Chapter 28: Massacre

Pandora stomped on the ground causing it to crack, she rushed to the enemy, the magicians erected a protective barrier. She quickly used her claws to create a hole in the ground to dig through their shield.

Jumping up from the ground surprised them, she immediately used her tail to hit them hard.

"That monster!"

"What is it?!"


The screams of those attacked by her suddenly did not have time to scream, their bodies turned dark brown, their flesh blistered into tiny eggs, then melted into a liquid even the bones were gone. . Pandora proudly looked at the tail flowing out of the murky blue liquid, fortunately she had absorbed many sea monsters, making herself upgraded to a new level.

She lowered herself very low to gain momentum.

"Prepare yourselves, you will receive retribution for your actions."

Her tail wagged and then hit the ground hard as if to provoke them to attack, once slamming the tail hard to create vibrations that shook the cave. From there, sharp shards of ice fell from the ceiling, then she used force to push those sharp pieces of ice towards them. The magicians continuously set up shields to protect, but the rest were not so lucky that the ice shards pierced their bodies and pinned them to the wall.

Seeing their comrades die in such a horrible way, there was no way they wanted to be like that. But how do they defeat that monster? A creature completely beyond their understanding.

"What? Are you so scared? Oh man, I thought how strong the followers of the gods were, who would have thought they were so weak. Looks like you guys aren't very strong either" - Pandora

"Don't look down on us! Disgusting creature, we will make you regret facing the warriors of the gods!!!"

"Is that so? I'm so scared~ But, your numbers are already reduced by more than half, you can't even cause me a small scratch on my body. Those words, only the Only cowards who are afraid of death will speak out."

Sticking out their long tongues and Pandora's provocations humiliated their self-esteem and honor, those who followed the light of the gods had to succumb to a monster in front of them. what about them? That was something they never did, because it would tarnish the reputations of the gods they worshiped.

"That disgusting lowly creature! We'll make you miserable at your words!"

Hearing this, they rushed forward very quickly, the knights and magicians both attacked indiscriminately, Pandora saw the object and dodged. Looks like she succeeded in driving them crazy, of course. Their actions and attacks were enough to understand how excessively they worshiped the gods, their eyes were crazy to the point of losing their humanity.

"Seriously, you guys don't seem to have any thoughts, do you? Did you fall into the enemy's trap without knowing it?" - Pandora

As soon as they realized something, their attacks caused the sharp icebergs to shake and fall like rain. The magicians quickly created shields to defend, but something very deadly came upon them.

"It's too late" - Pandora


The sight in front of the wolves made them extremely frightened, blood and fresh flesh splashed all over the cave entrance, in a short moment the magicians and knights were all killed, and a few were dying. They had always thought that the wolf race was one of the wild and brutal species in the world. But then that thought was wrong, the creature over there in front of them was even colder than that, taking action against the enemy without a moment's hesitation.

Pandora rummaged through the items left behind by the other guys, there were quite a few things that could be used for the trip. The clothes on the children are also old, so they need new clothes, it is not good to let them wear rudimentary clothes. Stuffing the necessary items into the bag, she also found something tightly wrapped and sealed.

She approached the oldest mage, holding the thing out in front of him.

"Hey, what is this?" - Pandora

"There's no way I'll..."

Stepping on the wound on the old mage's leg made him scream in pain, she pressed hard and moved lightly, making the wound even more painful. Seeing him still stubbornly not opening his mouth, the tail raised in front of him, the tip of the tail slowly and slowly approached his eyes.

"I'll say, I'll say!!!"

"Very well, luckily you said it early or my tail would have poked your eyeballs"-Pandora

"That's an old rusty sword, I don't know why but it won't be unsealed easily. That's all I know!!! If you want to know, ask the Elder Magus. He was the one who gave it to me!"

"...If you say that then I'll forgive you" - Pandora

"Thank you...thank you...."

"But I don't think they'll forgive you" - Pandora


After she finished, she left, the wolves were looking at the magician with angry eyes and sharp teeth, licking their mouths ready to eat their prey. The magician tried to crawl out of here he kept calling for help, but immediately the wolves rushed to bite him. In the moments before he died, he looked at Pandora with wide eyes.

'Oh my, what have we done wrong! Why all this mess out?'

He saw Pandora turn her head in his direction, her words shocking him.

"Still think your actions are right? After all, you are just sheep who blindly worship the gods" - Pandora