Chapter 1, The Good Times and the Bad

A voice and a burning light starts shining through the darkness. "Aio. Aio. Aio! Hey! Wake up!!" Aio wakes up to seeing his best friend Jake Smith. Realizing that he's in his bedroom on the bottom bunk of the bed. "Jake, why are you waking me up so early? It's five o'clock in the morning. And it's my birthday." Aio tosses his blanket over his head. "I know. That's exactly why I'm waking you up." As he pulls aio out of the bed. "Let's go see the sunrise for your birthday." Jake had Blue eyes, blonde combed hair, black skin, wore a red tshirt with a blue jean jacket; and black jean pants. Aio had brown eyes, black spiky hair, white skin, wore a white tshirt; blue jean pants. Aio stands up and starts stretching. Looks at Jake with squinting eyes. "As long as the band joins us." replied aio referring to the rest of their friends.

     Later. Out on the plains of fields of long lush green grass. The sun starts to rise revealing the clear blue sky. Stands Aio with his friends and instruments. That begin to play music with the new day.

     (Aio speaking in dialogue.) "This is my world. In the year 2025, the world's first Gifted human arrived. This child had a superhuman ability, windshield wipers. This ability allowed him to have windshield wipers, wipe his eyeballs. News spread quickly. And the US Government were able to get their hands on the baby. They're scientist's started experiments on the poor child. One of the scientists in particular, was paid off to bring back information. Then later, a man that was kidnaped, had been returned to his family unharmed except for one thing. He had windshield wipers wiping his eyes too. The Man explained to the police that he had been experimented on. And he didn't know who the culprits were. He became known as the first one, The first Tainted. Then a week later. The next Gifted Child was born. And when the child clapped, a shockwave launched one of the doctor's checking on him into a wall. And once the story hit the news. People were terrified. Chaos roamed the streets around the world. Governments could only think of one way to stop it. They decided to combine the nations with each other. And formed a single gathered nation to stop the riots. To reinsure the population. The nations built a new city. Known as "Dragano City.'' The City of the Nation of the Dragano Alliance. But it only helped for a short time.

     A few weeks later. Terrorists attacked Dragano City. Holding the Government as prisoners not able to do anything. They feared for the Citizens lives. But then out of nowhere, a man appeared. He began to speak, "Be calm everyone. You see, the Chivalrous one's here to bring justice!" Then in the next moment, he was gone. One by one, he was saving everyone in danger from both the terrorist's and from the wreckage. Soon, the terrorist's were captured and the people celebrated that they had been saved. The last words he said before he left was, "Don't worry citizens, Hope endures for all time. Remember whatever comes, Chivalrous Heroes will always come to serve justice." Then he left. But because of his actions, as well as people randomly having Gifts come out of nowhere. The Government decided to make Heroes a real profession. As long as they followed the Moral Regulation Code. And through the first Hero, who everyone named the Chevalier. All sorts of people were inspired to become heroes. Including the world's Greatest hero, The Neon. From then until now, in the Year 2045. The world is a place where Heroes and Criminals live."

     Someone yells interrupting there playing, "What are you kids doing! Want to wake up the whole neighborhood?" It was Miss Lora. "Sorry Miss Lora." Replies Aio, knowing that she was upset. Miss lora sighs, "Well, come on. Breakfast is ready and getting cold." "Coming!" Replied aio and his friends as they headed inside. After breakfast three kids, Sally who's five, Jim who's six, and Jack who was eight; all wanted to go to town with Aio and Jake. "Sorry," said Jake. "But aio and I are just leaving to look for his birthday present. While you three have a special job." Jake whispers to their ears. "We need you guys to help Miss Lora with decorations before we get back." Jake speaks normally again. "Can you do that." As Jake smiles. Then they replied. "Ya." Jake replies. "Good." Then Aio says. "Thanks guys, whatever it is you're doing for me. I'm really thankful." Then Sally replies. "Big brother, we would do anything for you." Then Jim said. "She's right. You take care of us." Then Jack said. "And you really care about us, so we want to help you." Aio replies with happiness. "You guys. Alright stay out of trouble." Sally replies as the three start running inside smiling. "We will." Jack replies as well. "Leave it to us." Then Aio and Jake headed into town.

     At 11:55 am, Aio and Jake started heading back to the orphanage. When a bunch of ambulances and police cars speedly started passing them. "What's going on?" said Jake with a puzzled worried face. Aio was puzzled as well. So he looked and saw ahead of the cars. The police cars and ambulances were heading towards the orphanage. Immediately without a word. Aio started running as fast as he could. Dropping the groceries and his present behind him. Jake started running behind him. "Aio! Wait!" yelled jake. But Aio kept running until he reached the orphanage and then he stopped. The orphanage had caution tape all around it. And it was surrounded by police and paramedics. As well as two Ace Heroes (Professional Heroes), Jackhammer. And the ranked Number two of the top ten heroes, Eight. Jackhammer was a strong looking man. He had red spiky hair, light skin, orange overall straps, cation taped short sleeves, a belt with screw heads on it; and his legendary hydraulic jackhammer arms and legs. And Eight was also a strong looking. Not as much as jackhammer. But still strong and athletic. He also had white hair and a white suit. A Black eye sash covering. Along with black X stripes on his chest that meet with the number eight in the middle. And lastly, he had black gloves and boots. Jake caught up to aio breathing heavily and said. "What happened." Aio suddenly ran right past the police and right under the cation tape without stopping. And he kept running until an hydraulic arm came out in front of him. It was Jackhammer. He then took a knee in front of him with a concerned face and eyes. "Kid, are you from this orphanage?" asked jackhammer. Aio replied terrified. "Yes! Please?! Where are the other's?" Jackhammer looks at him sorrowful. "Sorry kid. We didn't get here in time." Jackhammer pauses and aio looks over his shoulder. "You see, there was a criminal. We don't know why he attacked this place. But, we don't believe he got what he came for. While the criminal was in a rage he…" Jackhammer couldn't finish his sentence. But he didn't have to. Aio saw the covered bodies that the police were carrying out. Everyone he knew at the orphanage except his best friend, was dead. Aio started screaming in pain. And Jake was frozen. But then, aio started to change from pain, to just pure rage while laughing crazily. Suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder. "Aio." Aio looked over his shoulder and couldn't believe his sight. It was the ranked number one Hero, The Neon. Neon had dark brown hair with green eyes. Was dressed in a black suit that came up to his face like a bandana. And he also had white stripes like a tiger. And lastly, his body was the size of Eight, except he was way more muscle toned. "Come on kid." Said Neon. "We should talk." Still in shock with a blank stare, Aio followed him. "Take the other kid, would ya Hammer?" "Sure, leave it to me" replied Jackhammer.

     Later, Neon took Aio to the police station. There he started to ask aio questions. "Kid, do you need anything? Is there something I can do for you?" Aio looks up from the table in pure rage. "Ya, you can bring back my friends!" Neon taken back from this, begins to speak in sorrow. "Forgive me, your right. I should have been there. I failed you as the Number one Ace Hero." Aio realizes Neon's regret. And that he is also punishing himself. "No. Forgive me, I am just enraged is all. I know it's not you or any of the Heroes fault." Then there was a long pause of silence. Aio then realizes something. "Hey, your Gift ability (Superhuman ability) is that you can use force energy shields (force fields) right!" Neon taken back by this. "Well yes. But that was out of the blew, why would you ask me that?" "Because, I want you to train me. I also can use force energy shields. But obviously not like you. I don't know if it is possible or not. But I need to try!" Neon was quiet for a moment. Then he opened up aio's personal file. "I read your file earlier. I know you never wanted to be a hero before. Instead you wanted to be a musician. So why start now? I want to know your reason. Is it because you want to bring justice to others? So people don't have to go through the pain that you just had to endure." Aio replies. "NO! I want to get the pieces of Crap that killed My Friends!" Neon could feel the pressure of Aio's words. And the face of rage he gave could kill a man with just one look. Neon was frozen for a second. But then he thought. "Even though his motivation is wrong.  He still was honest about it. And he was willing to tell me. Knowing I would probably say no to his answer. Should I take a chance with this kid. Can I trust in his past good nature. Or is their nothing I can do already." After debating with himself, he came to a decision. And said. "Alright, I will train you. Not because of your revenge however." Aio was taken back a little. "But because I am going to do my best to save you. Since I couldn't before. I promise to make a hero out of you yet. Oh, and just to let you know, this won't be easy."