Chapter 31: Philosophy of Survival

In a land of the cursed country, where the high mountains are treacherous and towering, the Pandora family members are walking on the edge of the mountain, taking care not to slip off the cliff. But the way is not easy when the ground is full of rocks, the humid atmosphere makes every step difficult.

"Hurry up, we'll find temporary accommodation somewhere" - Pandora

"How long before we get out of here?" - Agares

"I don't know, but just keep moving" - Pandora

That's what she said, but Pandora determined the way, so she just had to follow the directions and she wouldn't get lost.

After escaping that frozen land, aka "Ledice Land", Pandora ordered the wolves to enter the labyrinth, the deepest hidden place of this land to avoid being noticed. She has put creatures from the Umbra Forest and Ledice Kingdom into hibernation and the creatures of the Oceanic haven't met the "Ruler" there, so she has no right to command those sea creatures.

The more she discovered about the cube, the more information she had at hand, in this country there are six lands, each of which is ruled by the "Ruler". They are creatures in the form of mythical creatures, created to protect each land, after this country was cursed, the "Ruler" still did not leave their place. Only when they are killed will they be freed.

Since Pandora already possesses something called "Dominion" obtained from the wolf Sakthi and the nameless horror monster in the Umbra Forest, or they are also known as "The Ruler", she has the right to give orders to anyone. any creature from the two lands.


Vassago tripped over a rock and nearly tripped her foot off the cliff, fortunately Pandora's custom silk rope pulled her back.

"Be careful with your steps, fortunately we have a precaution against this happening" - Pandora

"Yes, Mother" - Vassago

The specially crafted silk thread is a combination of silk and the strongest plant in Umbra Forest, she must use a special method to obtain them.

Walking on the cliff, sometimes a few pieces of rock fall from above, startling the children when they think there is a big rock falling, Pandora found a cave nearby, so she took the children inside to rest.

The firewood crackled, the grilled fish sticks on skewers gave off a strong aroma that made the hungry children devour them. As for the youngest child, Amon, was given milk by Pandora from a flower called "Milk Flower", pressing the inside of the flower near the wolf's mouth, it sucked in the taste of milk in it, and even moaned softly when drink. A moment of temporary peace but it's worth it after what they've been through.

When they got out of that cold place, Pandora didn't say a word but just remained silent as if something unclean had happened to them.

After eating a full meal, Pandora went outside the cave entrance to take a walk while the children were fast asleep after a long journey. She took out a gold necklace from her cloak, inside was a family photo, if indeed the creature that attacked her was once a human, a real person.

So that means she killed someone...A human life.

Something was boiling inside, the body was shivering involuntarily not because of the cold air of the mountain, it was like...fear and..ordinary. Are these the two feelings after murder that people often talk about?

This feeling really wasn't right, she was the one who caused Issuma to fall, took so many lives but didn't feel anything. However, this feeling appeared again, the image of that man's body after being killed by her appeared in her head, making her esophagus boil.

Pandora couldn't take it anymore and threw up on the cliff, she wanted to throw all the disgust out of her body.

She has no excuse for herself, what she is doing is just survival, if she doesn't kill people, she and her children will surely die. This is the nature of life, when the strong trample on the weak, the wise benefit and the stupid are taken advantage of again and again.

Before, she was no different, if she did not fulfill the duties of a filial son to her parents, she was kicked out of the house, if she did not achieve many achievements, she would certainly not be recognized by anyone. She had to work very hard to reach the top, even if she had to throw away her conscience to get what she wanted, she didn't mind.



[Finished creating a new skill drive]

[Fused Transformation]

[Allows replacement body parts to be absorbed by living things]


Pandora doesn't remember how many creatures she ate, but the number was very, very much, the reason she ate so much was because she possessed the skill [Food Chain System]. Her effect is that when she eats food, she can't be full or even if she fasts, she can't be hungry or thirsty, she still has taste but just doesn't feel hungry or full.

Just now, she threw up a bunch of junk from her mouth, she didn't feel hungry but just disgusted with what she ate. From weeds to insects to marine life, there's nothing she doesn't eat.

As she walked, her head ached a bit, as if there was a strange signal wave coming. Pandora follows that signal to see where it's coming from. The signal wave led to an extremely large cliff, she clung to the mountain and climbed to see what was on the other side of the rock, jumping to the top, before Pandora's eyes shocked her. It was quite far away, but the signal passing through her head was calling her to come, unmistakably the castle in the mountains.

Suddenly there was a noise below, and Pandora lay down so as not to be detected, there was the old mage who followed him with a group of cavalry led by a rather large horseman. Looking at the unmistakable texture, isn't that what she defeated?

Moreover, the old mage looked like he was very angry, Pandora eavesdropped to see if he could find any clues.

"You guys are useless! Why haven't I found that key yet?! Damn it!"

Pandora watched as the old mage unleashed his anger on the other knights, who didn't seem to react at all. Remembering when the thing that attacked her last time, had no humanity at all, that was enough to make her feel fear of them.

"Haiz, they're just puppets who only obey orders after all. No matter how much they vent their anger, they won't feel anything."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that they do their job?"

"Don't worry, if you lose one, there will be another. Originally, no matter how seriously injured, they will still continue their work until they die."

"After all, is there any training method that can improve these knights? They are completely different from the others"

"Nothing special, just a little "motivation" and "consolation" from the gods ordinary people will become loyal servants of the gods.

Hearing that, Pandora seems to have guessed a truth behind those knights, they are no different from killing machines made of living people, by distorting the mind to make ordinary people become monsters. . There was something about Pandora that couldn't be trusted, there were gods and gods, but the words that the other man said made it seem as if the gods were accomplices.

Apparently, Pandora is troubled with some kind of divine power.

"Also, that strange creature, what exactly is it? I've never seen it before. Can the magician tell me about it?"

Suddenly, the old mage stopped, Pandora was quite surprised because the two of them were talking about her but the old mage seemed to be hiding something.

"I don't know what it is. But one thing I'm sure it' an ancient monster. The world thinks it's extinct."