Chapter 32: Get hysterical!

Pandora was running fast towards the cave where she and the kids were, after overhearing a lot of things. The thing is to take the children to that castle, when she was near the entrance of the cave, hearing the children's cries made her run to it even faster.

In front of the cave was a group of knights blocking the way, Pandora slowly lowered her body to all fours while running, limbs sprouting sharp claws and hair growing on her body. She used the force of her body to push them all down the cliff, falling, but did not hear the screams of pain.

She immediately looked into the cave and saw the children crying loudly, approaching them and gently rubbing them to comfort them. Valefar was the loudest so she had to lick the baby's face before it stopped.

"Father Pandora, they...." - Baal

"We don't have much time, jump on my back now!" - Pandora

"What's wrong?" - Marbas

"There's no time to explain, quick...." - Pandora

Before she finished speaking, suddenly the knights she pushed down were climbing up from the cliff, Pandora quickly threw the children on her back and ran out of the cave. Along the way, many knights appeared to block the way, Pandora roared to create a whirlwind of snow blowing them away just to buy more time.

The gunner knights stood aloft to aim at them, Pandora reacted quickly to dodge all the arrows, the children kept their heads down to avoid being attacked. In front of a thick line of knights, she took a deep breath and then let out a loud roar that created a whirlwind that blew them away and opened a path.

The more they tried to push them back, another group of knights took their place, the situation was really unfavorable for both of them. The knights kept pointing their spears at them, what Pandora could do right now was to protect the children from being hurt by the knights.

But how? She could only dodge, if she counterattacked, the children might fall off her back or worse, be killed under the swords and spears of the knights, Pandora used her body to block the slashes and stabs. of the knights. Although it has a wound healing skill, it has the side effect of reducing HP every time it heals.

After two hours, an unknown amount of Pandora and the knights' blood had flowed down, but she seemed to be weak. As the number of knights showed no sign of decreasing, her HP was only 900 HP left, which meant that it was well below average health needed to heal wounds.

'What should I do here? This situation is so difficult, I'm going to be exhausted. What should I do?'- Pandora thought


[Emergency situation]

[HP has fallen below average]

[Will activate hidden skill immediately]


A red notification screen appeared in front of her, Pandora never remembered that there was an automatic skill activation mode, and it was also a hidden skill. This is quite surprising.

'Hidden skill? Do I have this? Well, let's see what's going on'- thought Pandora


[Hidden Skill: HYSTERICAL]

[Allows self to go into unconscious state, reduces all other damage resistance skills and increases attack skill to maximum. Loss of perception of surroundings, won't stop until HP recovery to medium level, HP recovery on killing]


Pandora was shocked by this terrible skill, it appeared and then automatically activated without reason. She immediately released a lot of silk thread to shoot on a huge tree, when she created a layer of spider web with strong durability, she threw all the children on it.

Being suddenly lifted up to surprise the children, Vassago immediately caught Aamon, it seemed that the little wolf was still sleeping soundly.

"Father!" - Marbas

"What do you think you're doing?!" - Gamigin

"Mother Pandora...!" - Agares

Something covered their heads, it was the bubbles that obscured their vision and ability to hear.

Pandora didn't want the children to see what happened before their eyes, she didn't want the innocent souls of the children to be contaminated.

Below, Pandora's body rose back to its original form, the creaking sound of bones was so horrible it felt like hundreds or thousands, if not millions, of joints were struggling to move again. The knights tried to step back but it seemed the knights couldn't move. As if something had pinned their legs, causing them to stiffen, a terrifying aura of murderous aura emanated from Pandora.

"Remove the hassle...I'm sorry, my children....." - Pandora

Her fingernails are long, her spine is covered with sharp serrated teeth, and her mouth is full of spooky teeth.

"I can hardly seem to be your perfect parents...Now then..." - Pandora

She clenched her fists and shouted loudly.

"LET'S GO HYSTERICAL!!!!" - Pandora

When she shouted out a sound that bound her ears, causing the knights and children to have their ears covered, in a blink of an eye Pandora disappeared from her sight. Her figure appeared behind one of the knights and kicked hard enough to knock her head out of her body. The head flew towards the other riders, knocking them off balance, Pandora closing in and killing them.

Her mind at this moment was like a cloud, not knowing the direction but only killing, the strong smell of blood spurting her mind, making Pandora even more crazy to kill. The HP bar is increasing rapidly, even if attacked by the knights, the wound will heal.

The corpses of the knights piled up more and more, and when there were no more, Pandora breathed heavily to regain her strength as well as her spirit. She wiped her mouth that was dripping with the blood of the knights, the taste was as bad as molten gold.

The old mage witnessed the terrifying power of the terrifying creature destroying his soldiers, it seemed that there were no more mortal knights, so he used the staff in his hand to chant magic.

"That creature, don't come any closer. I am the Great Mage of the gods, proficient in the most powerful magic. O disgusting creature, you will...!"

Before he finished speaking, a spear was thrown at him, causing the staff handle to be severed, blood spurting out and falling down hugging his severed arm. Pandora walked towards him, but she had no intention of killing him right away. But holding out the cube, he saw what he had always wanted to have.

"Do you know what this is?"