Chapter 21: Souls who died at sea

A small boat floating in the black sea, Pandora rowed the boat while the children looked around, the baby girl she received she named Valefar.

"Father Pandora, where are we going?" - Marbas

"We will go to the center of the sea, I noticed an island in the distance, so I decided to go there to check it out" - Pandora

Marbas tried to reach down to pick up some, but the color of the sea was still black, when the boy tried to drink it, Baal hit him on the head.

"Do you know what it's like to drink?" - Baal

"I just wanted to have a drink. We also ate fish caught from the sea, didn't we?" - Marbas

Hearing that, the children turned to Pandora with shocked faces, she understood why the children were looking at her with that expression.

"It is true that we have eaten fish caught in this sea, but the toxins have already been filtered out, so there is no need to worry about toxins" - Pandora

After hearing that they breathed a sigh of relief and continued in observing the sea.

From afar, a vague island appeared in front of them.

"Be careful when we go ashore, I don't know what's there" - Pandora

"Mother Pandora, monster!" - Valefar

"That's right, there are monsters as well" - Pandora

"No, monsters, they're swimming towards us!"- Vassago

There were many fins of fish swimming towards them, the children jumped back in a panic to the middle of the boat, a giant lanternfish-like fish jumped out of the water trying to swallow the boat whole, very quickly Pandora rowed with a stick. Made of wood, cut the fish in half.

"Bend your head down!" - Pandora

At her command, they hung their heads low, Pandora twirling in her cane preparing to fight the monsters.

One by one, the fish jumped up to attack, they were quickly cut in half, when the small fish jumped up like a rain, she used fire to cook them all and used as a reserve food.

"Father Pandora, if it keeps going like this, more monsters will come, we have to go to that island now!" - Baal

While slashing the sea monsters Pandora thought about what to do in this emergency situation, around the small boat were many monsters if she swam to push the boat, 100 percent would be attacked.

Suddenly she noticed something glowing under the sea, though faintly visible, it was a soul.

No, there are many souls in the sea, most of them are unfortunate victims who perished here.

The sea monsters didn't pay any attention to them but instead avoided the spirits, she suddenly remembered something she had seen before, and looked down at Gamigin.

"Gamigin, you can talk to souls in sea, right?" - Pandora

"Ah, that's right. But how do you know?" - Gamigin

"You talk with them, talk out loud, I'm sure some soul will come to our aid!" - Pandora

Hearing that Gamigin felt worried, she hugged herself.

"But...."- Gamigin

The images of memories that appeared in Gamigin's mind were scary and painful memories when, as a child, she was afraid to use her power to summon the souls of the dead in the sea, because they would harm the people around her, her whole body trembled with fear.

"'m scared..i can't...."- Gamigin

Tears fell from her eyes on the boat, Pandora while not paying attention was attacked repeatedly, at this rate, everyone will die.

"Gamigin!!!" - Pandora

Pandora's call made her look up at the mother with teary eyes.

"Be strong, Gamigin. Don't be afraid, because we are here" - Pandora

Her voice was gentle and kind, and although Pandora's face showed no emotion, she cared about Gamigin.

At this time, Gamigin noticed that Pandora had countless wounds on her body, although Pandora was very strong, but the large number of monsters made her extremely difficult, she clenched her hands to wipe away her tears, then took a big breath.


Gamigin's loud call created a great shockwave that sent waves far away, and Pandora looked down into the sea and saw souls swimming out of the water.

'It works!'- thought Pandora

The hands of the unfortunate souls are selling monsters one by one and tearing them to pieces, and because of that, the other monsters quickly retreat.

Seizing the opportunity, Pandora quickly rowed quickly towards the shore of the island.

When the boat docked, they quickly ran ashore, and at last they escaped the danger of a thousand hairs.

"We almost lost our lives" - Agares

"Indeed, thanks to Gamigin, we'd all be eaten" - Vassago

A hand placed on Gamigin's head and then gently rubbed it, she looked at Pandora.

"You did a great job, Gamigin. You saved us all" - Pandora

"Mother Pandora..." - Gamigin

'I'm the one who should thank you, Mother Pandora. Because you helped me overcome my fear'- thought Gamigin

While they were recovering.

Waiting for them on the island in the middle of the sea, is a new challenge, the lonely island in the center of the sea, not only that, there is also an ambush by the henchmen of the old magician.