Chapter 22: The Deep Ocean (Part I)

Pandora's body had recovered from a tough battle, but it still left behind a temporary sequelae like the poison of sea monsters.

The toxin of marine organisms with parasites mixes with mercury to produce a toxin that is very paralyzing or can lead to death after a short time.

'These toxins are nothing compared to being bitten thousands of times by that giant Yin Monster....' - Pandora

When she was still in that labyrinth, she had to fight the Yin Monster Queen, that monster was completely different from the smaller ones, that monster not only has hearing but it also has sight, a monster. The eyes are large on the back but can move anywhere on the body.

Pandora had a difficult confrontation when the monster always used dirty tricks, instead of confronting her, it ordered smaller monsters to attack to distract her.

But anyway, defeating that monster is a blessing, not only getting a new skill, but also gaining some control of the territory there, but the road ahead is still very long and thorny so Pandora can't rest.

She looked around the whole water was water, a small island lying in the middle of the sea like this, she guessed that this was a territory surrounded by water.

Last night, Pandora had a fierce battle with sea monsters that crawled up so she knew the name of this territory, Oceanic.

Although it means blue sea, here is the black sea, although it is not poisonous, it is impossible to see anything below, moreover the sea monsters below do not seem very friendly, moreover they distorted to the point of ugly.

"First of all, we need to check out this island, although the area may not be very large, you must not let your guard down" - Pandora

"We get it!" - Vassago

Then she waved her hand to Baal to come closer, he obeyed and approached Pandora and then brought his ear close so only he could hear.

"Listen, I feel there's something hidden here, maybe a pathway or some organ where some kind of presence masking magic is used, find it. Right now I'm being hit. Poisoned by the toxins of the monsters earlier, the body will be paralyzed and can't move quickly" - Pandora

"I get it, Father Pandora" - Baal

"Also...I feel their presence here, even without that old man it's still dangerous" - Pandora

"Yes, I will be on high alert" - Baal

Although she possesses a stronger regenerative ability than the average person, adapting to the toxins is a different story, at this time her body cannot move normally, sometimes even convulsing.

While scouting, Marbas heard something and told the rest to hide, and in the distance, knights were talking to two robed mages.

"What are they talking about?"- Gamigin

"Looks like he's debating something, looks very tense" - Agares

"Why don't we try to hear what they're saying" - Pandora

"How is that possible?" - Marbas

"By magic"- Pandora

Since only Pandora can hear distant sounds, she can use her mouth to emit sounds obtained from there.

As she focused on listening, she opened her mouth.

"How many more times do I have to say it? Our mana is slowly running out and if I don't absorb it from you I won't be able to use magic!!!"

The children were startled by the man's shout coming from Pandora's mouth, the man's voice questioning the riders.

"What are you saying? You magicians have absorbed countless people, now a group full of knights is only six!"

"Besides, you guys are just lowly people, people from the lower class don't understand what the middle class does."

"What? How dare you talk to us magicians like that?"

"How do you say that? If you're a magician, at least get us out of this fucking place!"

"As if it's easy! If we don't give us the vitality to continue to open the path to the ruins under the sea, we won't be able to get out of here!"

"We won't let the dirty guys touch us!"

Pandora interrupted the conversation midway because the two sides were having a conflict, and despite being a magician, without skills, he was quickly overwhelmed by the other knights.

Not wanting to get into trouble, Pandora and the children left.

"So where do we find the way to the underwater ruins?" - Marbas

"Without a clue, it's impossible" - Vassago

"The island is too small so we can't find anything, if we make a mistake, we will find out immediately" - Baal

While arguing, Valefar saw something peeking out from behind the tree, she ran into it, so she went deeper inside.

Because she was busy running, she accidentally slipped down a deep hole, and when she woke up, it was very dark with only light shining above where she slid down.

Valefar tried to climb up, but because the sand was too quick and slippery to climb up, she continued to climb up and down again, up and down again, over and over again, but couldn't get there.

Exhausted, she had to give up, because she went too far, so the other people would not pay attention to her anymore, because everywhere she went, she also brought trouble for others, so she was considered a bad point.

But for some reason, she wanted to meet them so badly.

Hugging her knees, Valefar dropped her face and cried.

"Waaah!!! Help me!!!" - Valefar

Tears fell, the girl could not stand it but cried for help.

"Big brother...Big sister..." - Valefar

She was in so much pain, she was so scared, she just wanted to be back with her brother and sister, she wanted to be held in that person's arms.

"Mother Pandora!!!" - Valefar



"Valefar! Where are you!"

That voice, Agares' voice and Gamigin's voice, couldn't help but scream loudly.

"I'm here! Down here!"- Valefar

A figure appeared and looked down to see her.

"Oh my gosh! Why did you fall?! Wait, we'll be right down!"- Marbas

When Pandora slid down first, she checked to see if her daughter was okay.

"There's no're fine...why did you leave us on your own, do you know it's dangerous?" - Pandora

Valefar heard those words and couldn't help but rush to hug Pandora tightly and sob.

"Wah....I'm scared, I'm scared, Mother Pandora...I'm sorry...." - Valefar

They've found her, they've found her at last, this is the first time there are people who haven't abandoned her.