Chapter 4, So Training was Important, To the Hero Alma Mater Part 1

     Aio finally reached the Large Town. He then stopped and stood still for a moment. And began to look around for any clues that would lead him to the Criminal (Gifted/Tainted Villain). Than thought. "Man, with all the people panicking like this. Makes it really hard for me to find any clues." Then aio had a realization and was dumbfounded by his stupidity. And thought. "Duhhhhhh! Aio." As he smacked his forehead. Aio took off running. "It's so obvious aio. Follow the screams." Then he made a face of shame and thought. "I can't believe I'm following a typical Manga trope. But hey! As they say. If it ain't broke, don't fix it." As he finished his thought. He then ran around a corner of a building to the next street. Then time seemed to slow down. As an Avalanche of snow came crashing down into the street. Aio quickly hid back behind the corner of the building where it is safe. Then the snow came crashing right passed the corner of the building where he was. "That was close." Thought aio. Then he realized he wasn't out of breath, he wasn't afraid, he wasn't nervous; Instead he was excited. He then remembered all of his life and death situations. From his time spent on the Mountain, then thought. "Ya. This is nothing compared to my training. I guess there was some truth in those old manga training tropes." Aio paused for a moment and thought. "Right!" Aio then refocused himself. "Let's go!" Aio than ran around the corner looking up above the street's snowbank. And on top of the snowbank. A Man that was skinny looking, long spiky haired, white faced, blue eyed, long nosed, skinny sharp teeth, long jawed; insane looking Criminal. He was wearing a suit with a white based color that had sky blue stripe swirls on it. "Oooh?" Asks the criminal with a shark tooth smile. "What do we have here?" The criminal gave a lustful look."Is this another sheep that wants to be slaughtered?" Aio didn't respond. He was to enriched in his rage that he could barely breathe. Since he couldn't believe his eyes. As the criminal came into the light. Aio could see the blood of a man that the criminal had on his hands. And the other half of his body as well. "What did you do?" Aio asked as his face was frozen. All the rage aio had, was about to erupt. The criminal snickered with a smile. "Oh, this?" He asked. "Your not the first lamb I decided to slay." His face immediately changed to anger and yelled "They were in my Way!!" Then he moved his body in an upward, back bent, arms open; position. Than yelled in a smiling and laughing fashion. "SO I MADE A LITTLE TINY AVALANCHE AND CRUSHED THEM ALL!!! Hahahahahaha!!!"

     Meanwhile, back at the lodge. "Man!" Says aren as he rubbed the back of his head by the fire. "Aio should be back by now. I'm starting to get worried." Aren said in concern. "I should go check on him."

     A little while later. Aren is walking through the snow. Following the footprints aio left. "Looks like he went to town. Maybe I should activate my sound sonic force energy shield array." Aren than channels a little of his energy aura to his ears. That way he could hear much farther than any normal human. And that's not all. Since sound is just vibrations. Aren made his force energy shield layer sensitive to all forms of vibrations. He could hear everything going on. Across the entire Continent. Aren than jolted out of his concentration to eyes wide open. And then dashes into a run and thought. "WHAT THE CRAP WAS I THINKING!!! Aren you idiot. The moment you drop your guard. PEOPLE DIE!!!" Aren than zipped up his bandana. "Force energy shield. Second layer. Twenty Percent!" As aren said this. "zzt," A little neon green static shot right out of aren's first force energy shield layer. zzZCH!, ZZZZT!!!; ZZZZTCH!!! Then more and more bigger bolts of energy shot out. Until it got to the point. Where the second layer was perfectly swirling right above the first. Compared to the first layer. It was not solid. But unstable. So unstable infact. That if anyone were to touch it. They'd get electrocuted and become ash, or burn their fingers clean off. Aren than went into a squatting position. Than used the aura of the second layer. To blast out unstable force energy shield, energy from his feet. In order to fly like a rocket. "Aio." Thought aren. "Please, wait for me."

      Back to the present. "Hahahahahaha!!!" The Criminal laughed maniacally. Aio bolted running towards the criminal at full speed. The criminal then swiped from left to right in the direction of aio. Using his right hand. The snowbank followed suit. Then time slowed down once again. And a memory comes into aio's mind.

     Three weeks ago. "Aio? Aio?! Aio!" Said Aren as he snapped his fingers in front of aio's face. Aio jolted. "Hey? You awake?" Asks aren. "No." Answers aio. "It's too early." It was six o'clock in the morning. "Well get your head on straight." Replies aren. "Because today's training is going to be special." "Are you going to teach me the second layer now?!" Asked aio in excitement. "No." Answers aren. Aio sighs with a little bit of disappointment. "But I am going to give you a tad of self defense training." Says aren with a happy grin. Knowing aio would get excited. "WHAT!" Said aio in excitement. "Your going to teach me how to fight now?!" "Hold your horses aio." Aren said to be able to calm him down. "It's only for emergency situations. As in your in a life or death situation." "Why only in a emergency situation." Asks aio. Aren explains. "The reason why is that it will be hard for your body to handle." "Is that because the aura energy could overwhelm me again." Asks aio. "No." Answers aren. "It's just hard to control. It takes a lot of focus. Here let me show you." Aren than lifted up his right hand to his chest. Than quickly made a fist. Immediately when he made a fist. His forearm to fist was a solid force energy shield layer. "You didn't make the first layer all around your body. Instead you just did one part!" Aio said in realization. "Yes." Replies aren. "If you haven't figured it all out already. Obviously this technique has lots of benefits. To someone of your level." But before aren could finish. Aio had already began to try it out saying. "I can do that!" Aio than made the fist layer around his fist and forearm. Perfectly layered right above his skin. "AIO, WAIT!!!" Yelled aren, trying to warn aio. But it was to late. Aio than began to swing his arm with the first layer. "PISHZZZZZT!!! Ahhhhhhh!" Aio yelled in pain. When he had swung his arm and fist right into his force energy shield layer. He quickly then fell to his knees with his left arm cradling the right arm. "What happened?!" He said in pain. "I tried to warn you." Replies aren as he looked at aio's arm. "Your lucky. If you had kept pushing on your force energy shield. You would have had at least third to fourth degree burns." Aio took a good look at his right hand. "What did I do wrong?" Asked aio. Aren explains. "You didn't move your force energy shield layer simultaneously with your arm." "What does that mean?" Asked aio. Aren explains. "When force energy shield types use they're ability. Typically it's a barrier they set around themselves and others for protection." "I know that." Says aio wondering where aren is going with this. Aren responds. "But have you ever wondered why they don't ever get close to their shield?" Aio jolts in realization. Then thinks out loud. "Because they'd get burned otherwise. So I need to move my force energy shield simultaneously with my right arm. So that my arm and shield layer never touch." Aren sighed and thought "He'd wouldn't have gotten hurt if he had just listened." Aio looked at him curiously and asked. "Something wrong? You look kinda pale." "And who's fault is that?" Replied aren in sarcasm and frustration at aio. "Anyways, your correct. Though to move your force energy shield layer with the rest of your body will take lots of focus. But eventually, you will be able to move it instinctively like this." Aren then activates his first layer over his hand again. Then swings his right hand into a Boulder. "CRACK!!!!!!" The upper half of the boulder is destroyed. "Wow!" Says aio standing in awe. "That's the main self defense training I'll be teaching you. But again, only in life and death situations. And one more thing. When fighting a criminal. Use all of your life and death situations from your training. Take all the times you had to dodge all of the falling rocks and trees for example." Aio comes back to reality while still hearing aren's words. The snowbank is still heading straight for aio. "Remember how you would read the positioning, angles, and speed of the rocks and falling trees in order to dodge. Do the same thing to dodge a criminals attack. It's all moves and counter moves with instincts." "Thanks aren." Thought aio. "I'll put your training to use." Aio than read the criminals snowbank attack and thought. "Read the position of his body, the angle of the attack, and the speed it's coming at." As the snowbank was about to hit him. He thought and moved at the same time. "Then Dodge!" With the snowbank barely missing him. Then makes a fist while gathering aura into it. And gets within arms length of the criminal and thinks. "This is for my family. Force Energy Shield, First Layer, Single Limb Styal! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!! Single Hand! FIST!! CRUSHER!!!" Aio then with full force. Punches the criminal straight into the ground. Aio than begins to speak while sweating and breathing heavily. "I did it. I DID IT!! Hahahahahaha!!!" Aio than stops and makes a blank stare at the criminal he thinks is unconscious on the ground. "That's what you get for killing Sally, Jim, Jack, Miss Lora; and everyone else." Said aio. "But that's not enough!" Than he began to walk to the criminals unconscious body. But Suddenly! A ten foot tall Gorilla like creature. Fell down to the ground behind him. Aio jolted and looked behind himself. Aio was a little frightened. This creature had white fur, black eyes, giant teeth; and gray colored face, hands, and feet. A dark shadow gloomed over aio's body. As aio looked up at this creature. It just stood still. And stared down at aio until. "grr, tsk. ROARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" He made a roar that echoed down both sides of the block. All glass and mirrors shattered from the soundwave. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Aio dropped to his knees yelling in pain. His hears were ringing. He did all he could to cover his ears with his hands. By the time aio opens his eyes. He sees the back of a white furred hand. "BAMMM!!!" Aio's body was sent back flying straight through the air. Right into a wall of concrete. Then he fell to the ground, laying in pain. Aio thought. "Man! I'm in such great pain right now." "You thought you could kill me?" Said a voice coming from behind the gorilla like creature. Aio looked around the creature. The unconscious criminal began to stand up. "NO WAY!!" Thought aio. "You think you can stand in my way?!" Said the criminal with his face bleeding. "I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!" He than stumbled up to where aio was laying. Than raised his hand. "GOODBYE WORM!!!"

Next Time: Chapter 5, So Training was Important, To the Hero Alma Mater Part 2