Chapter 13: Vow

Back a few minutes ago, Pandora was stealthily following the riders, because she could see that they were completely unscathed and fearless in this place. In order to find more information, she risked her life to follow them.

'I figured something was wrong in this forest. Everything looks like it was created by magic. Baal seemed to have noticed this as well. What a smart kid.'- Pandora

After following for a while, the other soldiers stopped in front of a large rock, a dead end. They argued in a language she had never heard before, but it sounded very serious.

Then, a man in a cloak was chanting something while drawing strange languages ​​on the wall. Those words began to appear and sparkle.

Suddenly, the dead-end road ahead appeared a wooden gate, it automatically opened another path, she was surprised because she did not expect there to be a hidden door here.

When they entered the wooden gate disappeared, Pandora immediately approached the rock to check.

'There were words written on this rock just now that are no longer there. I think I've seen that typeface somewhere before.

Pandora put her hand on the rock but nothing happened.

'Come on, let's open the door. Let's break it' - Pandora

Then suddenly strange languages ​​spread from her hand, they enveloped the rock, and it melted into small pieces.


[Successfully acquired new skills]


'Great, two skills that are very useful in this world' - Pandora

Language is a complex system, used by humans or animals to communicate or communicate with each other, just as the human capacity itself is capable of using such a system. Estimates of the number of languages ​​in the world range from 6000 to 7000 different types. However, any accurate estimate depends on a rather arbitrary distinction between primary and local languages.

Pandora reincarnated here a long time ago, but she hasn't learned any languages ​​in this world because she has never come into contact with any living beings in this world.

Suddenly an electric current ran through her, Pandora turned her head to where the children were hiding, she felt something was wrong.

'I shouldn't have left the children in a place like this. What a mistake I was!'- Pandora

After running for a while, she saw a monster trying to attack into the cave under the tree. That's where her kids are hiding.

The monster then pulled out a person from the cave, it was Sina, she was trying to get rid of the monster. But because she, herself was very weak, the monster grabbed her and threw her away.

Indignant at the gruesome sight, her fingernails lengthened and enlarged, Pandora lunged forward to stab the monster. Just when it was about to roar, she was cut into three pieces by her. But she still didn't stop and slashed continuously, all her anger pouring out on that monster.

When that monster was cut to pieces and could no longer be identified, Pandora stopped her actions, its blood splashed all over her body but she didn't mind.

Quickly approaching Sina, she noticed that Sina's body was exactly the same as the scene she had seen in her dream.

Seeing the scene in front of her eyes this time, Pandora couldn't help but vomit. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the person she saved die.

This is a brutal truth.

She shouted indignantly.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!!!"- Pandora

The children that came out of the cave could not help but start crying, especially the children that Sina took care of and protected.

Pandora scratched the ground, she felt that she was useless to not be able to protect Sina, if not because she followed those people, this wouldn't have happened to Sina.


Sina groaned calling her name, Pandora leaned closer to listen.

"Please, protect the children...take care of them for me." - Sina

"I will" - Pandora

"Pandora, please tell my brother that...I love him very much...Live well for this sister" - Sina

"I will" - Pandora

"Thank you,'re a good person.....whatever you're better than the bad guys....even Gods" - Sina

"I'm sorry Sina, I'm really sorry" - Pandora

"It's not your fault....I never blamed you. So don't feel guilty about yourself.....Pandora promise me you will bring justice to the poor innocent people of this world.....Will you?" - Sina

"I promise you, Sina. I will!" - Pandora

"Thank you again....Pandora...."

Right after that, Sina stopped talking because her life was no longer in this world. Pandora gently stroked Sina's eyes down to make her close her eyes like she's sleep peacefully.

To mourn, Pandora dug a big hole next to the cave under the tree, she wrapped Sina's body with her robe and gently laid it down. The children one by one dropped a flower and then covered it with soil for burial.

After finishing burying the dead, Pandora looked at the three children, who seemed to have not calmed down after witnessing Sina's death.

"I promised Sina to protect you. It's an oath, follow me and we'll be a family." - Pandora

"If Sina trusts you so much then we have nothing to object to."


"Please let us follow you!"

"Good answers. Do you have names?" - Pandora

The three children looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We haven't been given a proper name since birth, even if Sina saved us, she hasn't given us a name"

"Is that so?" - Pandora

"Father, let's give them names" - Baal

"They're part of the family anyway, Mother should name them" - Agares

"Not a bad idea. What do you guys think?" - Pandora

"No objections!"

Pandora nodded, she extended her hand towards the other three children.

"The eldest boy is Vassago, the girl next is Gamigin and the last boy is Marbas. From today, you three will be my children"- Pandora

"Yes, Father/Mother."- Vassago, Gamigin and Marbas

"Please to meet you all, brothers and sister"- Baal and Agares

After that, they began leaving, Pandora turn back look at Sina grave on more time then walk away.