Chapter 30: Breakthrough

After hours of running through the blizzard, the mana that Pandora used for her cloak to keep warm was also gradually depleted. She noticed the wolves pulling the sled to an arched gate.

"Hey, if we go there, we'll go to another place right?" - Pandora

"Yes, but we don't know where is behind that gate. Even though her patriarch said she would go to a place full of rocks, but we don't know where to land in that place"- A wolf said to her

"If we land in a place full of thorns, it will be very dangerous"- said another wolf

"Master, should we send a wolf or two ahead to check?" Another wolf said.

It was a good idea, if she sent three wolves to the front gate, she would know the next location.

Pandora looked behind and saw a huge avalanche coming behind her, and she gripped the reins tightly.

"No, we'll all jump in" - Pandora

"No, that would be dangerous if..."- A wolf protested

"We don't have time. Choose, either jump in it, or else we'll all be buried under the blizzard! Which option do you want?"- Pandora shouted.

The wolves of the same kind looked at each other, except for Sakthi, the wolves would not listen to anyone but the leader of the pack. But now that Sakthi has died, all commands are taken over by Pandora, so it is impossible not to listen to the orders of the new leader.

"Brothers and sisters, obey Pandora's master!!!" a wolf said loudly

"Understood"- The wolves in unison

Satisfied with the wolves' answer, they all sped up to the gate. The blizzard was approaching at an extremely fast speed, Pandora turned towards the direction of the blizzard. Run at full speed towards the teleport gate.

"Master, there's an enemy chasing us! It's them!"

"You continue to run to the gate, and I will hold them back" - Pandora

Pandora tightly wraps silk around the sled to keep the children on the sled, then she jumps off the sled. Use her feet to slide on the snow.

Immediately, creatures like woodpeckers flew out from the avalanche, they rushed to attack her, Pandora immediately noticed the terrain in front of her and used her advantage. Sliding over the sloping rocks midway, causing the woodpeckers to crash into the rock, her whole body moved skillfully through the pines on the slide.

Pandora shot up the big rock with great force, soaring into the air, she looked down at the woodpeckers and held out her index finger like a gun.

From behind appeared many hexagonal magic circles, from which sharp shards of ice shot out. The ice shards hit the woodpeckers, causing them to disappear instantly. But right after that, there was a huge snow monster rushing right after that.

Pandora raised her hands high, she put all her strength into her hands and when she slammed into the ground. The snow mountain shook violently and cracked open, cutting off the path of the giant snow monster that successfully blocked the avalanche. At this moment, on the snow monster, three people wearing white robes with yellow outlines were looking at her. Pandora looked at the three of them, without bothering to turn around to leave in the blizzard.

One of them used a bow containing an exploding magic arrow, and he pointed the arrow at Pandora to sneak a shot.

But before he released his bow, Pandora turned her head and glared at the three of them. A pressure came to make them startle, the bow in the other man's hand suddenly exploded, causing the other two to be infected. She knew how they would take the opportunity to kill her, Pandora gathered her skills, turned around to leave in the white blizzard.

Immediately, she dodged to the side when an arrow flew across her face and then plunged into the snow, Pandora turned her head to see that one of the other three cloaked men had survived the explosion earlier.

His cloak was torn to reveal a large and strong body, his right hand was attached to a bow that still leaked a little thick yellow slime. His mouth was abnormally large, when he roared, there was a saw vortex inside. Completely different from the appearance of a god worshiper.

"Exploded at such close range, and he was unharmed? What kind of monster?!" - Pandora


[Answer: Crossbow Knight, a light warrior who specializes in using crossbows and arrows for ranged attacks, resistance to damage when focused, for receiving divine grace]


"Are you kidding me?!" - Pandora

He raised his bow towards Pandora and fired arrows repeatedly without pulling the string, she dodged his arrows. The advantage of the bowmen is to kill the target from afar, so the best two ways are to dodge and close the opponent or the safer way is to use a long-range weapon to attack back.

Pandora ran into the pine forest to temporarily dodge enemy arrows, but she didn't think she could last long, as the arrow's force could pierce a tree and cause it to fall.

"Now it's useless to use anything, he has damage resistance, I can't do anything" - Pandora



[Skill upgrade completed]

[Successfully created a new Unique Skill]

[Activation confirmation?]

[Yes / No]

[Warning: Will disable damage, magic and poison resistance skills, causing physical damage. Take a moment to reset the Unique Skill, make sure you are in a safe place ready to activate the Unique Skill]


'Physical damage....' - Pandora thought

She dodged another arrow of that guy, jumped behind a large nearby rock to temporarily avoid, each time the arrow was shot, the rock gradually eroded away.

"In this situation....why don't I bet??" - Pandora

Jumping away from the enemy, Pandora immediately activated her Unique Skill, and immediately a pain came like being strangled, and even twisted in her body. Cracks on her body appeared more, the signs of metabolism were so intense that she felt heavy.

Suddenly a strong force was planted in her back, unexpectedly he swung his bow and arrow at her and continued to shoot arrows at Pandora until she fell to her knees.

Even though many arrows were pinned, they weren't as painful as her current state, her body couldn't lift anymore, her vision was getting more and more blurred just letting the guy grab her.

Everything around her was dark and cold, yet she did nothing but close her eyes and wait.














'It's coming...I can feel it...come here...'- Pandora
















[Unique Skill: Form Transformation]


From the darkness, a pair of bright purple eyes flashed, two sharp clawed hands stuck to the mountain, slowing down the falling speed and then stopping. Climb to the ground very quickly.

















After he threw Pandora's body over the cliff, when the body disappeared into the dark, he cooled down and left.

But then, realizing something was wrong, he turned to check again when suddenly a gust of wind blew up from the cliff.


Something just flew past him.


He was lost for a moment when he found himself rolling in the snow.

No, his body fell to the ground, his head was separated from his body, he still didn't understand what was happening, until a giant figure stepped forward and grabbed his head forcing him to look at the person.

That person was none other than Pandora herself, but her body was covered with fluffy fur, along with large legs and hands with claws, and the tip of her tail was also hairy. Looks like a real wolf.

"I don't know what kind of creature you are. But what you did to Sakthi, you have to pay with your life. Blood debt must be paid with blood. Do you want anything last?"- Pandora

There was silence for a while, the liquid kept coming out, but he didn't feel any pain. Instead, vague images appeared, which were images of a house and green fields. There was a woman waiting at the front door, why did he feel familiar.

The next scene was that woman's body was pierced with many arrows, bright red blood soaked into her clothes and then spilled onto the floor.

He seemed to have recalled something, which he had long since forgotten.

" it away"

He mumbled as he tried to speak, and Pandora found a bag on him, and she reached in and pulled out a hard, golden object.

"Sorry....sorry.....I've already wife...and my two young children.....Please.... .take care of them .....for me"

Then he died, his body and head turned to dust and disappeared. Pandora carefully examined the object in her hand, it was a necklace that could be opened and closed. Inside is a picture of a family with a married couple, each holding a baby in their arms. She had vaguely guessed the man's last words, squeezing the necklace in her hand.

"Let's say I'll take away your important things. A reciprocal exchange" - Pandora

After a long wait, the wolves and children saw the figure of Pandora. Using her sense of smell, Pandora easily found the children and the wolves, who were waiting for her there.