Prologue, Heroes Beginning

Looking out on the beautiful planet of earth. On the Northern Continent. A huge Nuclear explosion expands across the Continent. Then in the center where the explosion was. Stands in the rubles of a ruined city. A Man wearing a black suit. And in his arms was a little baby. Also there was a thin Neon green energy shield covering him and the baby. This Man was a Hero by the name of Neon. Neon looked at the baby, and began to speak. "Poor thing, guess I will give you up to an orphanage. It won't be pleasant. But at least you will be safe." Then suddenly, out of nowhere. The baby began to glow with a neon blue force energy shield (Force field). Neon gasped and said "You have the same power as I do. Don't worry kid. I will leave you with someone I trust."

     Awhile later. On the outside porch of an orphanage. Neon meets up with a kind and beautiful lady with red hair, glasses, a white collared shirt; and a black skirt. Her name was Miss Lora. She was in charge of the orphanage. Neon and Miss Lora were old friends from their days of working together as Gifted heroes. He asked her if she could take the baby. She gladly accepted. "But you owe me one." She said to Neon while flirtatiously pointing and getting close to him. "I'll keep that in mind." He said back blushing. Miss Lora then began to speak. "So what are you going to name him?" "Me!!?" he responded. "I can't name him. I just found him." "Listen!" Miss Lora said demandingly while Neon jumped in fear. "You found him, so you get to name him." "Alright, I'll name him." Neon replied in submission. "Good." replied Miss Lora with a big smile. Neon smiled back nervously. And then intently looked at the baby. Then he came to a decision. "Aio." Said neon. "His name is Aio Suzuki." "That's a Good name." She said. "But why Aio?" "Because it means the color blue." He replied.  "But why blue?" She asked again curiously. "Why indeed." He replied with a slight smile. Then Miss Lora stared at him with a face of confusion. "Hey." he said sternly. "Yes!" She replied. "Lora, I'm going to make you this promise. If you or the kid need me. I will be there in an instant. You have my word." Miss Lora stands in shock while blushing. Then with a smile she brushes her hair with her hand and says. "Wow, thanks as always Neon." Then everything fades into black. And thirteen years pass.....