Chapter 2, The start of the Heroes Path, Training begins

     Later, up on the Mountains. "Uh. Neon where are we?" Says Aio, while Neon is leading him on a hike up a mountain. Aio continues "We've been hiking for an hour now." "Don't worry." Neon replied. "You'll get your revenge." "But I thought you aren't training me for that." Replied aio. "I'm not." Says Neon. "But I also know that you are not going to give up. Even if I tell you to. You'll still try." Aio started thinking to himself. "So he must be thinking that he can change my mind by learning the Heroes path. Good luck with that Hero Number one." Neon stops after climbing up over a cliff. Aio followed suit. "Were here." Says Neon. "Welcome to the training lodge." As aio laid his eyes on a run down lodge. Aio's mouth practically dropped to the ground. "You've got to be Kidding ME!!" He yelled. "You like it." Neon says with a mischievous grin. Aio starts shouting at neon. "No! I can't believe you would bring me up here for this!!" While aio is shouting. Neon was thinking about dinner. "I wonder if there is any fish in the pond down the hill still." Aio than quieted down. And neon began to speak again. "Now, enough joking around. You remember when I said this wasn't going to be easy." Aio then remembered. "Wait. Your saying?" "That's right." Replies neon. "You're training starts now. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any." Neon then takes off his bandana zipped to his suit. Aio's eyes slowly widen, and his mouth drops. Revealing the man who just adopted him. Neon begins to speak. "Hey kid. My real name is Aren Nelson. And I'm the Neon." Aio thinks back to the past after his talk with Neon at the police station. Before he left. Aio asked him what he needed to do to train with him. "Don't worry." Said neon. "I will take care of that." Then he left. Aio than sat and waited for his new Dad that had decided to adopt him. As he hears the doorbell ring. Then he meets his dad for the first time. "Aio." Aren says softly to aio. "My Name is Aren Nelson. I'm here to look after you." Then the police chief asked aren a question. "So. Are you going to send him to school?" Aren responds. "I think will take it slowly, I will have him with me for a year. Then I will send him to school." As they walked out of the police station. Aren got a phone call, and began to start running. "Where are you going?!" Aio asked. "Sorry!" Responded aren. "I have an errand to attend to! Neon already told me what you are doing! Stay safe and work hard!!" Aio then stopped moving and waited for Neon to come. A couple of minutes later. Neon arrived and said. "Alright, let's go." Then aio came back to reality. "I wondered why you and neon knew each other." Aio said. "Yah." Replies aren. "So that's why you gave me a year away from school." Aio said with realization. "Yes." Replies aren. "I also know that you are a grade ahead in school. So I'm making this year all about training. So hopefully by next year you will be able to join the Chevaliers Alma Mater for Heroes." "What?!" Replied aio. "That's the number one Hero school in the world!" "Hey!!" Yelled aren. "I thought you would do anything for your revenge!" Aio stopped to think. Aren continued. "If you are unwilling to push past your limits. You can kiss that Criminal that killed your family goodbye." "He's right." Aio thought. "If I am unwilling to do whatever it takes. My rage will never get the chance to be sated!!" "Alright!" Aio says out loud. "What do I need to do?!" Aren smiles and begins to speak. "Alright, first things first. We're going to start on strengthing your body and your Aura." "What's aura?" Aio says with a puzzled face. Aren frowns with a face of disappointment. "I guess will start with the basics. Aura, is a special energy force we receive in our bodies the moment we become Gifted or Tainted humans. Once we have this energy. We are able to use it in many different ways. And their are also different kinds of aura." "How many kinds?" Aio asks. "To many to count." Replies aren. "Luckily, scientist's we're able to collect information through blood tests. This allowed them to figure out who uses what type of aura. But I can give you a couple of examples. These examples are Enhancing, Physical, and Energy types of aura." "Who uses those types?" Aio asked. Aren begins to explain. "Actually, you've met all those who use those types. Jackhammer uses the physical type of aura." "Why?" Aio asked. "Because his aura changed his physical body." Says aren. "Is that why he has jackhammer arms and legs?" Aio asked. "Yes." Aren replied. "When physical types of aura fuse with the human body. It changes the human physiology in order to use the aura energy." "Who uses the enhancing type of aura?" Asks aio. "Eight." Replies aren. "His aura allows him to enhance his physical body to do superhuman feats under certain conditions. For example, enhanced speed and strength, etcetera." "What about the last type you said?" Aio asks with apuzzled face. Trying to remember the last aura type. "The last one would be me. Or you and me if you'd like. We use the energy type of aura. Typically, force energy shield types (force field types). Channel they're aura through their muscles out of they're arms, in order to form a bubble of protection." "Like this." Says aio as he makes a beautiful, big, and solid force energy shield (forcefield). Aren gasped in shock. And thought. "I knew he was strong. But I didn't think he would be this strong. He made a solid force energy shield in a blink of an eye. With just a description of it. He has great potential. Very impressive. But still!" Aren's face starts turning red with anger. "That's! Totally! WRONG!!" Aren yelled at the top of his lungs. Aio covering his head with his arms. As if he was fearing for his life. "W'What's the m' matter?" Aren sighed. "It's not your fault. But your doing exactly what everyone else does." Aio asks. "And that's wrong?" Aren replies. "Yes. Because you will only be a defensive fighter." Aio responds confidently. "Yes." Then like a bolt of lightning. Realization hits him. "But then I won't become powerful because I can't use offensive abilities." Aio speaks his thoughts out loud. Aren starts crying with pride and thought. "I didn't make the wrong choice, he will be a good pupil!" Aio grabs aren's arms and starts shaking him. "Pull yourself together!" Aio yells. Then aren wipes away his tears and says. "Right." Aio asks. "So, what do I need to do." Aren replies. "First, we need to check how much power and control you have over your force energy shield." Aio gets puzzled for a moment. "How do we do that." Aio asks. "Simple." Aren responds. "First get into a squatting position. Next, relax your shoulders pointing downward. Then have from your elbows to forearms pointing straight forward. And also have your hands make a fist with the back of them pointing down to the ground." Aio then proceeds to get into position. "Like this?" Aio asks. Aren proceeded to tweak aio's form in certain places. Then stops with a pleased smile and says. "There. That should do it." Aio starts thinking, then says out loud. "I'm feeling like I'm doing martial arts." "Of course." Replies aren. "Thanks to scientist's discovering aura. I was able to apply that information to my training." "What do you mean by, Apply?" Asked aio. "I came up with my training all on my own." Aren says proudly with a grin on his face. With a skeptical face, aio speaks to himself. "He must have read it out of a manga." "Anyways." Says aren. "Let's continue." Aio focuses. Aren begins to speak again. "Now I want you to close your eyes." Aio closes his eyes and just sees darkness. Aren continued. "Imagine a pool of energy swirling inside your stomach." Aio then sees a blue glowing electrified pool of Aura. "I see it!" Says aio. "Don't lose focus!" Replies aren. Aren continued. "Now, I want you to spread that energy throughout your entire body, by following the channels through your muscles."  Aio focused and started moving the energy a little bit. Following through the path of his muscles. Until he had it all circulated throughout his body. "More!" Says aren. "Fill it MORE!!" Aio kept filling, and filling more energy. Until aio started flickering blue electrical energy outside of his body. As well as being in pain. Then all the energy flooded into his body. "GOOD!!" Yelled aren, so aio could hear him. "I DON'T THINK I CAN CONTROL IT!!" Aio yelled. "JUST HOLD IT A LITTLE LONGER!!" Replies aren. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!" Yells aio in pain as blue electricity starts blasting out everywhere. And a blue glow starts appearing around aio. Than a bright white light coming from aio. Starts covering all the mountaintop. As well as aren. Aren tried covering his eyes with his arm from the light. Until it was just a flash. "BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!"