Chapter 23: The Deep Ocean (Part II)

After coaxing Valefar, Pandora realized there was a hidden path here, she looked down at Valefar and wondered how a child could find a path like this, it certainly wasn't. by chance or luck.

"I didn't expect there to be such a large place down here. But how did we notice it?" - Vassago

"It seems that this place is covered with hidden magic. That's why we can't find this path"- Baal

Going deeper, Pandora felt something strange in the air, much harder to breathe, as if something had blocked the air vent. There was also a sound that was ringing, signaling a bad omen ahead.

"The air ahead is likely to be very thin, much thinner than usual, so please be careful or breathe slowly, don't breathe too fast or it will be very difficult to breathe" - Pandora

Her hands clasped together and created a layer of silk thread, which she carefully tied around the children's bodies.

"From now on, you must wear the [Air Mask] and remember not to take it off without my command, with the rope I made, so no one will get lost. Promise me When you hear something, tell me. Do you understand?" - Pandora

Pandora covered each child's nose and mouth with her hand, and a bubble appeared, breathing more comfortably inside than outside.

[Air Mask] was a skill she obtained when she defeated a fish monster the night before, it had the ability to create bubbles with thick shells. When broken, the air inside the bubble will create an explosion that deals damage.

She struggled a lot to absorb that monster because it contained more air than meat.

"If that's Father Pandora's request, then we will absolutely obey" - Baal

"But didn't Mother Pandora cover her eyes?" - Agares

"If I put it on, who will guide us? Hold on to the rope so you don't fall. As for Valefar...." - Pandora

She lifted the baby up and put it on her back, tying the rope around Valefar and her.

"Since you are still a child and not yet grown up like my brothers and sisters, I have to carry you" - Pandora

"No need, I can go by myself" - Valefar

"No, children's feet are very sensitive, so they need to be taken care of, and their health is weaker than usual, so don't try too hard. It's better if I carry you" - Pandora

Hearing that, Valefar suddenly blushed, she could hear her little heart beating in her chest. This feeling is really warm, is this what it feels like to be cared for by someone?

After carefully inspecting the ropes and masks, Pandora went ahead, the ropes were stretched to signal the children to follow. She carefully walked on the road not too difficult so that the children who followed did not stumble.

The deeper she went, the darker it became, she turned to the back and could not see the light of the cave entrance. The smell of dampness with a faint salty smell wafts into the nose.

'This smell is similar to the smell of the sea but more fishy, ​​like the smell of rotting corpses of fish that have not been decomposed. But the smell seems to be getting heavier and stronger...'- thought Pandora

Suddenly she stepped on something sticky and wet, lifted her foot to see a dark green discharge.

'Is this moss?'- thought Pandora

Use [Analysis] skill and [Infrared] skill to be able to analyze night vision at the same time. In front of her was a pile of groans all over the place, it was really hard for her this time.

Because she can walk because her feet have thorns to walk on, but the children cannot walk, because the moss is very viscous and slippery, so it is easy to fall, so it will be difficult for her children.

Suddenly an idea flashed in her head like a light bulb.

From the [Item], she took out many pieces of hard skin. This is [Hard Skin], a rare item that can only be obtained from monsters with hard skin, which she obtained from Yin Monsters.

Using spider silk as a sewing thread, she carefully stitched together pieces of tough skin to form a boat large enough for all to sit in. Pandora lifted the children one by one and put them in the boat.

"Why do we have to sit in here?" - Baal

"Because we're going to go mossboarding" - Pandora

"Mosquito slide?" - Marbas

Taking a deep breath, she gripped the rope tightly to tug the boat so it moved into the moss. As soon as he touched it, the boat suddenly moved more easily.

Follow the path that moss grows, the deeper you go, the more moss will be, the sound of water chirping sounds in the cave for a while louder. Pandora stopped to check when she saw a slope ahead, she dropped a glowing marble to let it roll to check ahead.

A sound of objects falling into the water resounded.

"What's wrong?" - Vassago

"Below is water, maybe that's the way" - Pandora

"Does that mean we'll have to dive? No way! What if we get attacked by the monsters just now?!"- Marbas

"If we go back, we'll not only be attacked by those guys, but we'll be trapped here" - Agares

"Is there no other way?" - Marbas

"No, it's all around the sea, even an island doesn't exist" - Pandora

"Impossible...."- Gamigin

"Besides, we have to move forward. Because I hear footsteps" - Pandora

Suddenly, there was the sound of many footsteps rushing in their direction.

Pandora pulled the rope hard to make the boat move to the edge of the slope, she quickly jumped into the boat.

The speed of the boat was so fast that the children screamed in fear. She used her own strength to move the boat to avoid hitting the sharp rocks. As soon as she saw the light in front of the water surface, she gave an order.

"Hold your breath!" - Pandora

The fellow children held their breath, she did something before the boat plunged into the water.