Chatper 27: Spirit of the blizzard

Pandora stirred gently away from the children, leaving her cloak to keep them warm without carrying. Using the skill continuously can consume MP, but her MP bar is quite large so there is no need to worry. Adds a feeling that absorbing will increase MP depending on the creatures she ate, if the value of the monsters is greater, the MP will be charged more.

Going deep into the place where the wolves ran into, she did not expect the cave to be so deep, the deeper she went, the more ice walls appeared, causing her to almost slip a lot. Suddenly she heard something strange in front of her, thanks to the skill related to hearing, she was able to hear quite a distance.

There are a lot of sounds like breathing, the breathing is very soft and regular, like sleeping soundly. Pandora gently took each step so as not to make a noise to wake the wolves. When she saw the light, she surreptitiously glanced out.

To her surprise, this was the lair of those wolves, the wolves were surrounding a giant ice wolf. Suddenly, a female voice rang out in her head.

"I know you're there. Don't hide, come out."

Pandora was startled to hear that voice, she slowly walked out and the wolves all looked at her. The wolves dodged to the sides to let her walk over to the big wolf. But she still hadn't let go of her guard, because there was a possibility that the wolves could play a trick on her at any moment.


[Ice Wolf: A species of wolf with a long lifespan, living in cold regions. A strain that has the ability to run very fast in blizzards, very strong in low temperatures. Easily weakened when exposed to high temperatures]


Slowly stepping closer to the giant wolf, she looked up at it, and it looked down at her. His nose sniffed at her, then puffed.

"You have a strange disgusting smell, the smell of death so many lives die at your hands. But there is something else..."

"What are you talking about?" - Pandora

"You have children too, don't you?"

"How do you know?"- Pandora surprised

"Because I can smell children on you. Do I find it strange that a strange creature like you has human children?"

"Children are adopted and raised by me, in fact have nothing to do with me" - Pandora

"It turns out. There's still hope in this world, you know, I've forgotten the concept of time. We were once free creatures, every day was a new day for us. But until they came and destroyed everything, appearing from the blue sky, their aura was too bright. One by one of my kind was mercilessly slain, they declared. that dangerous creatures like us must be eradicated."

"Who are they?" asked Pandora

"They claim to be divine messengers. Leading mankind to the right path, but their actions are completely unkind. My fellows have all died tragically, and the children have all been taken away. We had to run away, we'd eventually become extinct, that's what I didn't want to happen!!! The pride of the Ice Wolf we would rather die than be a tool!!!"

An angry roar of the wolf created a great shock that shook the whole cave, the surrounding wolves all lay down to avoid the wind from the shock. Pandora pinned her feet to the ground so she wouldn't be blown away.

After roaring, the wolf breathed heavily, as if she realized something from the large creature. The wolf's condition seemed to be very tired, and the belly was bigger than usual.

"Could it be...are you pregnant?" - Pandora

The wolf flashed a smile, towards its belly.

"Yes, that is our last hope. This creature will be the future of all of us Ice Wolf. But I fear that the child will not be able to see its mother."

"What do you mean?" - Pandora

"Hm, I've put all my energy into this child. The moment he was born, I'm going to die. I'm weak myself, so giving birth will be difficult, even though I know it. The moment when a child opens his eyes to see his mother's face is a precious thing, but I can't affect my tribe for my own sake."

"So what do you want. Do you want to deal with me to give you strength?" - Pandora

"No, the opposite is true. I want you, you creature, to take care of this child for me."

"So you want to hand the child over to me without a shadow of a doubt?" - Pandora

"Because like I said, I can smell children on you. Because you are not their biological parents, you still protect them. That's the most precious thing. That's why I decided to intend to give the child to you"

In this situation, it was difficult for Pandora to refuse, because there were many wolves around her, but if the other wolf asked for it, it would help.

"Okay, I agree to raise the child for you. Besides, I want one more condition" - Pandora

"You say it"

"As long as I raise that child, I want to lead your tribe. When the child comes of age, the leadership will pass to that child. Is that too much?" - Pandora

Immediately the wolves around were all snarling, they looked at her with indignant eyes, it seemed her request was a bit too much. But surely the other wolf has no choice, because in this situation of thousands of pounds hanging by a hair, it has to make a difficult decision.

"Pff, ha ha ha!!! What a sly creature, you really know how to get me stuck in this situation. No one has ever dared to look me in the eye like that, you are such a genius. interesting creature! What's your name?"

"Pandora, my name is Pandora" - Pandora

"Pandora. What a strange and mysterious name. You gave your real name, then I will tell you my real name. My name is Sakthi, leader of the Ice Wolf clan, from now on. I give my power to you, Pandora! From now on, the Ice Wolves will obey you faithfully!" - Sakthi

A blue light appeared from the wolf's body and then gathered into a beam of light and then it flew to Pandora and merged with her.


[Acquired rank skill: Ice Wolf's Power]

[Wolf Language]



[Sound wave]

[Added leveling up for other existing skills]


After empowering Pandora, Sakthi suddenly breathed harder and faster, probably already showing signs of labor. But Pandora also heard the sound of something approaching.

"The sound of footsteps?" - Pandora

"It's them again, who don't give up. Servants of the gods" - Sakthi

From the darkness, several people in white robes stepped out from there, and Pandora immediately recognized that it was one of those standing next to the old mage and the knights. So they are related to the gods Sakthi said.

In that case, she doesn't need to hold back, just kill them all.