowest level at Lv.1.

She realized that if she was careless if she was not careful, she would definitely be attacked and die.

'It's best to go, I don't know if they will come here yet, but at least go as far as possible. Hopefully that cube is decoded the fastest. Although my HP and MP have been reduced significantly, my skills are still used normally.'- Pandora

"Mother, look up at the sky. It's a blood moon!"- Agares

She looked up to see that the moon was turning red, and suddenly a feeling of uneasiness appeared.


[Warning: A dangerous living entity is approaching!!!]


From the darkness with a little light of the moon making the scene even heavier, a large-shaped beast stepped out from it, the two children were shocked. Pandora immediately prepared herself to fight it. This will be her first dangerous battle.