Chapter 12: Hazard

They continued to wander in the Umbra Forest, not knowing how long they had been here because the sky was always night so it was impossible to tell what time it was. They don't even know how long they've been here.

"Continue to rest and it will heal quickly, the wound is almost healed but don't move much" - Pandora

"Do we need to get more herbs?" – Agares

"There is no need, the effect of herbs only needs to be used when the body is severely poisoned, if we use it when we use it, it will cause side effects." - Pandora

Although Sina's wound has healed and can talk, it hasn't completely healed yet, so she still needs rest.

Pandora suddenly stopped when she heard a noise ahead, she luckily found a large cave at the foot of a tree, so she led them all into it to hide. Gently setting Sina down she motioned to them to be quiet and then left to scout.

Jumping over the branches, Pandora saw a group of five soldiers wearing full body armor. It wasn't too difficult for her to deal with them, considering the situation right now she had one injured person and a lot of children with her. It would be dangerous if they got infected, so she could only lead everyone to avoid danger.

But she felt that they were not a danger to worry about, what she was more worried about was this forest.

On the other side, Agares felt restless when Pandora did not return, Baal beside, he could only comfort his sister. Sina and the other children were all sleeping soundly so there was nothing to worry about.

"Do you think Mother will be fine?" - Agares

"It will be fine. Father is very strong so nothing will happen to him" - Baal

"Even so..." - Agares

Baal understood Agares' feelings, but in this situation there was nothing they could do as they were just children who needed to be protected.

"Don't you feel something strange when we were here?" - Baal

"What is an example?" - Agares

"It's like we're wandering around in this forest, isn't it?" - Baal

An atmosphere of silence enveloped the two of them, Agares was puzzled by her brother's words.

"What do you mean?" - Agares

"When we entered this forest, we were attacked right?" - Baal

Agares nodded, and Baal continued.

"We have been wandering in this forest for quite a long time, but we still have not found our way out. When we stopped to rest, I happened to see something very absurd. The old tree big that Father was thrown by the monster, we've passed it 5 times already" - Baal

"What?! Do you mean that old tree?"- Agares

"It's not wrong, we've walked past that old tree many times. Now I understand the reason why we or the people here can't get out is because this place was built by magic. Illusion magic. To imprison anyone who enters here!" - Baal

"!!!?"- Agares

"Also, I'm pretty sure there will be more monsters in this forest, I don't know why but I know, they're aiming for Father." - Baal

"That's horrible! Brother Baal, we have to tell Mother about this!"- Agares

Just as Agares was about to rush out to find Pandora, Baal stopped her, she kept struggling to escape from her brother.

"Calm down Agares, it'll be dangerous if you go out there, we don't even know where Father is and what dangers are waiting outside? We came out as bait to threaten Father!" - Baal

"But Mother is in danger!" - Agares

"Agares!" - Baal

He pushed Agares to the ground and covered her mouth, signaling to be quiet.

"Shhh...Quiet, I hear something is coming this way"- Baal

Suddenly some noise sounded outside, Baal pulled Agares to hide behind the cave door, he didn't know what it was but a feeling of insecurity and fear. Thanks to the light of the moon, the brother saw the shadow of that thing, a large spider-like creature that instead of six legs, it only had four sharp legs.

Its shadow was approaching the mouth of the cave, and as soon as it poked its head inside, Baal realized the creature had a huge mouth with sharp teeth. The strange thing is that it has no eyes, its nose doesn't seem to be very sharp so it can't smell them. But one thing he can be sure of is that its hearing is extremely sensitive. If the sense of smell and sight were absent, hearing would double for the other two.

Silence covers everything, even the slightest noise can make the creature attack immediately, Baal and Agares themselves are not capable of fighting. Their lives were hanging by a thousand hairs, their heartbeats grew louder with fear and tension. They just prayed that the creature would disappear quickly.

Or pray to Pandora to return to save them.

'Father, please save us!'- Baal

On Pandora's side, she turned her head towards where the children were hiding. She seemed to sense the children calling her.