Chapter 3, The Aftermath, Shall we start Again

     An eighty year old Man and his wife are taking a nice walk on the bottom of the Mountain. "BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!" The old man and woman fell to the ground from an explosion. That came from the top of the Mountain. "GEORGE! GEORGE! What was that?!" Said the old woman as she helps george up "I don't know Barbara." Says george. "But frankly I don't want to know." As george and barbara are shaking. She nodded her head in agreement. George began to speak again. "Come on. Let's go before a Meteorite hits us. Or a tornado. Or whatever blazes is next!" "I hear you george, I hear you." Says barbara as they hobbled down the mountain as fast as they could.

     A little while later. Up at the top of the Mountain. Is a man standing over a kid. The kid was laying in a small crater. It was Aio. Aio kept hearing a voice. Then thought. "I know that voice." Aren speaking. "Hey!!" Aio continued thinking. "Who is that? It sounds like Aren." "Hey!! Kid!! Can you hear me!!" Called aren to aio. "Why are you being so loud." Aio replies. "Oh good. I was a little worried there." Says aren. "What happened?" Asks aio. "Well." Says aren tentatively. "You kind of ah, exploded." "WHAT!!" Yells aio. "YOU TOLD ME FIGURING OUT MY POWER AND CONTROL WOULD BE EASY!! YOU RISKED MY LIFE JUST NOW!!!" Aio keeps yelling with a bright red face in pure rage. Aren responds nonchalantly while getting hit by aio. "I said it was simple. I didn't say it would be easy." Aio sits down and pouts a little. "Well. You could have warned me." "I did." Replies aren. "Remember at the police station. I told you that it wouldn't be easy." Aio replies silently. "Well that wasn't a warning. That was like a pre'warning." Aren glares at aio in anger. Aio backs off and says. "Sorry, my bad." Aren sighs then says. "Well, how did it feel?" Aio begins to think, then speaks out loud to aren. "It was exhilarating. When I was in that state. I felt like I could make the strongest force energy shield (force field) in existence." "That's because you did." Replies aren. "But also, with not enough control over it. I would have exploded." Aio stated. "That is also correct." Aren said in agreement. "That's why the goal for this year is to increase your physical strength. The stronger you are, the easier it will be for your body to control that energy. To the point where you can control your first force energy shield layer right above the skin of your body." "What do you mean by force energy shield 'Layer?' (force field Layer)" Asked aio. Aren explains. "There are two different types of force energy shield layers. What I am teaching you now is the first layer." "What about the second layer?" Aio asks. "One step at a time." Answers aren. As he rubbed aio's hair while smiling. Aio wipes away aren's hand in annoyance. "But when we are done this year. You will be able to make this." Says  aren, as aio stands in shock with eyes wide open. And his jaw dropped to the ground, as he sees aren make the strongest. Most powerful force energy shield anyone has ever seen. And the force energy shield was perfectly layered right above his skin. The force energy shield was also glowing a beautiful Neon green color. "Now, let's get to training." Says aren.

     For the next year, aren had aio working from dusk till dawn. Whether it was raining heavily, lightning storms, sixty mile an hour winds, or even all of that weather combined; Aren made aio train. Even when he wasn't always around. Aren from time to time would leave in his Neon outfit. Aio figured he must have had to go save someone indanger. But if something life threatening happened. Luckily, Aern would intervene in those situations. He would just make a force energy shield around aio's body so that aio wouldn't get hurt. But all the while, aren would have his force energy shield protecting himself from all the weather as well. "He seems to be enjoying himself." Aio thought to himself. "But it doesn't matter! Whatever comes my way. I still will have my revenge! I can endure this!" With determination, aio always kept pressing forward. This always impressed aren. Then a couple of months pass.

     In the middle of winter. Aren is inside the lodge cooking dinner. Until a huge commotion happens when Aio slams open the door as he runs in yelling. "I did it! I DID IT!!" Aren looks at aio a little angrily. Aio quickly realized. When he slammed the door open. He caused aren to drop the pot of stew he made on himself. "Sorry." Says aio nervously. "What did you do." Asked aren in a deep sigh as he cleaned up the mess. "What?" Asks aio puzzled. "You said you did it. What did you do?" Aren asked, repeating himself. "Oh!" Says aio, remembering what he was going to say. "I was able to do the first layer!" Aio says in excitement. Aren makes a skeptical look and asks. "Show me." Then aio with all his might. Makes a thin neon blue force energy shield layer right above his skin. "Now can you teach me the next layer?" Asks aio. Aren walks up to aio. Than with a flick of his finger on aio's shield. It blows away. "Why did you do that?" Aio asked sadly as his shield blew away. "To make a point." Answers aren. "Your first layer is far too weak. I'll teach you the second layer after this year is over. I give you my word." "But isn't there a faster way?!" Complained aio. "Listen." Said aren. "The reason I'm not teaching you it. Is because your body isn't capable of handling it yet. If I tried to teach you the second layer now. Your body would explode from the inside out. And all that would be left of you is ashes." "Than why did you have me explode the first time?!" Says aio in frustration. Aren sighs then says. "The reason why I had you do it the first time. Was so that you could know how it felt. That way, you would understand what you needed to do. You can't run until you walk." "What's that mean?" Asks aio. "It's an expression." Answers aren. "It means that everything takes time to master. Take me for example. I was sixteen when I started my training. And it took me two years to master the first layer." "Two years?" Asked aio. "Yes." Answers aren as he looked down in the fireplace. Remembering all of those times. "Kids used to make fun of me at school. Since I couldn't fight at there level. Until I turned eighteen that is. And two years after that, I mastered the second layer." "You weren't the number one Hero at that time right?" Asks aio. "Yes." Answers aren. "I wasn't. It took me three more years of experience before that was possible." "Why are you telling me this?" Asked aio. "Because." Replies aren. "I'm letting you know that you're making incredible progress." "I need some fresh air." Says aio as he walked out of the room. Aio kept walking through the snow, thinking. "Will I ever get the chance to avenge Miss Lora and everyone else?" As aio came to a ledge at the bottom of the Mountain. He saw all of the bright lights coming from a large town. Aio thought. "Can you see the view Miss Lora and everyone. I hope so." Aio than closed his eyes, feeling at peace. Than the alarms go off from the town. Along with screams from both men and women. Aio then gets filled with rage as he hears all the sounds. He thought to himself. "A Criminal (Tainted/Gifted Villain) is attacking the town. Don't worry everyone. Let this criminals downfall. Be the first step for you to rest in peace.

Next Time: Chapter 4, So Training was Important, To the Hero Alma Mater Part 1