Chapter 10: The Forest Never Sees Dawn (Part IV)

"What do you mean? Why can't you get out?" - Pandora


"Speak quickly!" - Pandora

"We will all die here, for this country is a cursed country. Thousands of decades have passed, many people have entered here but no one has returned. Numbers of people come here. ...could have numbered in the billions, including other races!"

"So there's no other way out?" - Pandora

"But...there's another way..."

"What way?" - Pandora

"If you want to escape from here, there must be a 'key' to open the way to that palace! That's all I know!"

The bandit doesn't seem to be lying, Pandora becomes more and more suspicious of the cube she owns, starting with the fact that it is in the kingdom of Issuma, followed by the response of the old mage. . Looks like he knows what a cube is. She asked herself, was the cube the 'key' to open the way to that palace? Still unable to draw a conclusion, Pandora rubbed her face and sighed.

'I'm starting to feel confused by these mysterious magic things. No matter how smart I am, my knowledge of this world is too sketchy and meager.'- Pandora thought.

"Father, I've already bandaged this girl's wound." - Baal

"Mother, the children in the cave are all right." - Agares

"Okay, let's go." - Pandora

Pandora again covered the robber's mouth, then walked towards the girl and the children who had come out of the cave, the girl was seriously injured and poisoned so she couldn't move, and the children were already Agares give them healing potions to get better. Placing the girl on her back, Pandora carried her frail body.

Suddenly there was a strange noise behind, she turned her head to look and accidentally saw that the bandits who had been tied on the spider's web had all disappeared, leaving a lot of their blood on the web, clothes and Weapons are on the ground.

'It's not safe to stay here for too long, I have to get the kids to a safe place' - thought Pandora

She walked and Baal and Agares and the other children followed them.

They went on and on...Until the children all fell asleep from exhaustion.

Pandora spread spider webs to protect the children before returning to the place. Climbing up the spider web to check, the blood stain has disappeared, there is no sign of any creature loitering around. But there was one point that she noticed, that was the ground, if there were no footprints on the ground, the corpse could somehow disappear. Pandora leaned down to listen, some sort of muffled sound below.

Suddenly, there was that strange noise again, this time moving continuously on the ground causing Pandora to be alert.

To confirm her suspicions, she closed her eyes to feel her surroundings, Pandora could hear the sound reverberating below, it was moving around a little closer. She remained unfazed. As soon as it stopped at her feet, suddenly black tentacles emerged from the ground, Pandora immediately used fire to stab the ground.

A painful hiss sounded, and she gripped the thing tightly and pulled it violently off the ground. It was a slimy black creature.

'Found it!'- thought Pandora


[Borax: Creature that exists in the Umbra Forest, which is very viscous and slippery. Usually live in swamps, likely to be corrosive to proteins and toxins]


"I thought it must be some terrible creature, but who would have thought it would be something like this. You're quite useful in being a part of me." - Pandora

After she finished speaking, she sucked the creature into her mouth, feeling the slimy stuff fill her mouth and slide straight down her esophagus. A strange but pleasant feeling.

After she finished her work, she returned to the children, looking at the injured girl looking very bad, constantly sweating and breathing heavily. Pandora approached to check, realized that the poison was causing the girl pain, fortunately it was time for her to use the skill that had absorbed the creature earlier. Skill [Slime], thick liquids flowed out from the palm of her hand, she applied it to the wound on the other girl's body. The liquid immediately digested the poison and gradually evaporated into the air, Pandora tore off her cloak to use to wrap the wound instead of a bandage. The girl's expression also gradually changed for the better.

'The poison in the body has completely disappeared. Body temperature has dropped to a normal level. But the body seems too thin, is it due to lack of nutrition?'- thought Pandora

She took out the carcasses of the wild beasts she had killed on the way, because in Umbra Forest large wild animals rarely appeared, only small wild animals. Starting to prepare and cook a dish to promote health for the sick, she was fortunate to find an herb similar to the one she saw in her previous life, which is Ginseng.


[Ginseng: is a precious food with high nutritional value and is suitable for those who want to nourish and restore health after illness. Ginseng also helps to increase the body's resistance and endurance in conditions of hypoxia, while supporting the regulation of the cardiovascular system, fighting arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia and stabilizing blood sugar. .]


'Who would have thought to find Ginseng. This is also a high-class type, the quality will be very good for making soup'- thought Pandora

While stirring the cooking pot, Pandora recalled the image of her previous life. Her parents are always busy with work or going somewhere, she cooks all by herself, she feels extremely lonely when she has to eat alone at the table. No matter how hot the food was, when she put it in her mouth, always felt it cold.

But now that's not the case, she no longer has to eat alone...