Are you a demon?

She got awakened from the sound of the opening of the door. There was Thiago behind it with his left hand motioning her to come inside. She stepped her foot in this dark room once again, unsure if she could go out alive. She did not sit this time, she remained standing beside the bookshelves and let Thiago does his work before the King sent him away. Silence filled the room like it's abandoned. She looked straight to the place where she thinks as the centre before gulping then spoke.

"Are you a demon?"

No one responded like before. The silence is deafening and she feels cold. She looked for the coat if it was still there but nothing is hanged in the bookshelf. This is a tough situation in which she is unsure about the other side because she didn't even have the slightest idea who he is, how he looks, and how he reacted with her question. Now she regretted asking him. Goodbye life.

She heard footsteps making her still. What is he going to do? Was he planning to kill her because she found about it? Damn, this nerve racking, especially that she had no escape from this castle.

"Are you scared?"

This is the time when she realized she wasn't breathing and she breathed out after hearing his voice. It calmed her down although it sounds like a threat. His voice is too tantalizing in her mind that she's losing the fear to anything inside this castle. It was like a magic spell that covers the negative thoughts playing in her mind. Is his part of the demons' curse? That his voice would make he feel like this? What will he do if she told him the truth? Would she be spared from death?

"I am not afraid of demons. I am afraid of what they will do."

That was an honest answer. It's true, she wasn't afraid, she's afraid of their capabilities. And she is not planning to lie anymore. All her life, she pretended as an innocent woman who is naïve to everyone. She pretended to be happy with little things she doesn't like. She played nice like she was perfect but she is getting tired of it. She doesn't want to be what they think she is. She wants to be what she is and she is showing it to a demon she just met yesterday. She had this feeling that she must not lie to him that she will obey him and that is what she is doing now.

She listened to his response but it was nothing but a pure silence. She walked through the previous seat she had sat.

"I was adopted by my father when I was 5. I don't know who I was and what my name is. I was living in a faraway island with nuns taking care of me. Then he came to clothe me, fed me, and took care of my future." She looked down remembering the man who just died 3 days ago and she didn't even make a time to mourn him. He will remain as the greatest man she had ever met because of his pure heart and intentions.

"He told me about demons when I was 15." She looked up to search her eyes to her black surrounding.

"I've seen so many crime scenes that remained mystery. I've seen actual demons who live in my neighbourhood and who lives like humans. I've seen a demon that killed a friend in front of my eyes."

She gave up from searching where he could be standing so she looked down again. Is he even listening to her?

She sighed and felt something a bit heavy on her shoulders and realized that he just put a white coat on her without even noticing it. She looked at her back if he was there but no. She did not even saw a shadow- demons doesn't have shadows and they are fast.

"Thank you." She sat down and held the coat properly to feel warmth.

Even if it was dead silent, she knows he was there. She may could not feel and see him but he was there, maybe listening. So she won't stop asking.

"I only know about demons were that, they eat human soul. They're fast. They can kill. They're not vegetarians. They only drink alcoholic wine." She then looked somewhere in the darkness. "But yours is maybe a special case. And I've never encountered this before. Why are you always in the dark?"

It was again, silence filled the room. Was he even there? Or was the question too much to ask? It must be confidential information that is not necessary for her to know.

"I... I'm sorry if it was too much." She looked down with the spark of tears he could clearly see from where he is.

She looks mourning and she had this habit of pouting her lips every time she feels sorry to anyone. She was even worried about Savage but dare not ask him about who really he is, behind him. Yes, she wasn't afraid of him, you can see it in her eyes. This woman...

"Love me, woman."

Luna felt the dancing of her stomach, the chill all over her spine, and the racing beat of her heart as she heard his sonorous voice. She was stunned in a bit like she wanted to hear more to him, more grandiloquent phrases from him. It sends her every time he speaks and it makes her feel good.

"I like your voice." She answered calm, put her feet to the edge of the breech wood chair where she's sitting and hugged her legs. She was looking at the torch with a small smile on her lips, eyes sparkling.

After a moment of silence, she started playing with her toes, putting her hair that covers her face at the back of her ear.

"If you want me to fall in love with you, you must do something." She looked somewhere in the darkness.

"It's okay if you won't allow me to go out from the boundaries of this castle." She smiled and played back to her toes.

"I guess you don't know how to please women that's why they turned to Gael. Most of them are afraid of the dark but maybe you didn't comfort them that's why they run away... But it's okay, I will be here to love you." She paused and looked somewhere in the dark.

"I will love you, is that okay with you?" She didn't demand, she wasn't forced, she was asking for permission!

She was thinking that there might be a deep reason why he is a special case from all the demons she encountered. He might be lonely in this dark castle. Everyone feared him. He couldn't see the outside world and remained alone in this castle. He might need love. True love, like from the Beauty the Beast.


A wide smile formed from her lips as soon as she heard his silent reply. She cannot explain it, she is happy. Yes, she is, it is a genuine happiness.

The door opens and Thiago enters with the cart of food with him. He bowed his head to her before disappearing in the darkness maybe to serve the food to their King. And then she just watched Gael putting her meal in the small glass table in front of her.

She thanked Gael before he and Thaigo left the room. She put down her feet and looked somewhere in the darkness listening if he could be eating by now.

"Are you eating? Can I eat mine? I mean... I want to at least eat after you've got the first spoon of yours. It's a norm in my home."

She heard a spank of knife to a glass plate making her smile because he made a sign that he started cutting the meat, might be. She grabbed the knife and fork to cut hers and started feeding herself.

"Are you not lonely in this castle?" She looked somewhere in the darkness after swallowing her first feed.

"Did the previous miladies make you happy?"

Deep in the darkness, he stared to the only woman who dared asking if he is lonely. It wasn't meant to tell him to go out from the darkness but she was asking if the women who came to the castle served him right. She didn't empathise him, she is investigating him.

Clever than those women who came to be fucked.

"Were those women noble? Were their family indebted on you like me?"

Indebt? You are sold, woman.

"They are all useless." He scowled and devoured his meal.

"Well, Gael is a good looking man. They would probably fall from his good looks and chose him instead of you because they aren't patient enough to wait for you."

That fucking Savage! Did he flirt with his new mistress again??

You'll fuckin’ lose another limb, Savage!